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The reason you’ve got a cold that just WON’T go away – and when it’s a sign of something more serious

IT’S that time of year again when we’re seemingly greeted with a new cough, sneeze or sniffle every week.

It’s as if as we beat one bug, another is always lurking around the corner, ready to strike.

Collage of a man and a girl coughing, with illustrations of coronaviruses and tissues.

And sometimes it can feel as if we get no respite from colds all winter, as once they arrive, they can be hard to shift.

Why is it that a good night’s sleep and lots of fruit and veg is enough to ward off some colds for years, while at other times they drag on into the spring?

A common cold is a “self-limiting viral illness which for adults, should clear up within a week,” Dr Roger Henderson, family GP and spokesperson for Olbas, tells The Sun.

For children, who’s immune systems are less developed “it often takes 10 to 14 days before they are fully recovered,” he adds.

However, it’s not uncommon for some symptoms to hang around for longer, according to pharmacist Thorrun Govind.

“Symptoms like a cough, fatigue or congestion can linger for up to three weeks after the infection has cleared,” she said.

“This doesn’t mean you still have the cold, but rather “it’s due to leftover inflammation in the airways, which can be pretty irritating,” she explained.

It’s no surprise then, that the average Brit is forced to take about six days off from work because of minor ailments each year.

What causes colds?

Common colds are caused by over “200 different viruses that affect the respiratory tract and sometimes the lungs,” Dr Roger explains.

“Rhinovirus is the most frequent culprit, but other viruses like coronaviruses (like Covid-19), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus (HMPV) and adenoviruses can also cause cold,” Thorrun adds.

On average, most of us will catch at least two of these bugs per year.

“They spread via droplets from coughing, sneezing or touching contaminated surfaces,” she explains.

These viruses attack and destroy the cells in your throat, which can leave your throat feeling dry and sore.

Without those cells working properly, it’s harder to clear mucus from your throat and nose.

Contrary to what many believe, cold weather or being chilled doesn’t cause a cold.

However, it’s true that more colds tend to happen during the colder months.

“This is typically due to schools reopening, where kids are in close contact, allowing the virus to spread quickly,” Thorrun explains.

Portrait of Dr. Roger Henderson, a national health columnist.
Dr Roger Henderson, family GP explains why colds can sometimes last for weeks at a time
RICHARD STANTON/ Dr Roger Henderson

“Plus, we generally spend more time indoors, which increases close proximity to others.”

There also tends to be lower humidity in the colder seasons, “causing dry nasal passages making them susceptible to cold viruses,” she adds.

Why is my cold hanging around?

There are several factors that could explain why colds seem to be lingering longer this winter.

For one, it could be that you never had a common cold in the first place.

Or, as Thorrun explains, you might have caught several viruses at once, like Covid.

While it used to cause more severe symptoms like a shortness of breath, newer versions typically lead to cold-like symptoms that can linger for a few weeks.

It could also be RSV, which causes cold-like symptoms in most people and can last up to two weeks.

Cases of RSV have been much higher this winter than in other years.

Meanwhile, HMPV, a flu-like virus that made headlines earlier this month for circulating in China, has also been on the rise in the UK. This illness can last for up to two weeks.

HMPV may cause cold-like symptoms but this should not leave you feeling too ill, ” Dr Simon Clarke, from the University of Reading, previously told The Sun. 

“We’ve seen this virus every year for decades so we have pretty good immunity to it already.”

Research suggests that these viruses may thrive and reproduce better in colder temperatures, which makes it easier for them to spread and infect more people.

Cold weather may also reduce the immune response and make it harder for the body to fight off germs.

“Being tired, stressed or not eating healthy can also weaken the immune system, and leave you more vunerable to picking up a second infection,” Thorrun adds, “which can complicate recovery”.

Chart comparing symptoms of cold, flu, COVID-19, and RSV.

How can I prevent a cold?

“Handwashing remains the most effective way to reduce the spread of colds,” Dr Rodger says.

Parents and carers should always wash their hands after coughing, sneezing, or wiping their nose, and after being in direct contact with someone who has a cold.

Try and encourage kids to wash their hands regularly, especially before meals and after coming home from school.

“If soap and water aren’t available, try pre-moistened hand wipes or an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that’s gentle enough for young hands,” he adds.

Which cold and flu remedies actually work?

Sun Health reporter Isabel Shaw put nine well-known cold and flu remedies when she was struck with a lurgy.

Over the course of a week, she tried products targeted at all symptoms associated with cold and flu, as well as treatments that only aimed to get rid of specific issues.

These included:

  1. Hot honey and lemon
  2. Steam inhalation and Vicks Vaporub
  3. Echinacea
  4. Chicken soup
  5. A spicy curry
  6. Beechams All in One Oral Solution
  7. Strepsils
  8. Lemsip Max
  9. Sudafed Blocked Nose Spray

She took into account pain reduction, and how quickly and for how long they worked.

Read her full verdicts here

Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a strong immune system the expert explains,” so stick to a consistent bedtime routine.”

Eating a nutrient-rich diet is crucial for overall health.

“Focus on incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts into your meals to provide essential immune-boosting nutrients like Vitamin C, antioxidants, and healthy fats,” the doctor says.

A balanced diet can also help reduce the severity of colds if they occur. 

Unfortunately, hard evidence for whether supplements can help you to get over a long cold is lacking.

However, some supplements might be helpful if your diet isn’t quite cutting it or if you’ve got specific deficiencies that need addressing.

For that reason, “regular vitamin D and Zinc supplementation can help boost immunity”.

How can you treat a long-lasting cold?

“There is no cure for a cold but you can manage lingering symptoms,” Thorrun says.

“Steam inhalation can help relieve nasal congestion, gargling saltwater can also soothe a sore throat,” she explains.

“And over-the-counter medications such as decongestants, antihistamines or pain relief can also help”

Antibiotics do not work to treat viral illnesses such as cold, explains Dr Rodger.

“Make sure you drink lots of fluids, get as much rest as you are able to, there is usually no need to take time off school and work.”

When it your cold a sign of something more serious? And when should you see a GP?

Thorrun advises you see a GP if you “experience symptoms lasting longer than three weeks.”

Other reasons to see medical help are having a “high fever or chills that persist beyond the first few days or having difficulty breathing or have chest pain.”

Dr Roger adds that you should see your GP and “let them know you have developed cold symptoms “if you already have a weak immune system for any reason, such as having chemotherapy”.

Colds that don’t go away can develop into secondary conditions, “like ear and sinus infections (especially in children) and chest infections,” he adds.

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