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Denise Richards’ Teen Reacts To Seeing Her Mom’s OnlyFans Pictures

Denise Richards’ daughter Eloise recently saw something that can’t be unseen. The 13-year-old accidentally got a hold of her mom’s OnlyFans photos, and we have to imagine she wants to rewind time. Because knowing your mom is on OnlyFans and seeing the evidence are two very different things. We are all for women owning their sexuality (and even profiting off it, if possible!), but we understand how scarring that could be for a teen.

And so we feel for Eloise who actually had a (perhaps?) surprising reaction. The teen — who Richards adopted in 2011 after her divorce from Charlie Sheen with whom she shares daughters Lola and Sami —was diagnosed with a deletion in chromosome 8 and is “mostly nonverbal,” per People. And so, the teen relies on technology to communicate.

“Eloise is getting very savvy with the phone and the computer,” Richards said in a recent episode of Denise Richards & Her Wild Things. “We had a little mishap with an iPad. I didn’t know some of my OnlyFans pictures were synched to her iPad, so…”

A producer of the reality show asked Eloise what she thought of the “little mishap,” and she started laughing hysterically before throwing her hands up in surprise.

This must be one of those “if you don’t laugh about seeing your mom’s explicit photos, you’ll cry” situations. Or maybe the Richards household really is so sex-positive that an experience that might traumatize other kids is only cause for a chuckle and a shrug.

Aaron Phypers, Eloise Joni Richards, Denise Richards
Aaron Phypers, Eloise Joni Richards, Denise Richards at the 91st Hollywood Christmas Parade held on November 26, 2023 in Los Angeles, California.

Richard’s 21-year-old daughter Sami also has a headline-making OnlyFans account.

“At first, I didn’t understand what OnlyFans was,” Richards recently told People about her eldest’s account that was started when she turned 18. “When I saw that she was getting backlash for owning her sexuality and doing what she wanted to do, it upset me as a mom and also as a woman in business.”

In the interview, Sami reacted to her mom joining OnlyFans and had a mostly laid-back attitude like Eloise. “I wish she’d waited a bit because she started it right after me but it doesn’t bother me,” Sami said. Her 19-year-old sister Lola added, “Whatever makes her happy.”

Richards previously told SheKnows at The Hollywood Reporter‘s Women in Entertainment Gala that she understood and supported Sami’s decision.

“Being a woman in this business, who has also done sexy roles, I thought, ‘I am going to do it too. I don’t care,’” she said. “I think it’s important as a woman to do what we want to do and not make decisions on being judged on what other people may think or say.”

“ … I don’t go on my daughter’s page,” she continued. “From what I’ve been told, she keeps it very tasteful.”

It seems Eloise is the only one who has stumbled upon a family member’s risqué photos. But based on the youngest’s response, we’d have to imagine they would all just laugh, throw their hands up, and move on.

Before you go, click here to see the steamiest OnlyFans accounts from your favorite A-listers:
Carmen Electra, Denise Richards

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