WANNABE First Minister aged eight reckons he could do a better job than John Swinney — and take Scotland to independence.
Budding leader Rohan MacKay set out his vision to win IndyRef2, end homelessness and clamp down on illegal immigration.

Rohan Mackay, 8, met with the Nats leader back in November last year[/caption]
The pint-sized politician reckons he could do a better job[/caption]
His manifesto also includes a vote-winning pledge to scrap all taxes — plus a crackdown on skiving school pals.
The junior SNP member, from Dunfermline, became passionate about politics during last year’s General Election campaign when he was glued to coverage on TV and YouTube.
He has since met up with the Nats leader at Holyrood and grilled him about his plans for Scotland’s future.
And the confident schoolboy said: “John Swinney is a good First Minister but I’d be better.
“I’m smart, I’m good at sorting things out.
“I’d hold another referendum. If we were independent, we’d be one of the richest countries.
“We should be able to make our own decisions and stop being this American puppet.”
Outlining his other policies, Rohan said: “We don’t need taxes. I’d make sure there’s no homelessness.
“No illegal immigrants, except for those from places like Ukraine and Palestine.
“We need more builders to create homes. We need to invest in education.
“No half-days and no skiving in high school.”
The lad’s parents backed him to become an MSP one day.
Cleaning business owner mum Laura, 42, said: “When he gets an idea in his head he runs with it.
“You’d think we were pushing him into this but we are not overly political people.”
Engineering manager dad Grant, 48, said: “He’s got a drive to make a difference.”