There is no denying that Tatsuki Fujimoto did a great job in introducing the concept of Devils in Chainsaw Man, dividing them into three major categories: Devils, Fiends, and hybrids. But with so many characters based on this concept, have you ever thought about what makes the Devil-human hybrid Chainsaw so special?

Well, it’s his consumption of other Devils that makes him different from other supernatural entities in the anime/manga. While all Devils consumed blood and other devils to gain power and heal injuries, the powerful devil hunter in Fujimoto’s story consumed them to erase their existence entirely. So is there a hidden dark secret behind the artist’s concept of Chainsaw Man?
Does Tatsuki Fujimoto’s concept of Chainsaw Man have metaphysical implications?
The anime community witnessed a fascinating twist on the supernatural genre with the introduction of the concept of Devils embodying human fears. But what followed next was something that the fans would’ve never thought of, a far darker and more disturbing concept that is still one of the biggest mysteries: Why the Chainsaw Devil has the unique ability to erase devils from existence when it eats them?

When devils die, they usually reincarnate in either Hell or Earth, but that’s not the case with Tatsuki Fujimoto‘s Devil Hunter. Chainsaw Devil’s consumption makes them vanish forever—along with the memories and concepts they symbolize. We see glimpses of this concept when the Chainsaw Man eats the Nazi Devil, as the entire historical concept of Nazism is erased with no traces in the story.
There is a possibility that Fujimoto’s character acts as a balance or a form of justice in the Chainsaw Man universe. Another similar instance can be seen when he consumed the World War II Devil and erased all the memories of war. There is also a theory that Fujimoto designed the Chainsaw Devil as a supernatural creature that was created by someone else entirely, and not the same entity who created the rest of the devils.
The dark concept of erasing fear and memories in Chainsaw Man
Devils are embodiments of fear, and the Chainsaw Devil could be the one created to kill and erase countless of them permanently. This also explains why all other devils know of him and most of them fear the Chainsaw Man. Considering all these concepts, there could be a world without fears in Fujimoto’s Chainsaw Man.

So, is it possible that the Chainsaw Man world is on its way to being utopian? Just imagine a world without crimes, weapons, war, and all other such things causing fear. But it could lead to something sinister because if humans don’t learn from past mistakes, then they tend to repeat those mistakes again. Forgetting nuclear weapons and wars can be one such instance because if the memories and fear of wars are erased, what will prevent them from happening again?
It might be something that Fujimoto cleverly plans to use to give a deep message: the cost to forgetting. After all, without fear, there is no caution and without Devils, there is no recollection of humanity’s darkest phase. And without such memories, there are chances of repeating them again.
Chainsaw Man is currently available to watch on Crunchyroll and Netflix.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire