In Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball verse, Goku is always shown to be the strongest character. With iconic transformations and countless moments that send shivers down the spine of its viewers, fans ardently believe that there’s none on par with the Saiyan.

This steadfast belief made sense, until the Cell Games reached their peak, showcasing how Gohan had the potential to become the strongest Saiyan that has ever lived. This notion made sense, but Toriyama-Sensei had other plans for him, and sidelined him, ensuring that Kakarot remained the primary face of his magnum opus.
However, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero reminded the fans about the dormant Saiyan’s potential, and how his Beast Form is the first step to toppling Goku’s mastered UI form.
Dragon Ball theory proves why Gohan’s ‘Beast’ form is the blueprint to surpass UI Goku
When Akira Toriyama first made Gohan achieve the feat of transforming into a Super Saiyan 2, that too as a kid, it made the ardent fans believe that his achievements were far more commendable than his father, Goku. However, the Godfather of Anime felt that the kid did not make the cut to become his father’s successor and decided to do something bad with him.

No, he did not kill him. But decided to do something far worse than that. Toriyama-Sensei made him follow his mom’s dream of being a scholar and made him a shadow of his warrior self, and each time, he appeared, he disappointed the fans. The 2022 film, DBS: Super Hero, was different because it decided to focus on the sidelined character and how he can make a comeback greater than Cena’s bald spot.
As fans know already, Gohan is a hybrid Saiyan, having the genes of his father and his mother. This decision would normally put a character under a drawback, but Toyotarou decided to switch things up and gave him his own unique transformation, which has made the fans have faith in him again. Though unclear, it could be believed that his Beast form is the result of a rare genetic mutation, and has been triggered by his genetic condition rather than the intense training that other Saiyan Warriors go through.
The intense aura and energy showcased during his transformation were different from SSJ forms; his hair grew longer as if it were an incomplete SSJ3 transformation. Thus, emphasizing that the form’s unique appearance makes it go beyond the conventional Super Saiyan transformations, making it impossible for Goku and Vegeta to replicate it.
What really gets the attention of the fans is that in the Beast form, his eyes go amber red, which perfectly complements his untamed Beast aura. However, these aesthetics go beyond looks, hinting at something deeper. Perchance, a dormant Saiyan God gene from the ancient times that Lord Beerus mentioned when he first arrived on Earth.

While Kakarot and The Prince of All Saiyans trained tirelessly to achieve divine powers, Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego, respectively, Gohan might have unlocked a bygone ability naturally. Though the initial description of a Super Saiyan God was different, the Beast Form may be a living embodiment of the primary Saiyan Warrior-God, that blends the godly and instinctual powers.
The 2022 film gave a glimpse of his powers, and how he crushed Cell Max with ferocious tenacity, which blends raw Saiyan ferocity with pure instincts. With respect to the event, it can be assumed that if he mastered and trained in the form, he could surpass Goku and Vegeta’s unique forms, making him superior to the divine forms that thrive on one aspect.
If focused upon more, it could set up a convincing enough storyline that makes him the strongest Saiyan ever, rivaling the gods themselves.
Beast Form or Autonomous Ultra Instinct: Which is more impactful?
When Goku first awakened the UI during the Tournament of Power against Jiren, fans thought something epic was in store for them. By the time, the saga reached its peak, our protagonist had mastered the form, making the Gods of Destruction show their respect for the mortal warrior from Universe 7. This has now made the fans debate which form is greater, the Beast form or the Autonomous Ultra Instinct.

One of the key advantages of the Beast form is how Gohan can tap into the form more easily. As the name and the events showcase, the wild beast within him is awakened after he channels his raw emotion and aggression. UI, on the other hand, is far more difficult to achieve because the user must enter a blank state, giving their body time to react instantaneously to either evade or land an attack.
Additionally, emotions are a core part of Dragon Ball, which has not only made its fights so meaningful but also played in its legacy. Time and again, it has pushed Kakarot, Vegeta, Piccolo, Trunks, Broly, and so many more to snap and tap into their emotions and push themselves harder. Take Goku’s SSJ1 transformation as a key example here, where he transitioned to his real Saiyan state, giving an iconic moment in the history of Shonen.

This brings us to another important aspect: “Which form is safer to perform?” The UI and Ultra Ego are divine powers that, in no case, should be at the hands of mortals. To have these powers is like trespassing in the realm of the gods. While UE makes its users go berserk in rage, UI tends to break down its users’ bodies if they push past their limits, even killing them in rare cases.
Beast Form, on the other hand, seems safer because of how Gohan maintained it without losing consciousness or having a detrimental counter-effect on his body, when activated. Hence, looking at these two aspects, it seems convincing enough that the Beast form is safer and more impactful than UI.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (2022) can be streamed on Crunchyroll.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire