web counter Gardai ramp up checkpoints & target 4 offences on busy Irish roads in new 120-hour St Patrick’s Bank Holiday op – Open Dazem

Gardai ramp up checkpoints & target 4 offences on busy Irish roads in new 120-hour St Patrick’s Bank Holiday op

GARDAI are targeting four offences on Irish roads as they ramp up checkpoints this St Patrick’s Bank Holiday weekend.

Officers teamed up with the RSA to urge motorists to never drink or drug drive and revealed “every member” of An Garda Siochana on duty this weekend will conduct road traffic enforcement activity.

A Garda and a woman stand on a roadside during a road safety appeal.
An Garda Siochana

Gardai and the Road Safety Authority appealed to motorists to not drive while under the influence this St Patrick’s Weekend[/caption]

St. Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday Weekend Appeal 13th March 2025 An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority appeal to motorists to not drive while under the influence this St. Patrick’s Weekend Ahead of the national holiday, drivers and all other road users are being reminded to plan ahead and organise a safe way home if socialising over the coming days. ¿Pictured at the briefing to media today ahead of the Bank Holiday Weekend was from left: Chief Superintendent, Jane Humphries of the Garda National Roads Policing Bureau, and Sarah O’Connor from the RSA. The RSA’s 2024 survey of 1,000 drivers in Ireland however, indicates that a minority, one in ten, still report driving after drinking in the last 12 months.Last year, four people died and 12 were seriously injured in road traffic collisions over the St Patrick’s bank holiday weekend. Bank Holiday Weekends are the busiest periods on Irish roads, and the potential to be involved in a serious or fatal road traffic collision is therefore higher during this time. Gardaí will be placing a particular emphasis on detecting those driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs this weekend. Pic. Keith Arkins Media No Repro Fee For further information please contact: Road Safety Authority Press Office, 096 25008 Or Erin Fox, Drury 087 122 5485
Drivers and all other road users are being reminded to plan ahead
An Garda Siochana

All drivers are being urged to plan ahead and ensure they have a safe way home over the coming days.

Gardai ask that anyone planning to indulge in drinking or socialising this weekend to leave their car at home, pre-book a taxi or use public transport to ensure they get home safe.

They have stressed that “at no point is it safe or acceptabl”e to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after having an intoxicant like alcohol or drugs.

Gardai have also noted that walking or cycling home under the influence can also put you and other road users at risk.

It comes as 33 people have been killed on Irish roads since the start of this year.

The Gardai Roads Policing Operation will be in place throughout the weekend, starting at 7am this morning and remaining in place until 7am on Tuesday.

Cops will be prioritising their focus on four offences proven to cause serious and fatal collisions, which include intoxicated driving, speeding, use of a mobile phone and not wearing a seatbelt.

Minister for Transport, Darragh O’Brien said: “Road safety is a priority for this Government and we are determined to reduce the fatalities and serious injuries have devastated so many families and communities across Ireland.

“A range of legislative measures, including the recent reduction in speed limits on rural, local roads, and the introduction of mandatory roadside testing for drugs as well as for alcohol in any driver involved in a serious collision, will help us progress towards the achievement of Vision Zero by 2050.

“We must continue to work together to ensure the safety of all road users and all in our communities.”

Bank Holiday weekends are some of the busiest on Irish roads, leading to higher risks of fatal collisions.

Gardai will be putting a higher emphasis on detecting those driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs throughout the weekend.

Minister of State for International & Road Transport, Seán Canney, added: “As we get ready to celebrate the St Patrick’s Day bank holiday weekend, I urge all roads users to do all they can to protect their own safety and that of others.

“Be aware of the dangerous behaviours that contribute to road collisions, including driver distraction, speeding and not wearing a seatbelt.


“Don’t drive intoxicated, or accept a lift from someone you believe to be intoxicated. Take a moment to think ahead about your travel plans, and ensure you have a safe way home.

“We have seen too many tragedies on our roads and the government is committed to taking all action necessary to reduce the number of people injured and killed on our roads.”

Chief Superintendent, Jane Humphries of the Garda National Roads Policing Bureau today revealed that officers arrested at least one driver every hour for driving while intoxicated in 2024.

She said: “While drug driving is a major concern, the vast majority of the thousands of people detected and arrested for intoxicated driving during the past year were under the influence of alcohol.

“This weekend will be a big social one for lots of people and we are here to keep the public safe, but we also need everyone’s help to achieve this.

“Under no circumstances should you get into your car and drive if you have consumed drink or drugs.

“That decision can either take your life, go on to define it or lead to someone else losing theirs.”

St. Patrick’s Day Bank Holiday Weekend Appeal 13th March 2025 An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority appeal to motorists to not drive while under the influence this St. Patrick’s Weekend Ahead of the national holiday, drivers and all other road users are being reminded to plan ahead and organise a safe way home if socialising over the coming days. The RSA’s 2024 survey of 1,000 drivers in Ireland however, indicates that a minority, one in ten, still report driving after drinking in the last 12 months.Last year, four people died and 12 were seriously injured in road traffic collisions over the St Patrick’s bank holiday weekend. Bank Holiday Weekends are the busiest periods on Irish roads, and the potential to be involved in a serious or fatal road traffic collision is therefore higher during this time. Gardaí will be placing a particular emphasis on detecting those driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs this weekend. Pic. Keith Arkins Media No Repro Fee For further information please contact: Road Safety Authority Press Office, 096 25008 Or Erin Fox, Drury 087 122 5485
Gardai will be placing a particular emphasis on detecting those driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs this weekend
An Garda Siochana

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