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‘It had my name written all over it’ – Dunnes Stores fan in frenzy over ‘cosy’ new biker jacket & it comes in 2 colours

DUNNES Stores designers have released the ultimate jacket for spring – and it will dress up any outfit.

Lauren, who posts under @laurenegerton, took to TikTok to show off her pretty find.

Woman in olive green coat.
Fashion fans are in love with a new jacket in Dunnes Stores
Close-up of a woman's olive green wool biker jacket.
The khaki jacket will enhance any outfit

She said: “A great little find from Dunnes Stores!

“I absolutely adore the colour khaki so it had my name written all over it. These are still currently in Dunnes Stores.”

The Boucle Biker Jacket has landed in Dunnes Stores across the country and is also available online.

Lauren continued: “I am addicted to the colour khaki, and the one thing I will never do is apologise for it.

“Okay, some people like to buy chocolate. I like to buy khaki green. Have you seen this in Dunnes?”

The biker jacket has a statement collar and silver zip to the side.

Lauren said: “It’s like a cosy jacket jumper, kind of almost like what I have on now, throw it over anything.”

Dunnes Stores chiefs said the jacket is very versatile.

They said: “Crafted from a cosy boucle material, this biker jacket features notch lapels and two front pockets.

“A warm winter staple that can be styled endlessly.”

Team with leggings for running errands or style with jeans for a coffee date.

The style lover said: “Don’t you tell me that this isn’t pretty.

“I am wearing just a plain black top and a pair of leggings. I feel dressed up.”

Retailing at €35, it’s the perfect addition to your capsule wardrobe.

The TikToker added: “The only thing is it’s just a tad expensive – not like, actually expensive, Dunnes expensive.

“It’s €35 for this, but I do get it. It is a jacket, and I’m going to wear this for a long time.”

The cute jacket is available in sizes XS to XXL.

Lauren said: “I’m a size 10, and I bought a size small; it fits me nicely.

“And by the way, I don’t think that these come in any of the colours.

“I did see a black one sitting right next would but the zip went up the centre. Same material, but just different style.”

The Boucle Funnel Neck Jacket in black is also €35.

Its description reads: “This loose-fitting jacket is crafted from a softly textured boucle fabric.

“Featuring a funnel neck for added warmth, two over-sized patch pockets, and a silky satin lining, it can be worn over anything from winter clothes to dresses.”

Screenshot of a woman with long blonde hair, wearing a black jacket, saying "Great little find from DUNNES".
The TikToker teamed the jacket with leggings and a top
Woman wearing an olive green jacket.
The jacket will keep you cosy on colder days
Woman wearing a black zip-up jacket and grey turtleneck sweater.
It’s also available in a similar black version
Dunnes Stores sign on a brick building.
The jacket is in stores across the country and online
Garrett White - Commissioned by The Sun Dublin


DUNNES Stores opened its first store on Patrick Street in Cork in 1944 - and it was an instant hit.

Shoppers from all over the city rushed to the store to snap up quality clothing at pre-war prices in Ireland’s first ‘shopping frenzy’.

During the excitement, a window was forced in and the police had to be called to help control the crowds hoping to bag founder Ben Dunne’s ‘Better Value’ bargains.

Dunnes later opened more stores in the 1950s and began to sell groceries in 1960 – starting with apples and oranges.

The retailer said: “Fruit was expensive at the time and Ben Dunne yet again offered Better Value than anyone else in town.

“Over time, our food selection has grown and that spirit of good value has remained strong.

“Now we offer a wide range of carefully-sourced foods from both local Irish suppliers and overseas.”

The retailer’s first Dublin store opened its doors in 1957 on Henry Street and a super store on South Great Georges Street was unveiled in 1960.

They added: “In 1971, our first Northern Irish store opened, and many others soon followed.

“Expansion continued in the 1980s in Spain, and later into Scotland and England.”

Dunnes now has 142 stores and employs 15,000 people.

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Christian protester who burned Koran in Sweden is shot DEAD in ‘brutal livestreamed execution’ after stunt sparked fury

A CHRISTIAN protester who burned the Koran was brutally shot dead during a livestream on TikTok.

Iraqi Salwan Momika, 38, had sparked fury across Muslim countries for staging several burnings of the Koran in Sweden.

Man holding a book outside a mosque.
Salwan Momika protesting outside a mosque in Stockholm[/caption]

 He was shot in the city of Sodertalje on Wednesday night, according to Swedish media.

More to follow… For the latest news on this story keep checking back at The Sun Online is your go-to destination for the best celebrity news, real-life stories, jaw-dropping pictures and must-see video.

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