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What’s The Best Hitting Interface in MLB The Show 25?

In MLB The Show 25, players can use on of three hitting interfaces when up at bat. But what’s the best interface to use, and why? In this guide, we listed all Hitting Interfaces in MLB The Show 25, and which ones are the best to use. Additionally, we’ll provide tips on some other settings as well. Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

What’s The Best Hitting Interface to use In MLB The Show 25?

The Zone Hitting Interface is the best Hitting Interface in MLB The Show 25. However, we still want to go over each one and why they may work well for you.

In Zone, the player moves the PCI (Player Coverage Indicator) to line up their swing. Overall, it allows the player to control their level of contact, and it gives you full control over your swing. However, it is the most difficult to learn, and will take more time to master. But it’s well worth the time and effort it takes to learn this Interface.

Timing is a great Interface for beginners because it only asks you to focus on your timing. You do not need to use the analogue stick, as you leave certain indicators up to the AI. We recommend using this if you’re new to MLB The Show, and want to get used to things like pitch timing and more. However, once you’re ready, you should try the others to have more control over your swing.

Lastly, Directional lets you influence the direction of where the ball may go, if contact is made. Overall, it’s not a bad Interface, especially if you like to plan out where you want to hit the ball. Since different stadiums have different structures, you may want the ball flying off in different directions. This is a good one to learn if you want to learn more about Ball physics.

Generally, Timing and Directional are both great for learning the game’s timing and physics. However, we believe you should try out Zone once you feel comfortable with the game. But at the end of the day, use the Interface you just feel more comfortable with.

Overall, that wraps our guide on the best hitting interfaces in MLB The Show 25. We hope this guide helps you understand the fundamentals of each interface, and which one works best. However, we still encourage you to try out each one, because what we recommend may not be best for what works with your playstyle.

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