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40 Day Health Challenge recruit reveals he’s ‘feeling more confident’ as big weight loss revealed

A 40 Day Health Challenger has told how he is “feeling more confident” since starting the plan last month.

The makers of TV show Operation Transformation have teamed up with The Irish Sun and Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio for a new health series to kick off 2025.

Headshot of a man.
John said he’s ‘delighted’ with his progress so far
Man looking at a tablet displaying a weight of 98.6kg.
Personal trainer Karl Henry revealed his stats for this week

For 40 days, those taking part will aim to eat well, move more and focus positively on mental health – and there’s new digital episodes dropping each week. 

And John Drislane, from Cork, said he is already noticing big changes in his physical and mental health.

The 32-year-old said: “I’m feeling more confident, my asthma has improved, my skin has improved.

“So really for me, I was struggling. A year and a half ago I was on a lot of steroids and everything.

“And obviously before starting the challenge I was on the steriods and I had a bad first week but it’s been amazing.

“I’m getting back and my asthma is improving. I don’t need to take my blue inhaler, my Ventolin, as much.

“The running has really helped me and the exercises. Look, I struggle sometimes with press-ups and stuff but we are getting there.

“My overall health and my mental health have really improved.”

GP Dr Sumi Dunne praised John for his progress in the challenge.

She said: “You’re now saying you’re using your rescue inhaler, which is your blue inhaler, less because things are improving for you overall healthwise.

“You still have it, it’s there as a rescue but you are not using it as much.

“And nobody did that, you did that.”

Personal trainer Karl Henry showed how the stats backed up how he was feeling.

He said: “You were 101.4kg on day one and when we weighed you this morning you were 98.6kg.

“12 pounds down in 26 days.”

John, who works for a vending machine company and DJs occasionally, previously said that getting back into a size medium is his “ultimate goal”.

He added: “Obviously the weight is my main thing and that’s going to be the challenge for me to get back down to where I was.

“I’ll have to fit back into my medium clothes again, and that would be my ultimate goal.

“But my mental side of it will be the challenge. It’s just to get my head right, get my head straight and do the proper stuff that I need to do.”

John said the 40 Day Health Challenge is the “best opportunity” he’s ever been given.

He said: “I think the professional help from Karl Henry and the others is something I need for the future.

“I think it’ll just help me because once I get back, I know I’ll be able to stick at it.

“I think this is the best opportunity I’ve ever had.

“Just to actually meet professionals like them and hopefully get the tips to carry on for the rest of my life.”


THE latest episodes of the 40 Day Health Challenge are now available at the

Readers can also follow all the action and get the latest updates, meal plans, exercises and mental health tips from and Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio ­during the 40 days.

Meanwhile, a competitive couple taking part in the 40 Day Health Challenge have told how they are “getting younger together”.

Husband Jim O’Sullivan and wife Deirdre have won the hearts of the nation as they take on the challenge side by side.

The mum-of-four, who is currently battling stage 4 breast cancer, told how she expected the challenge would need to be adapted for her.

Deirdre said: “I thought there was going to be a plan adapted for somebody like me who was living with chronic illness.

“For me the 40 Day Health Challenge has meant that I feel back in society. I don’t feel invisible anymore.

“I feel like I can be part of everything that’s going on, to suit my level of ability.”

The former hairdresser wants to inspire other people with chronic illnesses, to not be afraid to live and to not shy away from challenges.

Retired school principal Jim got more than he bargained for when he offered to drive Deirdre up to the 40 Day Health Challenge HQ.

Deirdre said: “To have your best friend by your side doing that is incredible.

“It makes the 40 Day Health Challenge a way of life as opposed to any kind of an extra stress on us.

She joked: “I do actually love seeing him in pain.”

In the latest episode on day 26, the Cork based couple celebrated a new win.

Deirdre, aged 54, reduced her metabolic age from 45 to 39 after following the plan.

The experts told husband Jim, aged 56, his metabolic age was down from 55 to 42.

Personal trainer Karl Henry praised the challengers on their progress.

Karl said: “Couples around the country are going to be motivated now.

“A 39-year-old and a 42-year-old in the house. From the couple to a crowd and back to a couple again. We’re getting younger.”

Jim told how stress “can eat” away at him, but the challenge has allowed him to “let that stress out”.

The experts revealed that Jim, who was 90.2 kilos on day one, is now 85.4 kilos.

Jim joked: “My problem is that when I put on weight, it goes straight to my belly and backside.

“So I’m like a pregnant duck at that stage. It’s a case of here’s my head and there’s my bottom.”

Thai Red Chickpea Curry

Serves 2 (each serving contains approximately 532 kcal)

Suitable for vegetarians


60g quinoa
1 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil (15g)
1 shallot (35g)
1 garlic clove (4g)
150g mangetout
1 heaped tsp Thai red curry paste (7g)
400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
400g tin light coconut milk
1 tsp chia seeds (5g)

The method:

Cook the quinoa in a saucepan of boiling water for 15-20 minutes or according to packet instructions.

Meanwhile, heat another saucepan over a medium heat with the oil. Peel and finely chop the shallot and mince the garlic, then add to the pan and sauté for 1-2 minutes until softened.

Slice the mangetout, then stir into the shallot mixture with the curry paste, chickpeas and coconut milk.

Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10-12 minutes until slightly reduced and thickened.

Drain the quinoa and divide between bowls. Spoon over the Thai chickpea curry and scatter over the chia seeds to serve.

*Suitable for batch cooking.

Dietitian Sophie Pratt said: “Chickpeas are the base of this meal because they are a great plant based source of protein, they are also full of fibre which helps with bowel health.”

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I’m American and have fallen in love with a Scottish baby name – but people say my ‘simplified’ spelling’s insulting

A MUM-TO-BE has been slammed after “simplifying” the spelling of a Scottish baby name – with people saying it’s insulting and looks made up.

Picking a moniker for your little one can be an incredibly difficult task as you want to make sure you choose something special, but not so unique that your child gets bullied over it.

Mother holding newborn baby.
A mum-to-be’s ‘unique’ spelling of a Scottish name has divided opinion[/caption]

Some people opt to name their child after their favourite book or film character, or even celebrities.

Others find inspiration from relatives and their family roots.

One woman, however, has revealed that her plans to give her little girl a Scottish name could “curse her to a lifetime of mispronunciation”.

Posting on Reddit, the American mum-to-be said: “My husband loves the Scottish name Eilidh (as do I, but I have a few others ahead of it in my list).

“But to even consider it as a first name, I feel like we’d have to make it easier for an American to pronounce as that is where we live.

“My husband disagrees, he thinks we should just keep the traditional spelling, but I feel like that would be borderline cruel.”

As a solution, she’s suggested an alternative spelling that people in the USA may find easier to say.

She added: “The correct pronunciation is ay-lee. Would spelling it ‘Aylee’ be simple enough?

“Another question, does spelling it different for easier pronunciation ruin the name? I typically hate when people take liberties with the spelling of names, but this seems different as it’s more to help instead of just trying to be ‘unique’.”

Eilidh is a Scottish Gaelic name for girls that means torch or shining one.

In Scotland, it was the baby name of choice for 122 parents in 2023. But, unsurprisingly, no babies were named Aylee in that same time period.

And the pregnant woman’s ‘simplified’ spelling of the name has sparked debate on social media.

Some Reddit users have agreed that it would be easier for the child growing up in America as many people would struggle with the traditional version.

One said: “I would have had NO IDEA how to pronounce that name. Aylee is beautiful and much more digestible way to spell it for us In the old US of A.”

A second wrote: “You do not live in a place with Gaelic speakers. Your child will have to pronounce her name every single time she meets a new person.

“Like, her teachers won’t even know how to begin saying her name without her assistance. Every doctor visit, she’ll have to correct 3-5 people. That’s a lot to saddle a kid with in America.”

“Aylee is also a name, and much easier to pronounce so I’d go with that”, chimed in a third.

A fourth echoed: “I think you’re right in trying to choose a spelling that is easier for Americans to pronounce (sad that it comes to that but it’s worth it to prevent your child from having to explain it repeatedly). I think that Aylee is a very pretty name.”

“When I look at that name [Eilidh] and want to pronounce it it makes me think of eyelid”, joked a fifth.

Meanwhile, a sixth added: “Do you live in Scotland? If not then my god, sorry but thats an awful, awful name.”

Others, however, have urged the mum-to-be to stick to the Scottish spelling so it’s not “butchered”.

One person fumed: “This is just me, I can’t speak for other Scots, but honestly I think it’s a little…insulting?

“To take a cultural name and change the spelling of it to fit where you live. I know that’s how new names are created but idk, there’s just something about it that doesn’t sit right with me.”

A second sighed: “Why is it such a big problem that people wouldn’t be able to pronounce it?

“In Scotland I’ve met plenty of people from other countries with names that I wouldn’t know how to pronounce, but asking only takes a second.”

A third agreed: “Don’t take a name from another culture and butcher it. Especially if you’re ever going to visit Scotland. It’s insulting and smacks of anglo-elitism.”

Banned baby names in the UK

The UK has no law restricting names, but names that contain obscenities, numerals, misleading titles, or are impossible to pronounce are likely to be rejected when registering a child.

  • Hitler
  • Monkey
  • Cyanide
  • Martian
  • Akuma
  • Chow Tow
  • Rogue

“I’m not a fan of how Aylee looks. It kind of ruins the name for me. It looks like you’re trying too hard”, said a fourth.

Somebody else confessed: “Aylee would work but I don’t personally love the spelling… very ‘millennial made up name’ to me.”

And a sixth wrote: “As a Scottish person I love the name Eilidh but I absolutely hate the spelling you’ve suggested.”

Taking all of the comments on board, the expectant mum later revealed: “I’m leaning towards maybe using it as a middle name.”

It’s not the first time Scotland has helped to influence a new mum’s baby name choices.

One woman revealed she turns to the map of the country for inspiration for her kids’ monikers.

Sammi lives in England but chooses to name her children after Scottish places.

But another mum-to-be was forced to scrap her baby name choices after moving north of the border.

She told social media users she was disappointed after realising that people pronouncing the monikers in a Scottish accent would completely ‘change’ the names.

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Помідори та інші продукти, які вбивають ракові клітини

0 Відомий медик Вільям Лі очолює Angiogenesis Foundation-організацію, що займається пошуком нових підходів до лікування захворювань. Він назвав продукти, завдяки яким ризик розвитку онкології може бути знижений. За словами фахівця, так 95% раку викликано зовнішніми факторами, тобто нездоровим харчуванням. Особливо важливо звернути увагу на овочі і в першу чергу – на томати, які містять пігмент […]

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Підводний грязьовий вулкан є притулком для морського життя в Арктиці

У 2023 році дослідники зробили видатне відкриття в Баренцевому морі: грязьовий вулкан Borealis. Ця підводна геологічна дивина швидко привернула увагу всього світу, коли зображення морського вулкана поширилися глобально. Тепер спільні зусилля науковців з UiT та REV Ocean висвітлили екологічне значення цього унікального утворення. Природний прихисток для морських видів Згідно з дослідженням, вулкан Borealis слугує природним […]

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Jerry Heil висловилася про програш на Греммі-2025

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