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House proud Brits racing to Wickes for boxes of wall tiles slashed to 1p – one lucky shopper nabbed trendy sage green

Exterior view of a Wickes store.

ADDING some tiling to your bathroom or kitchen is a quick way to give the space a touch of glam.

But it can be pricey if you’re after the latest in-trend colours and styles, with costs adding up quickly.

Sage green ceramic wall tiles and range hood in kitchen.
The sage green tiles are perfect for adding a touch of glam
Boxes of Wickes Cosmopolitan Sage wall tiles.
Sina spent just 2p on her new tiles

One lucky shopper on a mission to secure some tiles spotted an absolute bargain in her local branch of Wickes, and posted her find to Facebook group Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK.

Sina Jagpal shared her haul with the group’s 2.6 million members, who share deals, offers and money-saving tips with each other.

Sina wrote: “I got these for 1p for each box so a whopping 2p.

“Originally £21 a pack of tiles but they are scanning at 1p in Wickes apparently due to the line changing!

“Even the man at the till called a manager as he said he didn’t think it was right but it was!

“My lucky day hey!”

Sina added a pic of her bargains, two boxes of gorgeous sage green Cosmopolitan style wall tiles.

The Wickes website describes the tiles as “a timeless small format range of ceramic tiles in a stunning gloss finish.”

The tiles can be placed in line, in a herringbone effect or brick bond, meaning there’s loads of different patterns and designs you can use them for.

And they’re perfect for modernising an old room.

The Wickes website even recommends using coloured grout to make the colour of the tiles pop.

The glossy tiles are easy to wipe clean, making them easy to keep looking fresh.

They’re also water resistant, so they are perfect for washrooms and kitchens.

On the Wickes website, happy customers have given the tiles an incredible 4.8 star rating.

Other members of the Facebook bargain-hunting group couldn’t believe Sina’s luck.

One person said: “Well done you right place right time.”

Another person chimed in: “Omg amazing!”

And somebody else said: “Well done.”

10 DIY hacks for under £1 each

These simple and affordable DIY hacks can help you get creative while saving money

Homemade Air Freshener:

Mix baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Place it in a small jar with a perforated lid to keep your home smelling fresh.

Upcycled Tin Can Planters:

Clean and paint empty tin cans to use as stylish planters for herbs or small plants.

Custom Phone Stand:

Use a sturdy piece of cardboard or an old plastic credit card to create a custom phone stand. Decorate it with washi tape or paint.

DIY Lip Scrub:

Combine sugar and a bit of honey or coconut oil to make a natural lip scrub. Store in a small container.

Personalised Bookmarks:

Use old greeting cards or decorative paper to create unique bookmarks. Punch a hole at the top and add a ribbon for a finishing touch.

Decorative Mason Jars:

Paint or decoupage old mason jars to use as decorative vases, storage containers, or candle holders.

Easy Cable Organiser:

Use empty toilet paper rolls to organize cables and cords. Decorate the rolls with colorful paper or tape.

Magnetic Spice Jars:

Attach small magnets to the lids of small jars and stick them to a metal board or fridge for easy-access spice storage.

Handmade Coasters:

Cut out squares from old corkboard or felt and decorate them with paint or fabric to create custom coasters.

Natural All-Purpose Cleaner:

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent. Use it to clean surfaces around your home.

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