web counter Killer driver mowed down Scots OAP while speeding and high on laughing gas – Open Dazem

Killer driver mowed down Scots OAP while speeding and high on laughing gas

A DRIVER who inhaled laughing gas mowed down a pensioner before falling asleep in a police car after the fatal smash.

Washe Manyatelo, 24, was driving a Mercedes C220 at excessive speed when he struck Annette Dixon, 70, after she got off a bus in Edinburgh.

Street view of Stevenson Drive.

Manyatelo was driving at excessive speed when he struck the pensioner[/caption]

Manyatelo later refused to provide a blood sample for testing following the tragedy claiming that it was against his religion, the High Court in Edinburgh heard.

The convicted drug trafficker admitted causing the death of his victim by driving dangerously on August 26 in 2023, when he appeared at court today.

Manyatelo drove the car, which was in a dangerous condition, on Stevenson Drive having inhaled nitrous oxide at excessive speed and failed to maintain proper observations.

He went into the opposing carriageway, mounted a pavement and grass verge and back onto the road where he struck the pensioner.

Other drivers took evasive action and he narrowly avoided hitting a stationary vehicle and carried out overtaking and undertaking manoeuvres when it was not safe to do so.

Manyatelo, who is currently serving a jail sentence for being concerned in the supply of cannabis, was found to have cocaine worth up to £1,400 on the streets, secreted on him internally after the crash.

A judge told him that he should be in no doubt that she treated the offending with “the greatest level of seriousness”.

Lady Ross said: “This is a very serious offence indeed, resulting as it has done in the loss of life of a lady in the street.”

Advocate depute John Keenan KC said: “At 15.29 hours on Saturday August 2023, the deceased Annette Dixon got off a bus at the stop. Mrs Dixon walked with a four wheeled walking frame, in which was placed a bag for shopping.”

“Using her frame she slowly moved onto the roadway as westbound traffic cleared from her right hand side. The accused was driving eastbound on Stevenson Drive,” he said.

Several witnesses thought the Mercedes driven by Manyatelo was travelling in excess of 30 mph in an area governed by a 20 mph limit.

Mr Keenan said: “As it approached the junction with Balgreen Road, the Mercedes moved across the centre line of the road onto the westbound lane. The offside wheels of the car then mounted the grass verge on the south side of the road, travelled approximately 30 metres along the verge and road towards the bus stop, before moving back onto the westbound lane.”

“It was at this point that the Mercedes struck Mrs Dixon and her walking frame. She had just moved onto the roadway, She would have been clearly visible to the accused,” said the prosecutor.

“He did not swerve, break or take any other action to avoid striking Mrs Dixon. The speed on impact was between 26 and 35 mph. The impact caused her to be projected around 4.5 metres further up the westbound lane, said Mr Keenan.

Manyatelo did not slow down or stop after the collision but drove on before returning to the crash scene. Members of the public, including an off duty nurse, went to the aid of the stricken pedestrian. She was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary but died from her injuries.

Manyatelo was cautioned by police and told them: “I think I was driving at 30. I think I hit her side on.” Officers found four deflated balloons in his car along with a nitrous oxide canister.

It was discovered that the Mercedes he was driving would have failed an MOT because of the state of the tyres on the vehicle which would have affected steering and handling.

Manyatelo gave negative tests for alcohol, cannabis and cocaine. But officers who were dealing with him noticed that he appeared drowsy and sometimes looked at them with a glazed expression.

Mr Keenan said: “He was arrested and taken to Livingston police station. He slept for the duration of the journey and appeared confused when waking up.”

During a search of Manyatelo, formerly of Broomhouse Medway, Edinburgh, officers found a further balloon, similar to those seen in his car, and discovered he had 18 grams of cocaine hidden internally in a plastic bag.

He agreed to be examined by a doctor who expressed the opinion that he was impaired and that his condition may be due to drug consumption.

He was then told of a requirement for a blood sample and claimed he might faint and he did not like needles.

Mr Keenan added: “He then declined to provide a sample on the basis that it was against his religion, but without explaining why that was so.”

Defence solicitor advocate Iain McSporran KC, for Manyatelo, said: “His position is he had been up all night. He had been enjoying himself. He had been inhaling nitrous oxide. He was in the company of others.”

“He ought not to have been driving, he fully accepts that. He was driving dangerously because he was driving when far too tired,” he said.

Manyatelo also admitted two further charges of failing without reasonable excuse to provide a specimen of blood at Livingston police station on August 26 in 2023 and possessing cocaine with intent to supply.

Lady Ross adjourned sentence on Manyatello for the preparation of a background report and he was remanded in custody.

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