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How Long Will It Take To Complete Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

With Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ launch just around the corner, more and more players are now interested in knowing more about the game, including its main storyline, side missions, and all the other things that its open world has to offer.

Assassin's Creed Shadows cover image
Assassin’s Creed Shadows will be out on March 20th. Image Credit: Ubisoft

The completion time will vary depending on the approach you take. Assassin’s Creed Shadows offers players the opportunity to indulge in its open world and create their own tailored experience in it. There are a lot of things to do and a lot of things to find out. If you are someone who likes spending many hours exploring the world of games, then this game promises a good adventure for you.

How Long Will It Take to Complete Assassin’s Creed Shadows Story?

The main story of Assassin’s Creed Shadows will take somewhere between 30 and 40 hours to complete. This does not account for the time spent exploring and hunting for all the collectibles or finishing the side quests. However, the time could vary depending on individual approaches. People will need to find what works best for them and can approach the game in any way they wish to.

If you play games only for the narrative, then the main story itself will be sufficient for you; however, if you like spending more time in the world and like to indulge in all things that are present, then it will take you longer. It all depends on the individual approaches. Open-world games tend to offer players the freedom necessary for them to build a sense of belonging.

Completion Type Estimated time for completion (Hours)
Main Story 30 – 40
Main Story + Side Missions 60 – 70
Main Story + Side Missions + All Collectibles 80+

This is an estimate based on the average time it would take for players to complete the game. Open-world games can be approached in many ways, unique to individual preferences. Similarly, Assassin’s Creed Shadows will also enable players to try out different ways to approach the game.

The game has been shrouded in criticisms from some fans who claim the game to be too woke for featuring an African protagonist; however, this might not pose any major problems. Players will also be able to engage in various romantic encounters in the game that will also serve as strategic alliances that will aid you in your journey. To protect its employees from anti-woke threats, Ubisoft has a detailed plan in collaboration with Canada’s CSE

Nevertheless, there is a lot of hype surrounding the upcoming game, especially because this is the first addition to the Assassin’s Creed franchise to be set in feudal Japan, and players can’t wait to get their hands on it. The game comes out tomorrow, on March 20th. Are you excited to play the game? Let us know in the comments below.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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