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Spanish city nicknamed the ‘Cuba of Europe’ with Havana-like streets and James Bond beach

A SPANISH city with direct UK flights has been compared to the Caribbean island of Cuba – with its beaches and streets used to film famous Hollywood films.

Cadiz is one of western Europe‘s oldest cities, and is surrounded by water on three sides.

La Caleta beach in Cadiz, Spain, with boats and the Santa Catalina castle.
Cadiz has been dubbed the Cuba of Europe with it’s resemblance to Cuba[/caption]
Halle Berry in an orange bikini in a scene from Die Another Day.
The famous Die Another Day beach scene was filmed in Cadiz, to replicate Cuba
Rex Features
Street scene in Old Havana, Cuba, with the Capitolio building in the background.
Streets in Cadiz are said to resemble Havana (pictured)[/caption]

And it has been nicknamed Little Havana with many of the narrow streets and architecture resembling the Cuban capital.

Of course, it was Cadiz that came first – the Spanish city was founded around 1100BC while Havana was colonised by Spain in the 16th century.

But the resemblance is so strong, two films even used the city as a filming destination to replicate Cuba.

The iconic scene of Halle Berry on the beach in the James Bond film Die Another Day was filmed on Cadiz’ La Caleta Beach.

The 450-metre sandy beach remains the most popular in the city with both tourists and locals, lined with restaurants and bars.

And James Bond star Sean Connery filmed the entire 1979 movie Cuba in Cadiz.

If you really want to get into the Cuban vibes, the no.1 bar in Cadiz is Habana Cafe.

One person said: “The best Caipirinha you can find outside Brazil. Just go there, enjoy the Latin music.”

Instagrammer Patrica posted about the city’s resemblance to Cuba too and people were shocked.

One person said: “Gosh it really looks so much like Cuba. I wanna go.”

Another said: “As a Cuban that has travelled to Cadiz. Yes, what Cuba used to look like.”

Even better, is the city gets 300 days of sunshine a year remaining above 16C even in winter and up to 28C in summer.

Don’t expect many chain hotels in Cadiz, although you can find some beautiful boutique options instead.

Some of the most affordable options start from £42 a night or you can splash out on the five-star Palacio de Sancti Petri, which starts from £138 a night.

The nearest airport is Jerez Airport, which is around 30 minutes from the city.

Jet2 has flights from £72 if flying from Leeds, although also has routes from both Birmingham and Manchester.

Andalusian street scene in Cadiz, Spain.
Cadiz’s architecture is very similar to Havana[/caption]
Street scene in Old Havana, Cuba, showing workers repairing a building, children playing, and people walking.
Havana’s narrow streets are just like the Spanish city[/caption]
Cathedral in Cadiz, Spain, with people sitting at outdoor cafes.
Cadiz also gets 300 days of sunshine a year[/caption]

Otherwise TUI has flights from £79 when flying from London Gatwick,

If you want cheaper flights, you can head to Seville as Ryanair has fares from £19.99.

You can then head to Cadiz for a day trip which is around 1hr24 by train.

Another Spanish city has been called the “garden of Europe”.

The Sun visits Cadiz

The Sun’s Travel Reporter Hope Brotherton recently visited the Spanish city.

On my first day, I made a beeline for Cadiz Cathedral, which dominates the local skyline thanks to its glistening golden dome.

My tour guide informed me that the bright rooftop was designed so incoming vessels could spot the port city in the daylight.

Other attractions in the city include a visit to La Caleta, one of the local beaches, and a stroll around Mercado Central – an outdoor marketplace.

Another free attraction is the Roman amphitheatre, which is situated next to the city’s promenade.

I made sure to visit the theatre the moment it opened, so I could avoid the hordes of day-trippers.

Or head to Menorca to find the “Mykonos of Spain”.

Unlock even more award-winning articles as The Sun launches brand new membership programme – Sun Club.

Plaza España in Vejer de la Frontera, Spain.
You can fly there with both TUI and Jet2[/caption]

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