A POPULAR dairy product is being recalled from Irish stores due to health fears.
Some supplies of Horgan’s cheddar products are being recalled across the country due to the possible presence of listeria.

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland issued a recall alert, stating that one popular product had been pulled from the shelves after it was deemed unsafe.
They said that a batch of Horgans Irish Smoked Cheddar is being recalled due to “the possible presence of Listeria monocytogenes.”
The affected batch comes in a pack size of 150g with an approval number IE 1089 EC.
And it displays the use by date: 25/05/2025.
Dunnes Stores, SuperValu, Tesco Ireland and local supermarkets have removed the affected batches from sale and displayed recall notices at point-of-sale.
Customers are urged not to consume the products and return them to their point of purchase or dispose of them.
They can seek a replacement or a refund from their supermarket.
Consuming the affected batch may produce some symptoms of listeria, including mild flu-like symptoms or gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
In rare cases, the infection can be more severe, causing serious complications.
Some people are more vulnerable to Listeria monocytogenes infections, including pregnant women, babies, and people with weakened immune systems, including the elderly.
The incubation period is, on average, 3 weeks but can range between 3 and 70 days.
This comes after Burren Smokehouse products are being recalled across the country due to the possible presence of listeria.
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland issued recall alerts with two food products pulled from the shelves after they were deemed unsafe.
They said that batches of Burren Smokehouse organic hot smoked products are being recalled due to “the possible presence of Listeria monocytogenes“.
The impacted products are Burren Smokehouse Smoked Irish Organic Salmon Hot Smoked Over Oak and Burren Smokehouse Organic Hot smoked over oak with honey, lemon & pepper.
The affected Burren Smokehouse Smoked Irish Organic Salmon Hot Smoked Over Oak batch numbers are 429721 and 52221.
It comes in pack sizes of 500g and 180g with use by dates of: 04/03/2025, 10/03/2025, 11/03/2025, 05/03/2025, 10/03/2025 and 11/03/2025
And the affected Burren Smokehouse Organic Hot smoked over oak with honey, lemon & pepper batch numbers are 51721 and 429121.
It comes in a pack size of 140g with use by dates of: 04/03/2025, 05/03/2025, 10/03/2025 and 18/02/2025.