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How to Unlock the Ruined Idol Achievement in Marvel Rivals

If you love chasing achievements in Marvel Rivals, get ready to add another one to your list. The game is packed with challenges, and with each update, the list of achievements keeps growing. Recently, the mid-season update for Season 1.5 dropped a few new ones, including the Ruined Idol achievement.

the image shows venom gameplay in Marvel Rivals
Players are always on the hunt for achievement. | Image Credit: NetEase Games

Now here’s the tricky part: the description of this achievement can be a bit tricky to understand. While the instruction seems clear that players have to destroy the Bloodstorm One Statue, it doesn’t specify where to find and how to destroy this statue.

No worries, we got you covered. In this guide, we’ll break it down so you can grab that achievement in no time.

How to Get the Ruined Idol Achievement in Marvel Rivals

The image shows the Bloodstorm one statue in marvel rivals
Destroy the above statue completely. | Image Credit: NetEase Games

The in-game description for the Ruined Idol achievement states: “Shatter the Bloodstorm One statue when Eternal Night falls on New York”. Yes, it does sound cool and all, but where is this statue, and what exactly is Eternal Night?

The key to unlocking this achievement is knowing the right map, location, and timing. And the correct map is Central Park. However, keep in mind that you cannot earn this achievement while playing against AI. You must play in one of these modes:

  1. Quick Match (easier to select the map)
  2. Competitive Match

Now, if you’re ready to add this achievement to your collection, follow these steps:

the image shows the Dracula's Castle in marvel rivals
End the castle through the hole. | Image Credit: NetEase Games

For players on defense:

  1. Exi spawn and take the graveyard path on the left (need to wait for the timer to start)
  2. Follow the path until you reach Dracula’s Castle
  3. Then you will see a small hole on the left side of the castle
  4. Go through the hole and enter the room on the left (the one with stairs leading to the statue)
  5. Then simply Destroy the Bloodstorm One Statue (make sure it is completely destroyed)

For players on offense (pushing Ratatoskr):

  1. Just play normal until you reach Dracula’s Castle
  2. Then follow the same step as above (enter the hole on the left and take the room on the left)
  3. Simply Destroy the Statue and Viola you have your achievement.

Since this is a new achievement, many players will be racing to get this achievement as well. So if you followed all the steps and still didn’t get it (or the statue is already destroyed), just queue up another match and give it another go.

The Ruined Idol achievement might seem a little cryptic at first, but once you know where to go and what to do, it’s an easy win. In the end, just make sure to smash that statue to dust, with no tiny pieces left and you’ll have the achievement checked off in no time.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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