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Учені дізналися, чому невагомість псує зір космонавтів

Космічні польоти, зокрема тривале перебування у стані мікрогравітації, викликають суттєві зміни у структурі ока, що спричиняє нейроокулярний синдром, пов’язаний із погіршенням зору в астронавтів, як показали дослідження канадських вчених. Image by WikiImages from Pixabay Близько половини космонавтів після повернення на Землю відчувають зорові проблеми, що раніше пов’язували зі зростанням внутрішньочерепного тиску в умовах невагомості. Однак […]

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36-річна принцеса Беатріс народила другу доньку: деталі (фото)

Фото: Getty Images | Принцеса Беатріс та Едоардо Мапеллі Моцці   Монарша персона та її обранець-італієць вже виховували спільну доньку Сієнну та сина аристократа від попереднього союзу. Тепер у їхній родині поповнення ще однією дівчинкою. 36-річна принцеса Йоркська Беатріс вдруге стала мамою. Новиною про поповнення поділилися на офіційній сторінці королівської родини Великої Британії в Instagram. […]

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We built our dream home for £48K after living in a van – we don’t want to waste our cash on rent & now have our own farm

A COUPLE spent £48k building their dream home – out of two 40ft shipping containers.

Lexi Newkirk, 24, and her husband, Diego, 25, wanted to escape the city and bought 12-and-a-half acres of land in Hill County, Texas, US – for £144,700 .

A man playfully lifts a woman in the air on a plot of land marked as sold.
The pair have always loved unique homes and decided to make a tiny home out of shipping containers[/caption]
Shipping containers being lifted by a crane onto a foundation during home construction.
Lexi and Diego Newkirk’s shipping container home during construction[/caption]
Person installing a spiral staircase in a shipping container home.
Spiral staircase installed inside Lexi and Diego’s shipping container home project[/caption]

The pair have always loved unique homes and decided to make a tiny home out of shipping containers – costing £4,000 each.

Diego – who works in mould removal – has spent the last year constructing the containers into a 640 square foot home with one bedroom and a bath.

The pair now hope to have it completely finished by the beginning of March and will use the rest of their land to build a homestead.

Lexi, a owner of a digital marketing agency, said: “We love it.

“We’re living on 12-and-a-half acres and I love it.

“It’s like our own little city.

“It’s going to catch a lot of peoples’ attention.”

Lexi and Diego grew up in Austin, Texas, but wanted to move out and bought their land – which they named Livingstone Ranch – in October 2023.

Lexi said: “We grew up in the city and we wanted to escape it.”

The pair had originally wanted to turn their land into an “exotic tiny Airbnb ranch” by building 15 to 20 little unique homes but were not allowed to put in commercial property due to state laws.

Instead they decided to use one of their ideas to use and build their own shipping container home.

The single use containers were delivered after the couple had marked out their road and spot for their house in November 2023.

They built a foundation and basement before stacking the containers on top of each other.

Lexi said: “We did the plumbing, electricals, put a septic tank in.

“We had to run the electricity about 300ft.”

The couple has been living in a renovated RV – which they bought on Facebook Marketplace for £3,190 – while the complete the container home.

They have been making the home bit by bit to spread costs out and Diego has been doing most of the labour himself.

The pair have the dry wall to go on before they can then decorate and hope to get in for March 1, 2025.

Lexi said: “The living area and kitchen is all underneath.

“Then we have a bedroom, master bath and office.

“The bedroom wakes up to the sunrise and from the bath you can see the sunset.”

Lexi and Diego hope to then save up to make a barndominium – a barn conversion – and have purchased chickens and two cows to build their homestead dream.

Lexi said: “We didn’t want to put that money towards an apartment.

“Where my mum lives it’s a lot of homes right on top of each other.

“They are all the same.

“We want to give people inspiration for different projects you can do.”

Interior view of a shipping container home under construction, showing a bathtub and staircase.
Framing, wiring and staircase installed in the shipping container home[/caption]
Man standing next to large water tank at a construction site.
Diego stands alongside a massive water tank at the site of the couple’s shipping container home project[/caption]

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‘This is wonderful’, people cry as cat left ‘unconscious’ by horror fire saved by new on-trial device & ‘heroes’ praised

DUBLIN firefighters have been deemed as heroes after rescuing a cat from a blaze that posed severe danger.

Firefighters from Dolphins Barn in Dublin were called out following reports of a house fire in Ballyfermot.

While dealing with the blaze, firefighters were alerted to a cat who needed to be rescued.

The cat was located by a BA crew, but was unconscious once it was found.

One firefighter placed a pet oxygen mask on the cat, whose name is Biscuit, in an effort to bring the tiny animal back to consciousness.

After only 10 minutes, Biscuit was right as rain and back snuggling into its owner.

Dublin Fire Brigade said: “Firefighters from Dolphins Barn rescued Biscuit from a house fire in Ballyfermot yesterday evening.

“The cat was located by a BA crew and was unconscious.

“Firefighter “Paw”amedic Carrick placed a pet oxygen mask on Biscuit and after 10 minutes, Biscuit was snuggling into it’s owner.”

They added that a dog and a budgie were also rescued in the fire but they didn’t require the need of extra oxygen.

They said: “A budgie and dog were also taken to safety but didn’t require oxygen therapy.”

Many took to the comments of the social media post to praise the “heroes” for their lifesaving work.

One person wrote: “Well done all. You’re an amazing bunch and I love this new initiative.

“Animals can be a great support to people who’ve gone through a devastating event such as losing their home to fire.”

Another said: “Thank you for saving Biscuit and the other animals! Firefighters are heroes.”

A third added: “This is wonderful! Thank you.”


While a fourth said: “Thank You – it restores one’s faith in human nature when you hear stories like this.”

Dublin Fire Brigade are currently trialling new pet oxygen masks in case of a similar emergency.

They have now been placed on nine appliances across two districts in Dublin.

Dublin Fire Brigade added: “We are trialling pet oxygen masks, which are on 9 fire appliances, in two districts.

“We are working with Village Vets to introduce them across the city.

“A”meeow”zing result!”

Firefighter holding a cat wearing an oxygen mask.
Dublin Fire Brigade are currently trialling new pet oxygen masks in case of a similar emergency[/caption]

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