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Медики назвали 5 правил, які допомагають швидше вилікуватися від застуди

  Застуда – поширена хвороба, проте не всі знають головні правила одужання. Медики назвали 5 порад, які допоможуть швидше вилікуватися від застуди та грипу. Взимку шанси захворіти на застуду підвищуються в рази. Найчастіше людина стикається з такими симптомами, як втома, біль в горлі млявість, нежить і чхання. Медики поділилися 5 правилами, без дотримання яких одужати […]

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Джинси за 5 тисяч і чобітки за $1500: Дмитро Кулеба з коханою розповіли, скільки коштують їхні луки

Фото з Instagram Дмитра Кулеби Колишній очільник МЗС України Дмитро Кулеба та його кохана жінка, піарниця та видавчиня Світлана Павелецька розповіли блогеру Ніколасу Кармі скільки коштує їхній лук. Блогер зустрів пару під час їхньої прогулянки Львовом, тож вирішив поцікавитися, у які бренди вони одягаються і скільки коштує це вбрання. «Бачиш, і ми заслужили Карму», — […]

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Вчені виявили зірку-рекордсмена — пульсуючий білий карлик

Коли ядерне паливо зірки з масою, як у Сонця, закінчується і вона скидає свої зовнішні оболонки, утворюється надзвичайно щільне ядро ​​— білий карлик. Як правило, маса цих зіркових залишків, оточених тонкою водневою або гелієвою оболонкою, не перевищує сонячну. Але нещодавно астрономи виявили серед них «пульсуючого» рекордсмена. На відміну від «класичних» білих карликів, їх масивні побратими […]

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Amanda Holden pays tribute to baby son 14 years after his heartbreaking death

AMANDA Holden has shared a sweet tribute to her son Theo, who would have been 14 years old.

Britain’s Got Talent judge Amanda took to her Instagram to share the touching message for her son, who was stillborn at 28 weeks in 2011.

Amanda Holden at Britain's Got Talent photocall.
Amanda Holden has made a sweet tribute to her son Theo, who would have been 14[/caption]
Amanda Holden with her family.
Amanda and husband Chris Hughes lost son Theo, who was born sleeping at 28 weeks[/caption]

The TV and radio presenter took to her Instagram Stories to share a photograph of a burning candle in tribute to her son, as she wrote: “Our beautiful boy would have been 14 today.” 

Last year Amanda marked the day as she told followers how her son would have been turning into a teenager.

Amanda pays tribute to her son in various ways on the date each year alongside husband Chris.

The pair welcomed their first child Alexa, 18, into the world in 2006, followed by Hollie, 12, in 2012.

Amanda has previously recalled the heartbreaking last moments with her son.

She recalled: “He looked so normal and so peaceful. I held him in my arms and I said goodbye, basically.

“But I couldn’t have done it without the incredible team around us. My husband was so strong and so amazing but they got him through it too.

“And then the days and months afterwards, the same team of people checked on us every single day and it’s not because I’m off the telly or famous or anything like that.

“I believe they’d have extended that care to any woman, any family, in my situation.”

Amanda has said that Theo will always be part of the family.

She added: “I’ll literally do anything for the National Health Service because they got me through it, they got Chris through it and I now thankfully have two healthy girls and a little boy who is still part of the family but just not here.”

She’s also spoken about the impact the loss had on her and her husband Chris, who she married in 2018.

She revealed the sad loss left the pair of them “frightened” of having another child.

She told us: “It was horrific in the months after Theo.

“My husband was frightened of having another child, he never wanted to see me go through that pain again — and himself.

“But I knew in order to carry on and live life, I had to have a baby and I was lucky enough to have the choice and be able to have another one.”

Lit candle with text: "You would have become a teenager today... #Theo"
Instagram / @notholdenback
Amanda Holden pays tribute to her son every year[/caption]
Amanda Holden and Chris Hughes at Wimbledon.
Amanda has previously spoken out about the tragic loss she faced in 2011[/caption]
Amanda Holden and Chris Hughes.
Amanda and husband Chris share two daughters, Alexa and Hollie[/caption]

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Killer farmer Tony Martin who shot burglar who broke into his property & was convicted of murder dies aged 80

THE convicted killer of a teenage intruder in his home has died at the age of 80, a family friend has said.

Tony Martin shot a 16-year-old at his Norfolk farmhouse in 1999.

A man in a suit holds a shotgun.
PC Stephen Matthews held the Winchester Pump Action Shotgun outside Norwich Crown Court, which was used to kill Fred Barras[/caption]

The following year, Martin was jailed for the boy’s murder and for injuring another 29-year-old man, Brendan Fearon, in the same incident.

It is thought the panicked farmer shot at both burglars after they broke into his secluded property.

His defence for the shooting of Fred Barras was that he pulled the trigger as a warning.

The confrontation divided the nation with reclusive Martin protesting his innocence while others believed he lacked regret over that fateful night.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, Martin claimed he had been “stitched up” by police, lawyers, prosecutors and judges at his trial.

He also revealed he hopes his name to be cleared one day.

Martin even described visiting Fred Barras’ grave, insisting that he “felt no remorse” standing over it.

Martin was released three years later when his murder conviction was reduced to manslaughter.

Living on his own near Wisbech, the semi-derelict farmhouse was in Emneth Hungate.

Headshot of Tony Martin after his release from prison.
Tony Martin returned to his farm house in Norfolk after being released from prison[/caption]

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