web counter The 20 luckiest baby names have been revealed – is your tot in the rankings for good fortune?  – Open Dazem

The 20 luckiest baby names have been revealed – is your tot in the rankings for good fortune? 

NAMING your little one is a big deal, so why not stack the odds in their favor with a name that’s brimming with good fortune?

With St. Patrick’s Day approaching on 17th March, a new study has revealed the most popular lucky names of 2025, offering inspiration for parents-to-be.

Baby crawling on a bed.

Nameberry is the world’s largest baby naming site[/caption]

The study analysed Nameberry’s list of lucky names and cross referenced them with the global name database Forebears.io.

Celebrity psychic Inbaal Honigman also gives a deeper insight into the true meaning behind these lucky names.

Pregnant woman writing baby names in a notebook.

This list of lucky names is perfect for parents searching for something unique[/caption]

For girls, Iris tops the list of the luckiest baby girl names, with more than 783,000 sharing it around the world.

Iris is a floral name which symbolises wisdom and renewal.

It has blossomed in popularity, thanks to style icon Iris Apfel, British actress Iris Law, and Booker Prize-winning author Iris Murdoch.

Celebrity psychic, Inbaal Honigman, gave her take on the name: “The Goddess of the Rainbow to the ancient Greeks, Iris is the personification of the rainbow, and a messenger of good news. 

“Deity names are very ancient, and they bring specific types of luck, associated with the deity. Iris, for example, was seen as quick, nimble and well-connected – all qualities that any parent would wish on a child.”

Felicia clinches the runner‐up spot as one of the luckiest baby girl names, with a staggering 671,122 little charmers sporting it.

Rooted in Latin, Felicia means “good fortune” and “happiness”—a name that practically radiates joy.

Some notable Felicias include American actress Felicia Day, poet Felicia Hemans, and Canadian pop rock singer-songwriter Felicia Dobson.

Inbaal Honigman said about the name, “Originating in the name of the Roman Goddess Fortuna, who was the personification of luck and the Goddess of fortune, this is another powerful deity name.

“Her blessings are those of the safe home, bountiful harvests, and the ability to bounce back from any disaster,” .

Beata is the third most popular luck baby name and is shared by almost 350,000 people.

The name stems from the Latin word beatus, meaning ‘blessed’, perfect for your bundle of joy.

Inbaal explains, ” a name that simply means ‘blessed’ leaves no room for ambiguous interpretation. The gift that this name bestows on a child is the ability to turn anything into a positive, and walk through life with the wind in their backs.”

And in fourth place, with more than 242,802 people claiming the name worldwide, is Penny.

Just like the lucky penny, the name carries a hint of whimsy and good fortune.

Are Unique Baby Names Worth The Hassle?

YOU may think having a unique name helps you to stand out, but is it all it’s cracked up to be?

Fabulous’ Deputy Editor Josie Griffiths reveals the turmoil she faced with her own name while growing up.

When I was a child, all I wanted was one of those personalised keyrings with my name on it.

But no joy, the closest I could find was Rosie, Joseph (not great for a little girl) and Joanne.

Josie is short for Josephine, which is a French name, and I managed to reach my 20s without ever meeting anyone who shared it.

When I try to introduce myself to people, I get all sorts of random things – like Tracey and Stacey – which can be pretty annoying.

Although I have come into contact with a couple of Josies over the last year – there seems to be a few of us around my age – it’s still a much rarer name than most of my friends have.

On the whole I don’t mind it, at least it’s not rude or crazily spelt.

And it means I can get away with ‘doing a Cheryl’ and just referring to myself as Josie.

I’m getting married this year and some friends are shocked that I’m changing my surname, as it’s not seen as very cool or feminist to do so these days, but I explain to them that I’m not that attached to Griffiths as I’d always just say ‘hi it’s Josie’ when ringing a mate up.

I think it’s nice to be unique and I’ll definitely try and replicate this when naming my own kids.

It’s the rude names you’ve got to watch out for, so after nine years as a lifestyle journalist I’ll definitely be avoiding those.

As for boys, Felix is currently the most popular lucky baby boy name, with as many as 2,386,269 Felix’s across the globe.

Felix is of Latin origin, meaning ‘successful’ and ‘fortunate’ and has been donned by a number of prosperous figures including numerous saints and even Roman emperors.

Though the name has been around for centuries, there are many modern celebs with the name, including YouTube icon Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie).

Ayman is the second most popular lucky boy name.

There are more than 849,379 people with the name worldwide.

It is an Arabic name and translates to ‘righteous’ or ‘lucky’.

Coming in third, Lucky lives up to its name with 449,391 bearers worldwide, and is the name of influencer Lottie Tomlinson’s first son.

As Inbaal says, “don’t beat around the bush with a name that is the thing. Want a lucky child? Name it Lucky. Lucky is a name that says what it means, and it is fearless in its simplicity.”

Edmund takes the fourth spot among the luckiest baby boy names. Poet John Keats once mused, “Had my name been Edmund, I would have been more fortunate.”

History backs him up, with notable Edmunds like astronomer Edmund Halley and Sir Edmund Hillary, the trailblazer who conquered Everest.

The top 10 luckiest baby girl names

Most popular girl names and their global count (approx.)

  1. Iris – 783,027
  2. Felicia – 671,122
  3. Beata – 349,663
  4. Penny – 242,802
  5. Ayan – 232,175
  6. Jade – 122,004
  7. Winifred – 116,418
  8. Beatrix – 77,432
  9. Bente – 56,499
  10. Felicity – 55,825

The top 10 luckiest baby boy names

Most popular boy names and their global count (approx.)

  1. Felix – 2,386,269
  2. Ayman – 849,379
  3. Lucky – 449,391
  4. Edmund – 222,743
  5. Benedict – 148,629
  6. Macario – 98,885
  7. Ace – 62,643
  8. Tashi – 49,932
  9. Octavian – 43,405
  10. Florentine – 36,491

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