6 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on ‘Unacceptable’ childcare hell for Dublin parents after shock move to slash hours of ‘essential’ creche service
A GROUP of parents have told of their childcare hell after their local creche cut its hours with just a week’s notice.
Parents of 28 kids who attend the Rainbow Community Caregroup were informed on Tuesday that afternoon sessions would be permanently slashed from February 7.
Rainbow Community Caregroup in Stoneybatter plans to permanently slash its hours from February 7Gary Ashe - The Sun DublinParents Mark Sheerin and Vittoria with three-year-old Aran at the protestGary Ashe - The Sun Dublin
The creche in Stoneybatter, Dublin, cited “financial difficulties” and asked parents to make alternative arrangements.
Supporters gathered outside the city council-leased building on Friday for a protest.
Parents and teachers claim they have been “left in the dark” over the sudden move.
The kids were told the event was a party to celebrate their teachers.
Worried dad Mark Sheerin, whose son Aran attends the afternoon group, called the resource “magnificent” and said it’s been “essential” for the small Dublin community.
He told The Irish Sun: “We got a letter in the post to tell us the afternoon play group would be closing permanently.
“There was no explanation, other than the decision hadn’t been taken lightly. So we got no context, no warning, and eight working days to sort everything out. We really don’t know what we’re going to do.
“It’s extremely difficult in this area to get childcare. Two other facilities have shut and this one is now under threat.
“We just want to know why this place is closing in the afternoons, as parents we are willing to help, we want an open dialogue so we can resolve this situation and keep this resource open for our community.”
She said: “What’s going on is unacceptable, to pull the rug from under parents in this way, and from the children who love being here, who love the teachers and their friends. It is unacceptable.
“There’s been no explanation, no engagement, no answers — that needs to change.”
“We can’t afford in Stoneybatter to be losing more of these services.”
Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou MacDonald blasted the decision to axe the hoursGary Ashe - The Sun Dublin
Charlotte Dawson stunned as she cradled her bump for her baby showerBackgridThe star packed on the PDA with fiancee Matt Sarsfield for the event in BlackpoolBackgridGettyCharlotte attended Linda Nolan’s funeral beforehand[/caption]
Charlotte, 32, is expecting a baby girl with her fiancee Matt Sarsfield.
The podcast host was glowing as she cradled her bump for pictures at the party, held in Blackpool.
In one snap, Charlotte packed on the PDA with Matt for the joyous day which was attended by their family and close friends.
Charlotte wore a stunning, figure-hugging pink satin dress.
The frock featured a feathered trim with a left leg slit as the mum-to-be oozed glamour.
She maintained a pink theme throughout the shower, with her mum Tracey rocking a pink blazer and hat, along with stylish black trousers.
Charlotte’s pal and Emmerdale star Kelsey Beth-Crossley stunned in a hot pink skin-tight dress as they both posed for the camera.
Last week Charlotte revealed she spent the day in tears and felt really low as she struggles with her emotions ahead of the birth.
Sharing a candid post on Instagram, she said: “Had a really hormonal day where I cried most of the day!
“The boys went back to nursery and was tough getting them there and I’m feeling just really run down and low.
“But it’s ok to have those days. I wanted to start January on a high but I haven’t really yet.”
BackGridCharlotte pictured with her mum Tracey for the shower[/caption]
BackGridEmmerdale actress Kelsey Beth-Crossley was also in attendance[/caption]
Charlotte Dawson and Matt Sarsfield - Relationship Timeline
Here's how Charlotte and Matt's relationship has played out
November 2016 – Charlotte and Matt meet shortly after she splits from a short-lived fling with Geordie Shore’s Gaz Beadle.
July 2017 – While filming Celebs Go Dating, Charlotte is told she is ‘sabotaging herself’ and she admits it’s because she was struggling to get over Matt.
September 2017 – Charlotte jets to Greece after splitting from CGD castmate Frankie Cocozza.
6 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on Названі продукти, які прискорюють одужання при застуді
Деякі люди за застуди люблять використовувати народні засоби. Одужання прискорити можуть, наприклад, мед та часник. Мед Мед – традиційний домашній засіб від кашлю та застуди. Дослідження, опубліковане у виданні Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, показує, що мед допомагає заспокоїти кашель і швидше заснути, що також важливо за застуди. Цей продукт має антиоксидантну та […]
6 days agoLatest NewsComments Off on Mobile phone users urged to activate anti-kidnap setting that helps save you if you’re snatched off street
HEADING home after a night out? There’s a handy feature that lets your friends and family make sure you’re getting back safely.
It could save you if you’re lost, incapacitated, or during a dangerous kidnapping situation where you’ve been snatched by someone.
The SunOn iPhone, there’s a feature called Check In[/caption]
The SunCheck In reports your location to chosen friends or family[/caption]
There are features available for this on both iPhone and Android.
So it’s important to familiarise yourself with how they work before you ever need to use them.
Importantly, these features are handy for keeping loved ones up-to-date with your movements, even if you’re not in danger.
And they’re free to use, so you might want to switch them on during all trips home late at night.
On an iPhone, the feature is called Check In.
It was added in 2023 with iOS 17, so there’s a good chance you have it. You can check your iPhone’s iOS version by going to Settings > General > Software Update.
You’re meant to activate Check In when you’re on your way somewhere.
The idea is that Check In will automatically notify a friend that your iPhone has arrived at a destination.
And you can choose what details that person sees if you don’t successfully “complete” the Check In.
That might include your location, battery percentage, and phone signal.
To send a Check In, you’ll want to go into the Messages ap.
Then tap on the chat button and add a recipient – or open an existing conversation.
Now tap on the + (plus) symbol, and choose More > Check In > Edit.
You’ll be able to choose between two options: When I Arrive or After A Timer.
The SunYou can find Check In by tapping the plus icon on the keyboard – it’s to the left of the text field[/caption]
The SunYou can choose how much data is shared with friends[/caption]
If you pick When I Arrive, you’ll log your destination, how you’ll get there (like driving, public transport, or walking), and add any extra time.
The Check In feature will monitor your journey and then warn your friend if your iPhone stops progressing for an “extended period of time” – or if it doesn’t get to the destination as expected.
If you do make it to your destination, Check In will automatically “complete” and let your friend know.
If you choose After A Timer, you’ll be able to specify a certain amount of time.
Here's what to do...
Go into Settings > Apps > Messages on your iPhone.
Then scroll down the page and tap on Check In Data.
You’ll be able to choose the details that you want to share if your Check In isn’t completed.
The first option is called Limited.
This will only show your current location, as well as your phone signal and battery details.
The second option is Full.
This shares all of the info in Limited, as well as the route that you’ve travelled, your iPhone’s last unlock time, and when you most recently removed your Apple Watch.
Picture Credit: Apple
The SunCheck In will even warn friends if your iPhone is offline[/caption]
This is useful if you’re not going somewhere, but are meeting someone new – like on a date.
If you don’t end the Check In before the timer runs out, Check In will warn your friend.
Once you’ve made your decision, tap the blue Send arrow to deliver the Check in.
If you don’t get to your destination or the Check In isn’t cancelled – and you don’t respond to any prompts – the details of your iPhone’s journey will be sent to your friend.
The SunYou can edit the details of your Check In at any time[/caption]
You can also add time to your Check In at any point – just go back to the Check In, tap Details > Add Time, and then choose an option.
With Full Sharing, Check In will show:
Current location
Network signal
Battery details
The route you’ve travelled
The last time you unlocked your iPhone
The last time you removed your Apple Watch
That should give a friend or family member enough info to make a decision about your safety.
The SunCheck In even used estimated travel times (which you can add to) to make it as accurate as possible[/caption]
If you’re worried that you’re in immediate danger, contact the emergency services.
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