web counter “He’s a cinema god for me”: Guillermo del Toro Considers Only 1 Filmmaker as an ‘Olympian’ Who Almost Directed Justice League – Open Dazem

“He’s a cinema god for me”: Guillermo del Toro Considers Only 1 Filmmaker as an ‘Olympian’ Who Almost Directed Justice League

Like many moviegoers, Guillermo del Toro is also a huge fan of George Miller. The director, known for his work on the Mad Max franchise, continues to inspire and influence the renowned horror filmmaker, who is also a good friend of his.

guillermo del toro bbc
Guillermo del Toro / Credits: BBC

It’s not hard to see why—Miller has an impressive portfolio of cinematic titles that range from action to animated comedy films, and on top of that, his eye for detail and spectacular camera works remain a notable aspect in every movie he makes.

Guillermo del Toro fanboys over George Miller’s filmmaking techniques

Guillermo del Toro created a legacy as a master of horror films. His works, known for their rich storytelling and stunning visual effects, are notable products of his ideas that were inspired by the influences of his cinematic heroes.

george miller hollywood insider
George Miller / Credits: Hollywood Insider

The famed Mexican director has been very vocal about his admiration for fellow creatives in the industry. In fact, he regards George Miller to the utmost degree. He said in his interview with Bright Wall/Dark Room that one of his most transformative moments in life happened while watching Miller’s movies. 

I think George Miller is a filmmaker’s filmmaker, but he’s also a filmmaker for everyone. That’s a guy who works at every level. He’s firing on all cylinders. To me, Miller exists in the Olympian category; he’s a cinema god for me.

He went on to share how the Australian director captured the most amazing shots in the Mad Max franchise. He remembered being a teenager and seeing Max Rockatansky walk towards the camera while the device captured him from different angles. “It’s purely camera, purely the choice of lens, the choice of angle, the movement—it’s a ballet,” he enthused.

The way del Toro spoke about Miller showed how much he revered him. It also did not take too long for the 60-year-old filmmaker to build his own empire and be on the same level as Miller and other Hollywood veterans.

del Toro is admired by many for his attention to detail and use of lavish visual imagery. He always ensures that every camera angle tells a story as he believes that the technical aspect of filmmaking is just as important as creative storytelling.

George Miller almost gave us a Justice League film

Justice League (2017)
Justice League / Credits: Warner Bros.

Miller didn’t really do comic book movies, but there was a time when he almost directed a Justice League film way before Zack Snyder created the DCEU. Back in 2007, the Australian filmmaker was tapped to helm Justice League: Mortal, which included a different set of cast members.

The project failed to get off the ground following a writer’s strike during that year. It also did not help that the Australian Film Commission denied Warner Bros. a 40% tax rebate as the movie lacked Australian actors. Without the said rebate, the studio left the project hanging in uncertainty until it was permanently shelved.

It’s crazy to think that Miller could have made a Justice League movie that predated the rise of the DCEU!

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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