web counter Despite Existing For Almost a Decade, Destiny 2’s Hunters Still Struggle to Survive Unlike Titans or Warlocks – Open Dazem

Despite Existing For Almost a Decade, Destiny 2’s Hunters Still Struggle to Survive Unlike Titans or Warlocks

Hunters in Destiny 2 have been through a turbulent cycle of nerfs to make them come on par with Titans and Warlocks. Hunters are known for their damaging abilities and have restrictive healing options. Unlike Titans and Warlocks, they can’t heal without inflicting damage.

Destiny 2 cover image
Destiny 2 is one of the longest-running live service games. Image Credit: Bungie

Despite the heavy damaging abilities, they do not have the survivability to stand alongside Titans and Warlocks, simply because it does not have self-sufficient healing options.

Hunters in Destiny 2 need to be balanced

Destiny 2 in-game
Hunters are massively underpowered at the moment. Image Credit: Bungie

Over the years that Destiny 2 has been live, Hunters have always been nerfed due to their damaging abilities, hence restoring balance in the game. However, the developer seems to have overdone it somewhere along the way. What was meant to restore balance has, in turn, caused more imbalance.

In front of Warlocks and Titans, Hunters have a very minimal survivability rate due to limited healing options. Hunters only have kill-based healing options. This particular attribute has resulted in an imbalance in the game. Destiny 2 is not an easy game.

Hunters have always been the damaging machines, but recently, the damaging abilities were nerfed to give Warlocks and Titans a chance; however, unlike them, Hunters failed to heal sufficiently and are now on the verge of being obsolete. Fans are not happy with its state.

If Hunter damage needs to be brought down so W and T can be competitive. Then can Hunter survivability be brought up to be competitive with the others classes.
byu/torrentialsnow inDestinyTheGame

byu/torrentialsnow from discussion

byu/torrentialsnow from discussion

byu/torrentialsnow from discussion

byu/torrentialsnow from discussion

Bungie needs to do something about the current imbalances in the game that are now quite prevalent. Hunters might do well with some reduced damage along with self-sufficient healing options.

Bungie needs to come up with a fix

Destiny 2 in-game
Certain imbalances have begun to resurface in Destiny 2. Image Credit: Bungie

Live-service games need to maintain balance, or else they might end up becoming obsolete. Destiny 2 is one of the longest-running online games, while maintaining a steady number of players.

However, that has been the result of Bungie’s hard work to maintain and keep the game fun and exciting. Nerfing Hunters was a part of this maintenance; however, fixing just one aspect of something might sometimes result in other problems, and that is precisely what happened with Hunters.

However, there is still time for Bungie to come up with a fix soon and give Hunters a more balanced skill set that might not be too overpowered and should also not have a zero-survival rate. Striking the right balance is not always the easiest thing to do, but that is what the developers strive for. Do you think Hunters need to be fixed? Let us know in the comments below.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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