MAD Vlad made a huge war blunder as one of his drones wiped out a £3.3million classic car collection owned by his corrupt ally.
The Moscow-aligned dodgy ex-Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych had his beloved vehicles destroyed by his mate.

A Putin drone destroyed one of his ally’s classic car collections[/caption]
Debris from a drone wiped out nine classic cars and damaged 27[/caption]
The cars belonged to former Ukrainian president and Putin-ally Viktor Yanukovych[/caption]
The car collection revealed the ex-president’s extreme corruption[/caption]
Yanukovych – who was toppled in 2014 – was given political asylum by the Kremlin dictator.
The Putin puppet, 74, stored his luxury car collection at a museum, which burst into flames after debris from a Kremlin drone destroyed the building.
This drone – believed to be an Iranian Shahed – was shot as it flew over the ex-president’s lavish estate Mezhyhirya in Kyiv region, valued at up to £800 million.
Nine cars were totally decimated by the debris while 27 were damaged.
Yanukovych’s extreme wealth was exposed as a symbol of the corruption he inflicted on Ukraine while in power.
After the leader was overthrown in the 2014 revolution, protesters stormed into his two-storey garage.
They discovered the multi-million pound collection of retro cars, mostly from the Soviet era.
His collection included a rare Russian-made ZiL 410441 cabriolet, used for parades, and two ZiL 41047s – the cars of top Soviet officials.
The museum also homed his Soviet-era GAZ 21 sedans and a rare convertible version of the GAZ 13 Chaika.
Yanukovych’s stock also included smaller personal vehicles like Soviet-era GAZ 21 sedans and a rare convertible version of the GAZ 13 Chaika.
Although the dodgy Ukrainian fled to Russia, he had a few special American cars in his stash.
These included a Studebaker US6, a Willys MB, a Dodge WC51, and a Dodge WC63.
Yanukovych has lived in Russia since he was ousted in 2014, so the dodgy leader has not seen his cars in 11 years.
This has not been the first appalling drone mistake made by Mad Vlad’s men.

Yanukovych collection mostly featured Soviet cars[/caption]
He also owned several rare classic cars[/caption]
One of these included a cabriolet used for parades[/caption]
An Iranian-made Putin drone ploughed into a Russian apartment block last year.
A terrifying video showed how the block erupted into flames after the weapon struck, in border region of Belgorod.
Russia attempted to blame the shock error on Ukraine, claiming it was a Spanish-made Columba drone launched by the Ukrainian armed forces.
But the Russian propaganda machine was soon caught out for blaming Ukraine for the strike when it was actually a wayward Russian-fired drone.

Debris from a Putin drone strike in Kyiv destroyed his mate’s stash[/caption]
Yanukovych’s collection also included American-made cars[/caption]
They were homed at a Kyiv museum after protesters uncovered the corrupt leader’s vehicles after he was overthrown in 2014[/caption]