Jason told the group: ” So I’m making a big announcement, it’s just been decided today that I’m going to be part of the villa…”
The American star dived into a medley of hits from Marry Me to Swalla and his new single Snake.
Islander Sammy Root was left totally starstruck, telling the Beach Hut: “His dancing is unbelievable … I mean I tried to do it myself.”
Elma admitted: “I will never ever ever, ever ever, forget it. And I won’t let anyone else forget it either.”
Jason was a big hit with the All Star girls including singleton Catherine – who has yet to find a connection on the show.
Catherine got to hold Jason’s jacket while he sang and he kissed her hand to say thank you.
Ekin-Su told her: “You should not wash that hand!”
Scott added: “To have Jason Derulo perform live right in your back garden, I mean that’s once in a lifetime.”
The US superstar has already sold 250million records, become one of the most followed people on TikTok and has still had time to start a family.
He had a role in the celeb-studded but critically panned 2019 musical Cats and now wants to make sure he has control over future movies he is in, to make sure they are a success.
Jason flew to London this week and sat down with Bizarre for an exclusive chat, where he explained: “I think whatever I do acting-wise, I need to be at the forefront of the output.
“What I’ve done in the past, it never works quite as well if I’m allowing somebody else to take the creative reins for me.
“In 2025, I’m actively working on writing different films. I’ve written three already. Whichever one I decide to do first, it’s gonna be me pulling the strings.”
His new focus on films isn’t to the detriment of his huge music career though, which has seen 15 Top Ten singles, including five No1s, over the past 15 years.
This month he is back with a new single called Snake, a collaboration with Bollywood megastar Nora Fatehi.
Born in Canada, she has become one of India’s biggest stars and now has 47million followers on Instagram — far more than Sabrina Carpenter or Madonna.
Jason as Rum Tum Tugger in the Cats movie[/caption]
That imfamous pic of Jason in his trunks[/caption]
1 week agoLatest NewsComments Off on Man, 19, left bedridden for a YEAR over debilitating skin condition triggered by one ingrown hair
AN ex-army officer, 19, was left bedridden for a year over a debilitating skin condition caused by a single ingrown hair.
Dylan Conway, from Queensland, Australia, had a whopping nine surgeries and spent 14 months unable to live a normal life due to reoccurring pilonidal sinus disease.
Dylan Conway, from Queensland, Australia, had a whopping nine surgeries[/caption]
The charity founder’s life began to crumble when he woke up one day with lower back pain as he served as an infantry officer in the Australian army.
Speaking of his horror ordeal to ABC Science in 2022, Dylan said: “From day one, I strove to be the fittest guy there.
“So, things like running and working out were a huge component of my life.
“I remember waking up one morning and just feeling immense pressure on my lower spine. That’s when I had my first surgery.
“I still had the mindset that I’d finish the surgery and then get straight back into training. However, it’s not how it played out at all.”
The condition emerged from an ingrown hair “puncturing” the skin, which left Dylan unable to sit down or see his friends and family due to the excruciating pain.
Pilonidal sinus is a small hole at the top of the back passage which can become inflamed and infected, according to the NHS.
The condition often goes unnoticed until people start experiencing pain and discomfort when sitting, or a small, swollen pus-filled red lump emerges.
It is often caused by friction around the buttocks which causes hair in the area to be pushed inwards, making them “ingrown”.
The issue is more commonly seen in men as they tend to be hairier.
Dylan explained: “With pilonidal sinus disease, hair will fall into your pants and your buttocks rubbing against itself will actually implant hair into your body.
“If you zoom in on a microscope with the hair, it looks similar to a screw.
“And eventually the friction from walking will end up embedding that hair follicle into your skin.”
He also explained that his pilonidal sinus disease is horrifically “reoccurring” – which tragically put an end to his army career.
Dylan added: “A lot of people will go through this and feel all the symptoms.
“You know tightness in their lower back, pain while sitting down and they won’t even realise or think to get it checked and it can end up leading to an infection occurring in the lower back.”
Doctors remove the pilonidal sinus during surgery, and in some cases can also take out the infected tissue around it.
Plastic surgery is also an option if the area being operated on is particularly large, according to the NHS.
Dylan compared getting the condition to “getting hit by a car”.
He had a “huge chunk of flesh” taken off of his body, but the surgery sadly didn’t work, leading to another operation afterwards.
The ex-army officer added: “Each time I would go in to have another surgery not knowing what I’d wake up to and see.
“I went from being this really confident young man who was very confident in his body image to all of a sudden you can’t sit down, you can’t walk, I couldn’t socialise with my friends.
“I couldn’t see my family, couldn’t live life, to be completely honest with you.”
In the midst of Dylan’s health chaos, he began reading about those who had also endured and overcome hardships and was soon flying through books in between his hospital visits.
He then felt inspired to launch his own charity in 2020 called BrothersNBooks, which had led to a series of community libraries to open in hospitals and veteran centres.
Despite Dylan still living with the skin disease and being left with scars, he has a new perspective on life through his charity.
He said: “Most recently I have had the top of my butt completely cut off, and I have a large scar that runs from my lower back all the way down.
“I’m uncaring about what it looks like, I’m just happy that I can get outside again and start walking and see my friends.
Dylan added: “I hope that speaking about this publicly, when someone’s going through this in the future, when they Google the disease, it actually comes up with something where they can see someone else that’s been through it.
“Just to let people know that they’re not alone.”
What is pilonidal sinus disease?
PILONIDAL sinus disease is a chronic skin condition that occurs in the crease of the buttocks near the coccyx, or tailbone.
It is recognised by the formation of a small tunnel or cavity under the skin, often caused by ingrown hairs or friction.
This condition can lead to pain, swelling, and infection, resulting in the discharge of pus or blood.
Pilonidal sinus disease is more common in young adults and can be made worse by prolonged sitting or poor hygiene.
Treatment typically involves cleaning the area, antibiotics for infection, and in some cases, surgical removal of the sinus.
1 week agoLatest NewsComments Off on Drink-driver who crashed after making late-night dash to McDonald’s to buy a Happy Meal is jailed
A DRINK-driver who made a late-night dash to a McDonald’s to buy a Happy Meal has landed behind bars.
Ethan Marshall crashed while leaving a drive-thru with his food.
The 31-year-old failed to stop but was later tracked down by police.
Officers found a crate of Bud Light beers and a bottle of white wine perched next to his McDonald’s order on his passenger seat.
Marshall, of Hawarden, Flintshire, was twice the drink-drive limit.
He admitted drink-driving, driving while disqualified and having no insurance when he appeared before Mold magistrates the next day.
He was jailed for 16 weeks and banned from the roads for 51 weeks.
North Wales Police said: “Not a Happy Meal for him, in the end.”
Posting a picture on their Facebook page, the force added: “A 31-year-old male was arrested last night in the Broughton area following reports of a failure to stop RTC.
“Officers attended and located the vehicle, the driver provided a positive roadside breath test.
“Needless to say he didn’t get to enjoy his Happy Meal and was off to McCustody instead.”
A dozen comments flooded in, with one man branding Marshall a “McNugget”.
1 week agoLatest NewsComments Off on 5 міфів про здоров’я, в які вірять навіть лікарі
Якось ми вже розповідали про міфи про самопочуття. Якщо ви думали, що цим забобони про здоров’я закінчуються, то глибоко помиляєтеся. Адже існує ще чимало міфів про головний пріоритет людини – здоров’я. Міф № 1: щодня треба випивати 8 склянок води Вважається, що чим більше води ти в себе вливаєш, тим краще для здоров’я. Зокрема, для […]
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Якщо сирість та цвіль у шафі дошкуляють, то ці методи допоможуть усунути вологу, грибок і неприємний запах безпечно і ефективно. З такою проблемою, як запах цвілі час від часу стикається кожна людина. Частіше всього від неї страждають власники приватних будинків та приміщень, де відчувається підвищена вологість. Навіть якщо ви зберігаєте речі в шафі, то це […]
1 week agoLatest NewsComments Off on The unexpected kitchen item that helps get your shower glass clean and sparkling – and it’s only £1.40
WITH the cost of living crisis, saving money in small ways can make a huge difference.
To help, experts have revealed that a common £1.40 household item can leave your home looking brand new – instead of forking out on expensive cleaning products.
Cleaning the shower glass can sometimes be a struggle[/caption]
Aluminium foil can be used to clean a number of things around your home[/caption]
The item in question? Aluminium tin foil.
Indeed, the kitchen staple could save you a few pounds this year and you may be surprised what you can clean with a sheet of foil.
Experts at BunkBeds.co.uk have revealed that foil can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks in your home, not just to line the grill tray.
Adeel from BunkBeds.co.uk said: “Making our money stretch a little bit further is something that many of us need to do and if you are struggling to afford the price of some cleaning products in the shop then we wanted to find some alternatives that can do the job while saving you money.”
Here are some items in the home which you can clean with aluminium foil.
Shower doors
Shower door cleaning kits can cost upwards of £25 while window vacuums can cost over £80.
While they will do a good job cleaning your shower, aluminium foil can work just as well.
For hard water stains on glass shower doors, you can use a sheet of aluminium foil and dip it in white wine vinegar and then scrub your glass gently.
The foil helps to break down the mineral build up, leaving your shower doors sparkling clean. Using one sheet of foil could save you between £23 to £78.
Tarnished silverware
If you have old silver cutlery that looks past its best you can give new life to it by lining a bowl with aluminium and putting a little bit of baking soda in the bowl.
Next, add hot water and your cutlery and the chemical reaction between the aluminium and the baking soda will lift the stains from your silver, leaving it looking shiny and new.
This helps to avoid splashing out on silverware cleaner, which can cost anywhere from £8 to over £37.
Sticky labels on jars
If you are reusing glass jars in your kitchen but can’t seem to remove the sticky labels from previous use then aluminium foil can help.
All you need to do to remove the stickiness is apply a mix of warm water and dish soap and then use the foil as a homemade scrubber.
The rough texture on the aluminium works better than using your fingers or a sponge using it will leave no residue leftover too.
Garden tools
Regardless of how well you look after your garden tools, they will often collect rust and dirt from outdoor use.
While there are expensive cleaning solutions that you can use, you can save some money by rolling your aluminium into a ball and scrubbing the tools with a little bit of water.
Aluminium will react with the rust on your tools and cause it to dissolve. Not only will your tools look brand new but it’s also an eco-friendly way rather than using harsh chemicals.
Hair styling tools
Straighteners or curling irons can accumulate residue over time left from your hair products or sprays. Hair tool cleaners can be expensive so a cheaper alternative is to use a small ball of aluminium and a little rubbing alcohol.
To fix it, all you need to do is lightly rub your straighteners or curling irons with a mixture of rubbing alcohol and a small ball of aluminium.
Pots and pans
Washing up liquid can be expensive especially when you tend to use too much on tougher stains.
Instead of wasting your washing up liquid when using a sponge on your pots and pans, combine a small amount with a ball of foil.
Your homemade scrubber will now break down those stubborn stains while stopping you from wasting your washing-up liquid. Just don’t use them on non-stick pans as it could damage the protective surface.
Oven racks
Cleaning the oven is a job that most of us don’t want to do, and one of the toughest jobs is to clean any oven racks that food has spilt on.
Using aluminium foil with a little water is a cheap and safe option to get it sparkling.
The abrasiveness of the aluminium will allow you to remove the food stains without having to fork out £15 on a grill cleaner.
1 week agoLatest NewsComments Off on Рита Ора помічена на пляжі в мікрокупальнику (фото)
Рита Ора поїхала на відпочинок на Золотий берег Австралії. Фотографіями з відпустки вона поділилася у соціальних мережах. На фотографії вона знята під час прогулянки в одному лише крихітному зеленому купальнику — більше жодного одягу, крім кепки, на Орі не було. Західні ЗМІ розсипаються в компліментах — так, The Daily Mail пише, що 34-річна Ора виглядала […]