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Запас ходу — до 760 км: розкрито подробиці першого електрокросовера Xiaomi

Фото: Xiaomi | Xiaomi YU7 — обтічний п’ятиметровий кросовер   Кросовер Xiaomi YU7 запропонують у версіях потужністю 315 та 680 сил. Запас ходу електромобіля складе від 670 до 760 км. З’явилася інформація про новий Xiaomi YU7. Перший кросовер від китайської корпорації надійде в продаж із літа за ціною від 250 000 юанів ($34 000). Про […]

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Росіяни затримали “главу адміністрації” Сєвєродонецька в “ЛНР”

Фото: росЗМІ Так званого «голову адміністрації Сєвєродонецька» росіяни підозрюють у «бандитизмі» Моргунова звинувачують в участі в банді, розбої, скоєному організованою групою, та викраденні людей. Так званого «голову адміністрації» Сєвєродонецька в тимчасово окупованій Луганщині Миколу Моргунова затримали за підозрою в бандитизмі та викраденні людей. Про це повідомляє слідчий комітет РФ. За даними російського відомства, Моргунова звинувачують […]

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70s comedy legend Brian Murphy who starred in ITV sitcoms Man About the House and George and Mildred dies aged 92

ACTOR and comedian Brian Murphy has died aged 92.

Murphy was best known for his role in the 1970s British sitcoms Man About the House and George and Mildred.

Photo of Brian Murphy at the Olivier Awards.
Times Newspapers Ltd
Actor and comedian Brian Murphy has died aged 92[/caption]

He passed away at his home in Kent on Sunday morning.

He is survived by his wife, Hi-de-Hi! actress Linda Regan, and his two sons.

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New Dancing With The Stars judge Karen Byrne reveals ‘dread’ over one part of RTE show, admitting it will be ‘tough’

NEW Dancing With The Stars judge Karen Byrne revealed she is dreading the first dance-offs at the weekend.

The Dubliner, previously a pro on the RTE One show for seven seasons, admits it will be “very hard” to send celebs packing.

Karen Byrne, judge on Dancing with the Stars, in a blue dress.
Dancing with the Stars judge Karen Byrne doesn’t want to send celebs packing
Kyran OBrien

Karen, 32, told The Irish Sun: “I didn’t sign up for that part! This is definitely gonna be tough but you have to go with what you see.

“I’d love everyone to make the final but that’s not what the show is. If somebody slips, you have to judge on what you’ve seen in the dance off. It’s going to be very hard.”

And things could be even tougher as Kevin Dundon looks most likely to go home.

The TV chef, who finished bottom on Sunday, is a favourite of Karen.

She has consistently praised his commitment, telling us: “Everyone is trying their best and you can see that Kevin is trying his best. But is Kevin’s best ever going to best an Olympian? No. It’s not. But it’s all about putting the time in and committing to show.  

“Myself and people at home like to see dancers embracing the experience.”

Karen also praised fellow judges Loraine Barry, Arthur Gourounlian and Brian Redmond for their support.

She said: “They have been so lovely. Every week I feel like the three of them are holding my hand.”

Meanwhile, Aishah Akorede told how it was “not an easy thing” to open up on TV about her long battle with sickle cell disease.

The former Miss Universe Ireland, 25, spoke out while dedicating her dance to mum Kemi, who has been a pillar of support throughout her life.

She said: “I’m happy sharing my story is going to help people. It has already”.

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‘He’ll never change’ warns brother of murdered Veronica Guerin as mob boss John Gilligan on remand after arrest in Spain

CAGED mob boss John ­Gilligan “will never change”, the brother of murdered journalist Veronica Guerin last night warned.

And Jimmy Guerin says the 72-year-old thug will always pose a “danger” to society.

John Gilligan and his lawyer in an elevator.
John Gilligan has been locked up on remand since mid-December
Crispin Rodwell - The Sun Dublin
Jimmy Guerin, an independent candidate, at a local election count.
Jimmy Guerin hopes Gilligan will actually serve time if convicted of running a secret lab
Times Newspapers Ltd
Photo of Veronica Guerin.
His sister Veronica Guerin was gunned down by Gilligan’s mob
Getty - Contributor

He hopes Gilligan will get a long sentence after cops uncovered an €8million drugs lab and hidden gun at his pad in Costa Blanca, Spain.

Dubliner Gilligan — whose mob shot dead crime reporter Veronica in June 1996 — has been locked up on remand since mid-December.

Police accused his mob — which includes Macedonian gangsters — of flooding the streets with drugs, including deadly pink cocaine.

And the pint-sized thug’s arrest comes after he received a 22-month suspected sentence in September 2023 after he was caught with a gun and drugs in October 2020.

Murder victim Veronica’s brother hopes he will actually serve time if convicted of running the secret lab.

Mr Guerin told The Irish Sun: “It’s almost 30 years since Veronica’s murder and it’s clear this individual will never change.

“It’s very disappointing to see that Gilligan and his associates are still poisoning children with their drugs.

“Gilligan is into his 70s now and yet here he is continuing his involvement in the illicit drugs trade.

“I was disappointed with the last court outcome and I hope he receives an appropriate sentence if it’s proven he was centrally involved in production of drugs which can cause so much damage.

“Recent behaviour we have seen from Gilligan reinforces my belief the Gilligan gang will not change and, if released from prison, will continue their involvement in organised crime.


“Nothing has changed over the last 30 years. This gang is continuing to trade in drugs in Ireland and beyond, and causing untold damage to thousands of people.”

According to Jimmy, Gilligan is nothing but “an amoral drug dealer who will never change”.

The Independent Fingal councillor added: “Gilligan has shown nothing but contempt for our family over the last 29 years. He is someone who has shown absolutely no remorse for a young mother gunned down in broad ­daylight. We were never under any illusion about the type of man we were dealing with.”

The Irish Sun also spoke to a senior investigator about Gilligan’s latest arrest — made without the help of the Garda National Drugs and Organised Crime Bureau.


The GNDOCB weren’t involved because Gilligan is no longer regarded as a “priority target”.

But the investigator said: “It’s great to see how this parasite of a despicable little man continues to fail in his drug dealing ventures. He is back where he belongs — in prison.

“There was no need for Gardai to be involved because the Spanish police were all over him.”

Pink powder in plastic bags and drug processing equipment seized in a police raid.
Spanish police raided Gilligan’s frug lab at his villa
A handgun recovered from a drain.
A hand gun was found in a drain at Gilligan’s villa

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«Греммі-2025»: список переможців музичної премії

0 У ніч на 3 лютого у США відбулася 67-та церемонія вручення найпрестижнішої музичної премії «Греммі-2025». Захід, провідним якого став Тревор Ноа, пройшов на арені у Лос-Анджелесі. Лідерами за кількістю нагород цього року стали Сабрина Карпентер, Бейонсе, Charli xcx і Кендрік Ламар. А сама телетрансляція була присвячена збору коштів на підтримку постраждалих від лісових […]

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Як приготувати хрусткі малосольні огірки за одну ніч

Коли захочеться малосольних огірків, згадайте цей невигадливий рецепт, який дозволить спробувати хрусткі огірочки вже наступного ранку. Пікантний розсіл надає овочам приємного смаку та аромату. Рецепт настільки простий, що немає потреби закатувати банки із запасом. Для приготування потрібно: 1 кг огірків; 1 л води; 1,5 ст. л. солі; 1 ст. л. цукру; 1 ст. л. гірчичного […]

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Заради анімації на мапі канадець пробіг понад тисячу кілометрів

Канадський бігун Дункан Маккейб створив анімацію танцюючої фігурки за допомогою GPS-трекера. Про це повідомляє The Washington Post. Він записав 120 окремих пробіжок у вигляді маршрутів, які потім об’єднав у відео тривалістю 27 секунд. На втілення ідеї йому знадобилося 10 місяців роботи та близько 1127 км пробіжок. Як розповіли у виданні, минулого Різдва Дункан говорив із […]

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Увечері занурюю “засалені” кухонні рушники та прихватки в цей 1 еліксир – вранці вони просто сяють чистотою!

Ні для кого не секрет, що прихватки та кухонні рушники з часом здатні змінювати свій первісний зовнішній вигляд. Розповідаємо, як легко повернути цим виробам білизну та свіжість у домашніх умовах. Волога, жир та будь-які інші забруднення зазвичай залишають на тканинах кухонних рушників та прихваток досить стійкі плями, яких інколи дуже складно позбутися за допомогою звичайних […]

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