web counter I’m a mum-of-12, I swear by £1.15 bathroom cleaner and £3 mould cleaner in our busy house  – Open Dazem

I’m a mum-of-12, I swear by £1.15 bathroom cleaner and £3 mould cleaner in our busy house 

A SUPERMUM with 12 kids has revealed the cleaning hack she uses to get her busy bathroom gleaming.

Zoe Sullivan, 46, husband Ben, 49, and their dozen children make up one of the country’s biggest families.

dirty tile cleaning and mold removing from grout
It’s tricky keeping on top of a house of 12
Woman holding a bottle of The Pink Stuff bathroom foam cleaner.
The mum swears by this cleaner

The couple are parents to Elisabeth, 19, Olivia, 17, Noah, 14, Evangeline, 12, Tobias, 11, Agnes, seven, Joseph, six, Florence, two, and two sets of twins – Charlotte and Isabelle, 16, and Leah and Erin, eight.

The bumper brood live in a six-bedroom house in Burghead, Moray, where they regularly document their hectic lives on their YouTube channel.

And while some of the family were getting on with schoolwork or were out at college, mum Zoe was getting to grips with some of the many household chores the couple need to get through in a week to keep on top of the bustling home.

She said: “I normally clean the bathroom on a Wednesday but I had the morning off yesterday so I did it today instead and they are now clean and shiny – for like a couple of hours.”

And she shared the cheap and cheerful products she uses, including a Pink Stuff Bathroom Foam Cleaner, which you can pick up in Asda for just £1.15.

Zoe said: “A few people have asked me what I use to clean the bathroom and I have out it in vlogs before but it’s this.

“I swear by this stuff. It’s like £1 or £1.20, but I have used many, many, many different things.

“I use to use Flash bathroom cleaner, which was quite good, but I now use this one and it’s brilliant. So it’ a really good one.”

The busy content creator also uses another favourite in the bathroom – the Fabulosa multi purpose cleaner, which retails at just £1.

She said: “For day-to-day cleaning, I give it just a wipe round with this too. Anything Fabulosa, I love.

“I do the sink and bath with the Pink Stuff cleaner and then wipe round the toilet with the Fabulosa.”

Zoe said the family have also been battling mould in the bathroom, with so many kids using it and the weather outside being so cold over winter.

She has been using the HG Mould remover foam spray, which you can pick up in Morrisons at the moment for just £3.25.

Zoe said: “The other thing, I have been using is this mould cleaner and I don’t know whether i’s the time of year, it’s worse in the winter when the condensation is more, when you have more moisture in the house when it’s cold outside.

“Now the weather is marginally warmer it is getting better, fingers crossed.

But this stuff is really good. It did seem to work quote well at not just getting rid of the mould but keeping it away.”

Avid watchers of the Sullivans’ videos, who recently pulled three of their kids out of school, also shared their tips for getting rid of stubborn mould.

One fan said: “In my children’s bathroom, it gets mouldy, I hate it! I clean daily.

“We tell the teens not to take too long and too hot of showers to prevent mould. Steaming wet walls is our problem.

“We got a fan and keep it going, what a change, the walls stay dry, the kids dry the shower wall after their showers. It works!”

Another said: “I’ve always used that spray for around bottom of shower, I get it from B&Q, swear by it.”

Zoe previously shared a brilliant tip for storage in her kids’ bedroom using a cheap kitchen staple.

Large family portrait at the beach.
The family lives in Moray
HG mould remover foam spray (500ml) bottle.
Zoe uses this mould spray

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