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The European sunshine spot just three hours from Dublin with outdoor activities, sandy beaches & €19.99 Ryanair flights

TAKE a look at the European sunshine spot with outdoor activities, stunning sandy beaches and Ryanair flights from just €19.99.

Mallorca is the biggest Balearic Islands located on the Mediterranean Sea, just off the coast of Spain – and it’s only three hours from Dublin.

Aerial view of Portals Nous beach in Mallorca, Spain.
Mallorca offers a great variety of activities for those who like to combine sports with adventure[/caption]
Stone stairway in Pollenca, Mallorca, leading to a chapel.
Getty - Contributor
The island boasts more caves than any other place in Europe[/caption]
Sailing boats racing in regatta.
The Puerto Portals is a gourmet treat to spot luxury yachts[/caption]

The Spanish island is famous for its beautiful, sandy beaches surrounded by crystal clear waters, rugged coves and picturesque villages.

It is a tourist hot spot, but holidaymakers can also opt to travel during the off-peak season with plenty to enjoy before the arrival of masses of package tourists.

Holidaymakers can enjoy the soft white sand beaches without the usual hustle and bustle.

With affordable flights travelling daily from Dublin Airport, visitors can fly for less than €19.99 with Ryanair.

Mallorca also offers a great variety of activities for those who like to combine sports with adventure.

The island boasts more caves than any other place in Europe.

Visitors can also take exciting walks through the caves or even take a balloon ride to explore the island’s stunning landscapes.

You can also dive into Mallorca’s wildlife, exploring shipwrecks, underwater caves and steep rugged rocks.

In addition to the glorious beaches and wild nightlife, the Balearic are known for their rich cultural history and scenic landscapes.

It is a great year-round destination, with temperatures reaching 20C over spring time.

Palma, its capital, is known for its iconic Palma Cathedral and the 14th-century Bellver Castle, both promising panoramic views.

A visit to the century-old Sóller train is a must-do in the Spanish capital so you can return to the early twentieth century over the 27-kilometre route.


Andratx, situated in the south-west of the island, is another hot spot of Mallorca.

It lies within one of the valleys of the Tramuntana mountains and is home to the ruins of the Trappist monastery La Trapa.

You should also visit the Puerto Portals, a gourmet treat to spot luxury yachts, exclusive boutiques, upscale terraces or restaurants.

It is a spot usually with a high concentration of famous faces such as Jim Carey and Paris Hilton.

The Balearics also offer excellent dining and a range of local wines.

And if you’re hoping to keep things affordable, pints in local pubs and bars can cost as little as €4.

Mallorca beach scene with turquoise water, rocky shore, and buildings on a hillside.
Mallorca is the biggest Balearic Islands located on the Mediterranean Sea[/caption]

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Little-known Balearic accommodation that costs just £9 a night in peak season, and even the locals love it

FOR cheap places to stay in Majorca, look no further than these ‘hikers hostels’.

The properties scattered over the north of the island are looked after by the council, and are perfect for anyone looking to go exploring on a budget.

A8FHP7 Deia. Majorca . Balearic Islands .Spain
You can find the hostels all over the northern part of Majorca, including Deia
2RWADBB Mallorca, Spain - 12 June, 2023: Refugi Can Boi, accommodation on the GR221 trail in the Tramuntana mountains, Mallorca
This hostel costs €11 a night and is perfect if you’re looking a very basic stay

Across the GR221 Serra de Tramuntana, a huge mountain range in Majorca, there are a number of hostels that you can book with some costing as little as €11 (£9) per night.

This type of accommodation is looked after by the Council of Majorca.

The hostels are some of the cheapest you’ll find across the country and don’t change their pricing, even in peak times, but they are no frills.

And it’s not just tourists that use the hostels – locals exploring the hiking trail have been known to stop in too because they’re so convenient.

In the hostel, they provide a bed in a dormitory style room, a hot shower, basic meals and a packed lunch for the following day.

Bedding isn’t included, but you can get this thrown in for a few extra euros.

There won’t be any way to have a lie-in either as every hostel has an early check out time, there’s also an 11pm curfew.

One stop called the ‘Refuge de Can Boi’ is found an on the outskirts of coastal village of Deia.

The rates are €11 per night with an extra €8.5 per meal and is the cheapest accommodation in Deia.

The hostel in Deia has a three and a half average rating on TripAdvisor with one saying they had no complaints about cleanliness and the beds were a “reasonable size”.

Sa Fortaleza, the world's most expensive property, overlooking Puerto Pollensa, Majorca.
The hostels are looked after by the council and are scattered across the GR221 trails
Refuge de Pont Roma, Pollensa
This hostel in Pollensa has 38 beds across five dorms and rates that start at €11
Mallorca Outdoors
Lounge area with wooden couches, a wooden coffee table, a fireplace, and a bookshelf.
The Pollensa hostel has dorm-style rooms and also a communal area for relaxing

Another guest complimented the “caring and attentive” manager.

One visitor came back a second time adding that the “comfort is basic” and “if you come there to find a cheap all-inclusive hotel, move on”.

Another hostel, called the ‘Refuge de Pont Roma’ is on the outskirts of the northern village of Pollensa.

It has 38 beds across five dorms and rates start at €11. It’s a great place if you want to explore the village and have a look at the historic Roman Bridge.

Refuge de Pont Roma, Pollensa,
At the ‘Refuge de Pont Roma’ they provide meals in a light and airy conservatory
Refuge de Pont Roma, Pollensa,
The beds are dormitories but are well-looked after and cleaned to a high standard

One traveller described it as “simple” but that as a backpacker it has “everything you need”.

For anyone ditching their fly-and-flop holiday for a hiking trail, these pit stops are the perfect place to rest.

The hostels can be found in Deia, Port De Soller, Alaro, Lluc and Pollensa.

They do do book up quickly, so its advised to book in advance which you can do on the Majorca Council website.

Idyllic island scenery of Port de Pollenca, beautiful bay coast on Mallorca, Spain Mediterranean Sea
The hiking trails of Pollenca show-off the stunning coastal views

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