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Darren Aronofosky’s Next Horror Loading: Netflix Confirms Stephen King Adaptation of ‘Cujo’

Stephen King’s Cujo is set to be adapted by Netflix, potentially with Darren Aronofsky as the director. The 1981 novel tells a chilling story about a mother and her son surrounded by horror, with their chances of survival growing dim as the plot unfolds. With Aronofsky in discussions with Netflix, this classic tale will soon come to life on screen.

Darren Aronofsky's Mother!
A still from Darren Aronofsky’s Mother! | Paramount Pictures

Aronofsky’s knack for crafting psychological thrillers throughout his career and Netflix’s obsession with adapting Stephen King’s work sound like a match made in heaven. For those who have been waiting for a horror tale, Cujo will serve it right into their plates, evoking all sorts of harrowing emotions one might not be prepared for. This will also mark Aronofsky’s first feature on a streaming platform.

Stephen King’s 1981 classic Cujo will soon be renewed by Netflix

Stephen King
Stephen King | Credit: Stephanie Lawton/CC-BY-2.0/Wikimedia Commons

Netflix has adapted Stephen’s work into various films and TV series, such as 1922, The Dark Tower, The Mist, and many more. Cujo will be another one in line. Although vital information like lead actors, release date, and writer has not been made public yet, the news of Darren Aronofsky directing the epitome of the horror genre, Cujo, was made public last week by a Hollywood newsletter named InSneider first. (via. Variety)

The storyline of Cujo revolves around the two protagonists, mother Donna Trendon and son Tad. What follows is a tormenting plot twist: a once decent St. Bernard turns into a brutish wild animal after contracting rabies. The mother and son get trapped in a car in a fictional town, Castle Rock, Maine, and are haunted by this dog.

The story follows the perfect arch of any Stephen King novel: human emotions, gritty realism, and isolation. The novel was also interestingly portrayed in a 1983 adaptation directed by Lewis Teague.

What lies ahead for Netflix’s upcoming adaptation of Cujo?

a still from Misery 1990, a film based on Stephen King's book
A still from Misery (1990) based on StephKing’sgnamesKing’svelvel

Netflix has officially given the green light to adapt Cujo, but not much has been spilled out in the public domain. Despite DarrAronofosky’sy’s name capturing most of the news, Roy Lee has been designated to look after the production of the 1981 novel. However, considering Lee’s charm in producing King’s work into movies like Salem’s Lot and The Long Walk, the audience can feel good about having a nice watch coming their way.

As far as Aronofsky is concerned, he has proved his might with piercing genre fare, mixing the good and the bad in one frame. With Academy Award-nominated movies like Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman, and Mother!, which had Jennifer Lawrence, Aronofsky seems like the perfect fit for the upcoming horror-thriller Cujo.

Darren Aronofsky is currently working on his upcoming crime drama, Caught Stealing, which stars Austin Butler, Matt Smith, Zoë Kravitz, and Regina King. The movie is an adaptation of a novel by American novelist Charlie Huston with the same name.

Stephen King’s movie adaptations are available on Netflix to watch.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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