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Limited edition Ferrari so rare only 17 in the WORLD exist set to fetch jaw-dropping £2.5M at auction

A VERY rare Ferrari that’s one of just 17 that exists in the world is ready to sell for a hefty sum at an upcoming auction.

The brilliantly named Ferrari Superamerica 400 SWB coupe Aerodinamico, finished in royal blue – contrasting the typical red Rosso Corsa finish – is up for £2.5 million.

1961 Ferrari 400 Superamerica SWB Coupe Aerodinamico at auction.
A stunning, royal blue-coloured Ferrari is set to sell next month for £2.5 million
Interior view of a 1961 Ferrari 400 Superamerica SWB Coupe Aerodinamico.
The car has undergone an £80,000 cosmetic refresh, conducted in mid-2023[/caption]
1961 Ferrari 400 Superamerica SWB Coupe Aerodinamico at auction.
It’s won numerous awards, including a score of 99.5 points awarded by judges at the 2006 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance[/caption]

The eye-catching motor, which features open headlamps and a groundbreaking aerodynamic style, including a tapered nose, delicate fender curves, and a sloping rear fastback, was built in 1961.

It was designed specifically for the American market – embodying the ultimate driving luxury and exceptional performance for the time thanks to its Colombo-designed V-12 engine that produces 340 bhp.

It’s to be sold in exceptional condition, both inside and out, as interior shots show the car’s round dials and gauges, as well as its wooden steering wheel and a black and tan leather cabin.

Renowned auction house RM Sotheby’s, who are dealing with the car’s sale, say it’s undergone a recent cosmetic refresh that cost £80,000.

Widely known across Ferrari circles, this prime example won its class at the 2001 Palos Verdes Concours d’Elegance.

It was then treated to a thorough restoration in 2003, when its original Grigio Fumo paint was repainted in Blu Sera.

At the 2006 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, it scored an impressive 99.5 points by judges.

Five months later, it won a Platinum Award at the Cavallino Classic.

It will be part of RM Sotheby’s upcoming Miami Auction, at the Biltmore Hotel Coral Gables, from February 27 to 28.

The listing said: “This car is the 7th of 17 series short-wheelbase examples bodied by Pininfarina and was exhibited at the 1961 Paris Salon.

“This model is Ferrari Classiche Red Book certified and additionally documented with factory build sheet copies, Ferrari technical characteristic sheets, manufacturer’s Certificate of Authenticity, history report by Marcel Massini, and restoration invoices.

“It was comprehensively restored in the mid-2000s, with a £80,000 cosmetic refresh conducted in mid-2023.

“It has a stellar record of awards at major concours d’elegance, including numerous FCA Platinum awards, class wins at Amelia Island and Salon Privé, class awards at three different Pebble Beach appearances, and Best of Show at the 2024 Cavallino Classic Middle East.

“The car is also accompanied by toolkit and fitted luggage.

“It is arguably the most finely restored example of the sublime short wheelbase Coupe Aerodinamico.”

It isn’t the only high-priced Ferrari set to sell at the auction either, as a seldom-seen Ferrari F50 boasting a top speed of 202mph has been listed for £5million.

The iconic 1996 supercar was produced to celebrate Ferrari’s 50th anniversary.

This mid-nineties classic forms part of the Ferrari ‘Big Six’, including the 288 GTO, F40, Enzo, LaFerrari and F80.

Images show this super-sleek Ferrari finished in Rosso Corsa over a Nero interior.

And the cabin and seats are leather-trimmed with Rosso red seat bolsters.

A removable Targa top allows for either a Barchetta-style open-top or Berlinetta saloon appearance, depending on your mood.

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Does Cold Weather Make You Sick? It Might All Come Down to Your Nose, Doctors Say

Everyone’s winter wellness routine looks a little different. However, common practices you may adopt to prevent illness include taking vitamin C supplements, drinking herbal tea, getting enough sleep, and frequently washing your hands. You might also wear extra layers and bundle up outside because otherwise, as a parent or grandparent probably told you many times, "you'll catch a cold." But does being cold actually mean you'll get a cold or the flu?

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Cold weather can weaken your immune system and make it easier for germs to get into your nose.

While cold weather itself doesn’t make you sick, it can weaken your immune system as your body works harder to stay warm. This can, in turn, make you more susceptible to respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold, COVID-19, flu, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

It’s not unusual to experience difficulty breathing or a runny nose in frigid temps, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re sick.

"The cold air, particularly cold, dry air, can cause your airways to constrict and can be irritable to your airways," emergency medicine physician Chidinma Nwakanma, MD, told CBS News Philadelphia. "Which is why we recommend that if you are outside for these prolonged periods of time, you're covering your nose, you're covering your mouth, you're warming up the air that your lungs are taking in."

To this point, when you breathe in cold, dry air outside, your nasal passages have a harder time expelling viruses.

Peter Hwang, MD, head of the Stanford Sinus Center, told HuffPost that this is because your nose needs a "well-hydrated mucus layer" to act as a "physical blockade for viruses and bacteria to enter the tissue and as an active immunologic organ."

Moreover, a 2023 study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI) found that when your nose gets cold, it produces fewer extra-cellular vesicles or EVs, microscopic sacs that work to kill bacteria before it enters your nasal passageway.

"A decrease of just 9 degrees Fahrenheit in the tissue temperature of the nasal passages cut the number of EVs available to respond to a threat by more than 40%. The colder temperature also caused changes to the composition of the EVs that reduced their efficacy," explained UCLA Health. "The researchers theorize that all of this hampers the body’s ability to fight off respiratory viruses."

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Cold temperatures can also affect your body in other ways.

Studies have also shown a correlation between cold weather and high blood pressure or cardiac events. Exerting energy in bone-chilling temperatures, like when shoveling snow or scraping ice off your car, has been known to provoke “chest pain or angina,” added Steve Dorsey, MD, assistant medical director at the Cleveland Clinic emergency department.

Frostbite and hypothermia are also of concern. In the right conditions, Arctic winds and subzero temperatures can damage the skin (frostbite) and result in a drop in body temperature (hypothermia).

With hypothermia, “the body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature,” Mayo Clinic. A healthy body temperature is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and anything below 95 degrees is considered a medical emergency.

“At those temperatures, it makes it very hard for the body to do its normal functioning, such as brain function, heart function, lung function," said Nwakanma.

Meanwhile, frostbite causes the skin and underlying tissue to go numb. If prolonged, it can cause skin to become discolored and hardened. Other tell-tale signs of frostbite include tingling, pain, joint stiffness, waxy-looking skin, and patches of red, white, blue, gray, purple, or brown skin, notes Mayo Clinic.

With frostbite, the best thing you can do, “particularly for the fingers or toes would be to run them under warm, not hot, but warm water," Dorsey told CBS News.

"Then it's a matter of taking a look at the skin and seeing is there are their coloration changes? Is there's dustiness at the tips or are there blisters, those are signs of deeper skin injury that need to be seen by a physician promptly,” he continued.

Nwakanma said your best defense against getting sick, whether respiratory or physical numbness, is to “make sure to cover your ears and hands and keep your feet warm.”

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Для любителів серфінгу: Lexus презентував оригінальний пляжний позашляховик

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Дієтологи назвали найкращі продукти, які допоможуть вам зосередитися

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«РаШа Гудбай»: вийшов тизер нової комедії від «Кварталу 95»

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“Секретний” інгредієнт для салату з крабовими паличками

0 Ви полюбляєте салат із крабовими паличками? Ймовірно, що відповідь буде так. Справді, крабовий салат – дуже соковитий та яскравий. Він завжди виходить смачним та його можна подавати навіть на свята. Є перевірений рецепт ніжного та апетитного салату з крабовими паличками та ароматними грінками. Простий і смачний салат, приготовлений за цим рецептом, напевно, сподобається не […]

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Гігантські айсберги не є головною загрозою для стабільності Антарктиди

Нове дослідження під керівництвом геологів і географів з Університету Флориди дає нові знання про шельфові льодовики Антарктики та те, як вони реагують на зміну клімату. Незважаючи на те, що підвищення температури явно спричиняє повсюдну втрату шельфового льодовика, дослідження показує, що частота або розмір основних подій, пов’язаних з відколом айсбергів, значно не збільшилися.  Натомість менші, більш часті […]

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