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I’m a mum of nine and despite what trolls say I DO know about contraception – I buy 640 nappies and 40L of milk a week

A MUM-OF-NINE shared an insight into everyday life in her large family.

She also clapped back at haters who criticise her for having so many children.

Family of eleven on a wooden walkway.
TikTok user Maxine shared an insight into life as a mum of nine
@thefamilyyoung/Tik Tok

In her viral video, TikTok user Maxine (@thefamilyyoung) revealed some of the comments her family gets from strangers on a regular basis.

She and her husband Jake married in 2016 and within a year they had four children living under their roof.

“Yes, I do know what birth control is,” the TikToker told her audience.

In fact, the mum has only been pregnant twice, once with quadruplets.

She gave birth to her son Henry in October 2018 with Silas, Cecelia, Beck, and Theo arriving in July 2020.

However, before having their biological children, the couple welcome three children on emergency placement from foster care.

Aiden, who was four at the time, and his siblings Parker, then aged two, and Connor, who was 11 months, joined the family in July 2017.

A month later, Jake and Maxine received a call about their newborn sister Elliott and collected her directly from the hospital.

The four children were officially adopted into the family in December 2019.

With nine kids in their home, the couple have developed a steadfast grocery plan.

They revealed that they buy nappies in packs of 640 at a time, going through at least 20 each day.

The family also fork out for 40 litres of milk and 40 loaves of bread each week.

In between grocery shopping and minding their kids, they also carry out two full loads of laundry each day.

Despite the expensive lifestyle, the family have managed to visit 14 countries with their children.

Both Jake and Maxine described themselves as “the luckiest people in the world.”

The world's biggest families

The Vassilyev family 

This family currently holds the record for the most children a couple has parented, after the matriarch gave birth to 69 children, including 16 pairs of twins and seven sets of triplets.

Mrs. Vassilyev has given birth to a total of 69 children, including 16 pairs of twins and 7 sets of triplets. 67 of the 69 children survived infancy.

The Radfords

Sue and Noel are parents to 22 children, and their hectic family life is documented in reality show 22 Kids and Counting.

The pair have remained adamant that they won’t be having any more kids, but the amount of grandchildren they have is ever expanding, with daughters Sophie and Millie both mums of three.

The Duggars

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have 19 children – 10 sons and nine daughters.

All of their children’s names begin with the letter J.

They also had their own reality show in the United States, and became household names because of it.

The Bates family

Kelly also has 19 children, with her husband Gil Bates.

Of 19 deliveries, 14 of them were natural.

The couple also have 28 grandchildren, with four more on the way.

The Dougherty Dozen

Mum Alicia frequently shares videos and pictures of her family.

She and husband Josh have four biological children together, as well as adopting or fostering the rest of their brood.

The Rosario family

Yalancia and husband Michael are parents of 11.

They had their first daughter together earlier this year, and are also parents to Jamel, 15, Michael Jr, 11, Angelo, 10, Gimani, seven, Armani, six, Sincere, three and Khaza, two.

Their fourth son, also named Armani, was stillborn.

TikTok users shared their thoughts on the situation in the comments section.

“My worst nightmare, I couldn’t do it. But kudos to you,” wrote one viewer.

“I am a parent of one kid and I am dying, you guys are heroes,” said another follower.

“I’m a parent of three children and people treat me like I have nine,” joked a third person.

“She’s a very strong woman, I admire that,” commented another TikTok user.

Family portrait of parents with nine children in front of a Christmas backdrop.
The TikToker and her husband adopted four children and had five biological kids, including quadruplets
@thefamilyyoung/Tik Tok

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