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Два інгредієнти з кухні, і покриття виблискує як у готелі 5 зірок

Дізнайтеся, як повернути ванні білосніжний блиск за допомогою простого розчину з лимонної кислоти та засобу для посуду! Легкий спосіб позбутися нальоту й плям. Розповідаємо, як повернути ванні білосніжний блиск і позбутися набридливого жовтого нальоту. Помічаємо жовті плями на дні, стінках та біля зливу. Діємо обережно, щоб зберегти поверхню ванни. Готуємо ефективну суміш: нагріваємо 100 мл […]

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Kinahan cartel gun runner Liam Byrne faces being deported back to Ireland with final decision due on ten-year UK ban

KINAHAN cartel gun runner Liam Byrne could soon be back in Ireland, we can reveal.

UK cops are currently weighing up plans to deport Byrne, 44, because of his “association with serious organised crime figures” and “firearms”.

Headshot of Liam Byrne.
Liam Byrne could soon deported back in Ireland
Liam Byrne being escorted by police.
Byrne was recently released from Belmarsh Prison three months after he received a five-year prison sentence
Liam Byrne, suspected Kinahan gangster, in custody during extradition.
The final decision will be made by the UK’s Home Office after his sentence expires

The final decision will be made by the UK’s Home Office after his sentence expires, which could be as soon as the end of this year.

If ordered, Byrne will have to leave his luxury pad in the UK and return home.

He could also be hit with a ten-year order banning him from entering the UK.

He moved to the UK in 2017 after the Criminal Assets Bureau moved against his car business and seized his home in Raleigh Square under ‘Operation Lamp’.

The leader of the Byrne Organised Crime Group remains in the UK after he was released from prison early under a Serious Crime Prevention Order (SCPO).

He was freed from Belmarsh Prison three months after he received a five-year prison sentence for his role in the arms smuggling enterprise.

One cop told us: “Byrne is currently living under strict restrictions following his release from custody.

“But once his sentence and the SCPO order has ended, consideration will be made to deport him back to his country of origin which is Ireland.

“Byrne could soon be back ­living with his mother again.

“He is really a nobody and only considered to be important because of his brother-in-law Thomas Kavanagh.”

As part of his release conditions, Byrne is banned from communicating with anyone identified by the UK’s National Crime Agency as being “participants in organised crime”.

Earlier this month we revealed how gangster Byrne had been mockingly branded an MI5 agent after his release from prison.

The thug was taunted as a “rat” on social media ­platforms following his release from Belmarsh Prison.


In one post, his face was plastered on to a fake MI5 certificate with the words “proudly presented to Covert Human Intelligence Source Agent for MI5”.

However, there is no evidence at all that Byrne, 44, is working for the UK authorities.

His brother-in-law Thomas ‘Bomber’ Kavanagh was also labelled an informer after it emerged he had given up a cartel weapons cache in the hope he could have his ­sentence for drug trafficking reduced.

Mugshot of Thomas Kavanagh.
Thomas ‘Bomber’ Kavanagh is Byrne’s brother-in-law

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RTE star Kayleigh Trappe reveals new boyfriend is in audience at every DWTS show as she opens up on ‘all-round good guy’

TEACHER-turned-TikTok sensation Kayleigh Trappe has revealed how her boyfriend has been supporting her through Dancing With The Stars and is in the audience at every show.

The lip-synching comic met Tom, a fellow school teacher, on a night out last year.

Illustration of a woman in a blue dance costume posing in a pink neon-lit room.
Kayleigh Trappe’s new boyfriend has been supporting her in the audience at every DWTS show
Kayleigh Trappe and Ervinas Merfeldas dancing on Dancing with the Stars.
Kayleigh is partnered up on the show with dancer Ervinas Merfeldas
Kyran OBrien
Kayleigh Trappe and Ervinas Merfeldas dancing on Dancing with the Stars.
Kayleigh was a primary school teacher before becoming an internet sensation
Kyran OBrien

And she told how the new fella never misses a live edition of DWTS, sitting with her family each Sunday night.

Kayleigh told The Irish Sun: “My boyfriend comes every week. His name is Tom and it’s fairly fresh but he is an absolutely amazing supporter.

“It’s funny, when you take somebody to Dancing With The Stars, you think they might not come again but they are up to coming every week so it’s great to have that support.

“I don’t shy away from that when I walk around the dancefloor. It’s lovely to see them there. The minute I see them, I am raring to go.”

She revealed how her parents love Roscommon man Tom, an “all-round good guy who works hard and is motivated”.

Kayleigh added: “He is so supportive.”

The 29-year-old, who gave up her job teaching kids as a primary school teacher after her TikTok videos went viral, said she still can’t believe she is dancing for the nation on the show.

Kayleigh said: “I was happy in my job and adored working with kids. But when things started opening up for me, and it was so accidental on TikTok, I thought I would be a fool not to take the bull by the horns.

“But I still think about the kids a lot, and what would they think of ‘Miss Trappe’ doing Dancing With The Stars?”

Kayleigh’s former pupils will also have seen their former teacher popping up on another massive RTE show – Fair City, playing Daisy, villain James Rafferty’s latest love interest.

Although the outing in the Christmas special was only a cameo, the Monaghan woman said she would up for a full-time role in Carrigstown.

Kayleigh said: “Well they haven’t killed me off yet so I’d like to think there’s an opportunity there.

“I had an absolute ball (doing Fair City). It’s a staple in my household and I would definitely keep the door ajar or open if I can.


“I’d love to go back, being on set with the crew in a scene, a camera, a script. . . throw it all at me, I definitely wouldn’t say no and who knows what the future holds.”

In the meantime, the social media star will be trying not to remain on Dancing With The Stars where she resides in the middle of the scoreboard.

And she received some catty remarks from the judges over her quickstep to the title track from Disney classic The Aristocats, which landed her 21 points.

But she revealed she won’t be deterred.


SERIES ONE – 2017: Former Kerry footballer Aidan O’Mahony beat the odds to be crowned Ireland’s first-ever Dancing With The Stars champion alongside pro partner Valeria Milova, beating out former Fair City star Aoibhin Garrihy and Red Rock actress Denise McCormack.

SERIES TWO – 2018: Singer Jake Carter – the younger brother of country crooner Nathan – was just 19 when he nabbed the Glitterball in 2018 with pro dancer Karen Byrne. And the dance partnership later blossomed into love for the popular pair, who confirmed they were dating months after their big win.

SERIES THREE – 2019: Popular presenter Mairead Ronan became the first female winner, landing the Glitterball with Kilkenny dancer John Nolan in 2019. The mum-of-three said her victory was proof “you can do anything you put your mind to”.

SERIES FOUR – 2020: The 2020 series finale was brought forward due to the outbreak of Covid-19, with 2FM star Lottie Ryan left in tears at clinching the trophy with pro partner Pasquale La Rocca.

SERIES FIVE – 2022: Returning to screens in 2022 after a year off in 2021 due to the continuing coronavirus crisis, ex-jockey Nina Carberry became the third woman on the trot to win the Glitterball, marking a second title for pro Pasquale.

SERIES SIX – 2023: RTE 2FM star Carl Mullan was left stunned back in 2023 when he lifted the Glitterball with pro Emily Barker. The underdog came out on top against fellow finalists Brooke Scullion, Suzanne Jackson and Damien McGinty.

SERIES SEVEN – 2024: Paralympian Jason Smyth came out on top as the 2024 series winner, with pro Karen Byrne becoming the second dancer to win the DWTS title twice. The legally blind athlete moved viewers to tears with an emotional showdance to secure the title.

Kayleigh said: “I loved our routine. Although the scores weren’t as high as I thought they’d have been, I was happy with it and that’s the most important thing.

“Growing up I loved sport but I was never any good at it. I always fell short at every hurdle.

“This (DWTS) is the show I finally want to do myself proud on. With my demons from the past, I have a point to prove to myself rather than to the public, I’d love to go as far as I can go.”

There is no elimination on Dancing With the Stars this Sunday as each couple chooses a special moment for their Dedicated Dance.

Woman in floral dress smiling at camera.
She met her new boyfriend Tom on a night out last year

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Анастасія Приходько розповіла, що приховує Меладзе: “Він не класний”

Співачка Анастасія Приходько висловилася про продюсера Костянтина Меладзе, з яким раніше працювала. На думку артистки, люди помилково вважають його “класним”, адже насправді він зовсім інший. Який Меладзе в реальному житті За словами співачки, востаннє вона бачилася з Меладзе у 2016 році. Тоді вона брала участь у Нацвідборі на Євробачення, а сам продюсер був серед суддів. […]

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5 продуктів, які корисно їсти, коли болить живіт

  При болях у животі і розладі шлунку прийом їжі стає проблемою, так як їжа нерідко провокує нудоту і блювоту. Однак деякі продукти можуть дати організму необхідні йому поживні речовини і навіть допомагають полегшувати біль. Біль у животі може мати багато причин – надлишок газів, розлад шлунку, запор, шлунковий вірус і т. д. Окремий фактор […]

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“Судний день”: чоловік вижив під час виверження вулкану, скоївши злочин

У 1902 році на карибському острові Мартініка трапилася одна з найжахливіших вулканічних катастроф в історії, але її пережив чоловік, чиє життя того дня змінилося назавжди. Людгер Сільбаріс, ув’язнений за бійку, вижив під час виверження вулкана Пеле завдяки неймовірному збігу обставин та своїй винахідливості, пише біолог Скотт Треверс для Forbes. Сен-П’єр, столиця Мартініки, був квітучим портовим містом з […]

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Всього 1 ложка на літр – і розсада перців стала міцною, як молоді дубки: пригостила її ось цією підкормкою

Вирощування розсади солодкого перцю є справжнім мистецтвом, яке вимагає ретельної уваги та турботи. Один із ключових моментів у цьому процесі – це правильна підгодівля рослин. У цьому матеріалі досвідчені садівники поділилися простими та доступними методами забезпечення здоров’я розсади перців із використанням натуральних добрив. Такі способи здатні суттєво допомогти покращити ріст рослин, а також надійно захистити […]

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