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Як розмножити фікус живцюванням: найпростіший метод

  Як відомо, для розмноження фікусів можна використовувати низку способів. Але живцювання – найпростіший варіант, з допомогою якого можна отримати багато нових квітів. Слід зазначити, що цей спосіб найбільше підходить по відношенню до листяних різновидів фікуса, у тому числі для фікуса Бенджаміна або каучуконосного фікуса . Зверніть увагу – живцювання слід використовувати в тому випадку, […]

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Michael Schumacher’s brother admits ‘everything I do is not good enough’ and dad told him to ‘get a proper job’

MICHAEL SCHUMACHER’S brother Ralf admits “everything I do is not good enough” and revealed his dad told him to “get a proper job.”

Ralf, 49, is a former Formula One star who spent 11 seasons in the sport.

Michael Schumacher and his brother Ralph wearing red wigs after a Formula One race.
Ralf Schumacher has opened up about living in the shadow of brother and F1 legend Michael[/caption]
Ralf Schumacher at the Canadian Grand Prix.
Ralf admits his dad tried dissuading him from also becoming a racing driver[/caption]

Competing from 1997 to 2007, he won six Grand Prix races starring for the likes of Jordan, Williams and Toyota.

But Ralf’s achievements in the sport have always paled in comparison with older brother Michael.

The Ferrari legend won a joint-record seven world titles during his time racing.

Michael was tragically placed in a medically induced coma after suffering a traumatic brain injury while skiing in 2013.

And he is now set to become a grandfather for the first time after daughter Gina announced her pregnancy last month.

Reflecting on his relationship with Michael, Ralf told The Times that he always felt he was being questioned by people due to his brother’s superior prowess behind the wheel.

It even reached a stage where their dad told Ralf to pursue a new career as he would never be able to emulate Michael’s success.

Ralf said: “People look at you and everything you do is not good enough.


“They (my family) are not really into motor sport. My father doesn’t like that. He prefers fishing.

“Even when Michael was so successful, my father always said to me: ‘Please, do something different.’

“He wanted me to be a chef, to have a proper job and not motor racing, because you cannot make money with it.

“Even when Michael was in Formula 1, my father said: ‘No, no, forget it. He was so lucky. One is amazing already, but two [sons] will never make it. So do something else.’”

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I’m a beauty fan but save money in Boots by switching to six bargain buys – the 75p shampoo and conditioner is a must

THE cost of beauty essentials is no joke, but one savvy shopper has found a few bargain buys to help ease the pressure on your wallet.

Kat Leech, who is better known online as Kat Saves, recently took to social media to share some of the best beauty buys from Boots for anyone on a budget.

People walking past a Boots pharmacy in London.
The bargain buys can replace your beauty staples and save you some cash[/caption]
Boots coconut and vanilla shampoo and conditioner, 75p each.
You can’t go wrong with shampoo and conditioner for 75p[/caption]
Boots curl cream on a store shelf.
People with Curly locks raved about the Boots curl creme[/caption]

The recommendations came from her own loyal followers, many of whom swear by the staples on the shelves.

First up, Kat showed off the Boots Everyday shampoo and conditioner, which are just 75p each and come in a delicious coconut and vanilla scent – what’s not to love?

“That is an absolute bargain,” Kat said in the viral video.

And if you’ve got curly locks, the Boots Curl Creme might be the one for you.

It’s just £1.99 for a large tub and one hair fan said it’s “excellent if anyone is looking for something affordable.”

One shopper even left a review online and wrote: “Have used this for many years, have dry highlighted soft fine hair and curls. My curls like it and it is not too sticky. It is very good value for money.”

And another agreed: ” can honestly say I have spent my life looking for something a product that does everything this does!

“I have spent so much money and this product does far more than any expensive brand I have ever purchased!”

When it comes to stocking up on staples, you can’t forget suncream.

According to Kat, many people reccomended the Soltan range – and with prices starting from just a few quid, it’s no wonder why.

“Multiple people told me the Soltan sun cream range is the best out there,” Kat said in the clip.

You can pick from different products, including the Soltan Protect & Moisturise Lotion SPF15, which has an average rating of 4.7 our of five and is perfect for some light protection during the winter months.

Or if you’ve got little ones why not try the Kids Protect & Moisturise Suncare Roll On SPF50+ for £4.

And if you’re someone who always needs to have hand gel in their bag, don’t bother forking out for pricey bottles.

Get your hands on the Boots Aloe Vera Had Gel for just 80p.

Likewise, the shop’s Coconut and Almond Hand Cream was a firm favourite of shoppers, and at £1.50 for a 100ml bottle it’s east to see why.

The product description online reads: “Enriched with coconut, almond and vitamin e to help fortify the skin’s natural moisture barrier, preventing moisture loss by maintaining skin’s hydration levels.”

“Another Boots hand cream you need to try is the Vitamin C Brightening Hand and Nail Serum, apparently it is fantastic,” Kat noted in the Instagram clip.

Suitable for all skin types, the serum is formulated with vitamin C and YUZU extract.

“This hand and nail serum helps to moisturise and restore dry skin for healthy-looking and nourished hands and nails,” the product description notes.

Boots Soltan sunscreen on display in a store.
Boots fans raved about the Soltan range[/caption]
Orange tube of Vitamin C brightening hand and nail serum.
The hand serum is a must during the colder months[/caption]

Top 3 beauty products every woman should be using

Hayley Walker, Beauty Expert at Justmylook shared the holy-grail products every woman needs to be using.

A cleanser, SPF, and hair oil are must-haves within beauty routines. 

A cleanser is crucial for healthy skin as it removes dirt, oil, and other impurities for flawless skin. This skincare step not only cleanses the face and removes dirt, but also prevents breakouts and premature skin ageing, helping you maintain a healthy, youthful, and blemish-free complexion. 

The Aveeno Face Calm+ Restore Nourishing Oat Cleanser is a go-to of mine due to its gentle formula that soothes and restores the skin’s appearance and texture. 

SPF is non-negotiable and should be in everyone’s daily skincare routine. 

Even on cooler, cloudier days, our skin is exposed to the sun’s UV rays which can be harmful to unprotected skin and even lead to damage. These damages include sunburn, pigmentation changes, and wrinkles which can impact the skin’s texture and appearance. In some cases, prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause skin cancer. 

Applying SPF daily prevents these damages and protects the skin from harmful rays. I recommend the Beauty Of Joseon Rice & Prebiotic Sunscreen PA++++ SPF50+ for its lightweight, non-clumping texture that absorbs quickly for a natural finish and maximum protection. 

Hair oil has many benefits and should be regularly used. This treatment can strengthen and protect the hair from external stressors while improving its appearance and shine. Regularly applying hair oil can also reduce breakage and even encourage hair growth for longer, fuller locks. Hair oils also target the scalp, reducing dandruff and improving its health through exfoliation. 

I recommend using this deeply nourishing treatment a couple of times a week or more depending on the hair’s moisture levels. The Hair Syrup Rapunzel Pre-Wash Oil Treatment is a nutrient-rich treatment that revitalises strands to promote a happy scalp and healthy-looking locks. Apply the syrup throughout damp hair before washing; massage from root to tip and allow the formula to penetrate strands before rinsing and styling.

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Фахівці застерегли українських водіїв про небезпечні фрази на блокпостах

Проїзд блокпостів для українських водіїв уже встиг стати буденністю, проте конфліктні ситуації на пунктах перевірки та пропуску все одно періодично відбуваються. У цій ситуації важливо не провокувати силовиків і самому не піддаватися на провокації. Фахівці звернули увагу на шість типових фраз кермувальників, які вийшли з себе і які категорично не можна говорити під час спілкування […]

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Допоможуть руки: названий топ-5 простих способів поліпшити пам’ять

  Мозок людини, подібно іншим частинам тіла, можна тренувати. Це сприяє розвитку пам’яті та поліпшенню швидкості мислення. Life зібрав топ-5 порад для розвитку розумових здібностей. Перераховано досить прості, але ефективні способи. 1) Чищення зубів іншою рукою. За інформацією видання, необхідно просто робити це рукою, якою ви не звикли. У такий спосіб тренуються обидві півкулі мозку, […]

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Що приготувати з кабачків: несолодкі кекси

  Сезон кабачків влітку — чудовий час для кулінарних експериментів. З кабачків готують ікру, млинці, додають у соте, у перші страви, а ще можна спекти кекси. Традиційно кекси роблять солодкими, шоколадними, з ягідними начинками, але овочева випічка не менш смачна — ділимося з вами рецептом. Подробиці Для приготування кабачкових кексів потрібно взяти: середні кабачки — […]

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«Оскар-2025»: оголошено номінантів престижної кінопремії

  У четвер, 23 січня, після двох перенесень через пожежі в Лос-Анджелесі Американська кіноакадемія оголосила імена номінантів на 97 премію «Оскар». Кінострічка «Емілія Перес» отримала найбільше номінацій — 13, за нею йдуть «Бруталіст» та «Wicked: Чародійка» (по 10 номінацій). Серед претендентів на нагороди є фільм «Порцелянова війна» (Porcelain war) про Харків на початку повномасштабного вторгнення […]

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Мережі насмішила реакція хлопця, дівчина якого впіймала весільний букет

На популярній платформі Reddit користувач під ніком Ty Tha Fly Guy опублікував відеоролик, на якому показано кумедну реакцію молодого хлопця на його дівчину, якій на весіллі пощастило спіймати букет нареченої. За прикметою це означає, що вона незабаром вийде заміж. «Мабуть, у нього інші плани на майбутнє», — жартують користувачі. «Дівчині краще дізнатися це зараз, поки […]

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