web counter Scotland’s most popular baby names revealed – with boy & girl favourites making huge comeback – Open Dazem

Scotland’s most popular baby names revealed – with boy & girl favourites making huge comeback

SCOTLAND’S most popular baby names in 2024 have been revealed.

New figures from National Records of Scotland (NRS) showed that two favourites are making a comeback.

Baby name question mark with pink and blue baby bassinets in the background.

Two favourites have made a comeback to the top of the list of popular baby names[/caption]

Both Noah and Olivia returned to the top of the baby name charts last year.

Noah had previously taken the top spot in 2022.

The return to number one for Olivia marks the seventh time the name has been at first place, having stayed in the top three since 2008.

This year, NRS has also released the top names for the last five decades as the current records began in 1974.

David is the top boys’ name in the past half century with more than 40,000 babies given the name.

Emma leads the girls with over 24,000.

The name of Scotland’s patron saint, Andrew, has been the third most popular across the past 50 years.

However, it didn’t make it into the top 100 in 2024.

NRS Chief Executive Alison Byrne said: “I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all the new babies on behalf of NRS.

“Noah and Olivia are the comeback kids, returning to the top of the charts.

“We had a record number of different boys’ names used in registrations in 2024.

“Come of those climbing quickly are Reggie, Myles and Callan for boys, while Eliza, Romy and Nora jumped up the rankings for girls.

“Muhammad also enters the top 10 for the first time, rising nine places to second in the boys’ list.

“It’s fascinating to look at the data for the past five decades and see the growing range of names in use.

Scotland’s top baby names 2024

Top 10 most popular names for girls:

  1. Olivia – 266
  2. Isla – 264
  3. Freya – 244
  4. Lily – 231
  5. Millie – 222
  6. Sophia – 214
  7. Amelia – 198
  8. Emily – 198
  9. Ella – 195
  10. Charlotte – 191

Top 10 most popular names for boys:

  1. Noah – 366
  2. Muhammad – 293
  3. Rory – 275
  4. Theo – 270
  5. Leo – 260
  6. Luca – 255
  7. Jack – 247
  8. Oliver – 247
  9. Harris – 243
  10. Archie – 228

“It is much easier now for a name to rise in the charts compared with previous generations.

“In 1974 more than 1,700 baby boys were called David, but 50 years on, Noah topped the chart with only 366.”

Across the fifty years some names have remained popular in every decade like James, Thomas, George, Alexander, Anna and Emma.

Some trends that appear to continue are the use of nature names like Ivy and Violet though NRS stresses it can’t say why a name has been chosen

Sleeping newborn baby wearing a pink and blue striped hat.

Both Noah and Olivia returned to the top of the baby name charts last year[/caption]

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