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Як позбутися плісняви у льоху: чим змочити стіни, щоб позбавити грибок живлення

Погріб – місце, де любить селитися пліснява.  Є кілька причин її появи: погана вентиляція та гідроізоляція, підвищена вологість. Багато хто вже звик і не звертає уваги на плісняву на стінах у льоху. Однак цей грибок дуже підступний і може зіпсувати продукти, які негативно впливають на здоров’я. Подробиці Небезпека плісняви Цвіль дуже швидко розповсюджується, і її […]

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Президенту Південної Кореї висунули звинувачення у спробі заколоту

Фото: Getty Images Президент Південної Кореї Юн Сок Йоль Президент країни з моменту арешту перебуває в одиночній камері. За спробу запровадження воєнного стану парламент оголосив йому імпічмент. Прокуратура Південної Кореї висунула звинувачення президенту Юн Сок Йолю у спробі державного перевороту через оголошення ним воєнного стану в країні у грудні минулого року. Про це повідомляє Yonhapу […]

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Man, 34, remanded in custody over murder of woman, 47, found dead at Waterford house

A MAN appeared in court tonight charged with the murder of a woman on Saturday morning.

Marcus O’Neill, of 15 O’Brien Street Waterford City, appeared before a special sitting of Gorey District Court on Sunday evening charged under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act.

Detective Sergeant Mick Bourke gave evidence of arrest charge and caution.

He told the court the 34-year-old made no reply when charged with the murder of Gillian Curran at 15 O’Brien St, Waterford on Saturday, January 25.

There was no application for bail as the District Court has no jurisdiction to consider bail on a murder charge.

Ms Curran, 47, was found unresponsive at a residence on O’Brien Street, Waterford City shortly after 10am on Saturday. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

The accused was represented by Andrew Bolger, instructed by Lana Doherty Solicitor, who made an application for free legal aid, which was granted.

Judge Kevin Staunton remanded the accused in custody with an order that he get medical and psychiatric attention.

He will appear before Waterford District Court next Tuesday via video link.

The accused, wearing a grey tracksuit, sat in the body of the court during the brief hearing and made no response.

A senior investigating officer has been appointed to lead the investigation and an incident room has been established at Waterford Garda Station.

A family liaison officer has also been assigned to support the family.

Garda have appealed for witnesses to contact them and are seeking any available camera footage, including dashcam recordings from those who were in the vicinity of O’Brien Street at the time of the incident.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Waterford Garda Station on 051 305322 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.

26/01/2025. Gorey Court, Gorey, Co. Wexford at a special court sitting, pictured appearing in court is Marcus O'Neill in relation to the death in Waterford City this weekend. Photograph: Patrick Browne
Marcus O’Neill appeared in court tonight charged with murder
Patrick Browne

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Love Island fans want star kicked out as he’s branded a ‘red flag’ over recoupling

LOVE Island viewers have been left furious over Montel’s behaviour after he picked Kaz over Catherine.

In tonight’s show Catherine confronted him and admitted she thought she would be picked.

Screenshot of a woman from ITV2 Love Island All Stars.
Catherine thought she was going to be picked by Montel
Kaz and Montel from Love Island All Stars.
Montel ended up picking Catherine[/caption]
Montel McKenzie from ITV2 Love Island All Stars.
Montel was smirking during the conversation

Those watching at home were not impressed that she has been led on and are desperate for Montel to get the boot.

One person commented: “Get Montel home NOW.”

A second begged: “Bruh just leave Montel alone. He’s a walking red flag.”

While a third added: “Montel you can learn and explore more with Kaz when your voted out of the villa x”

During the awkward chat,  Catherine explained: “I wasn’t upset at you, I think I was shocked by you because I thought you were talking about me…”

Smirking, Montel admitted: “Oh…yeah I can see why… the main reason is the fact I’ve known you for a while and if something was gonna happen, it would have…”

He continued: “I think you’re an unreal person but it has been explored…”

Confused, Catherine replied: “it hasn’t really been explored…”.

Last week smitten Catherine told Montel he had “walked in at the perfect time” during a chat with him.

So when he chose a delighted Kaz over her during at the daytime steal, Catherine was also left on the brink of tears.

The “daytime steal” came just 48 hours after the bombshells entered the villa – yet loyal show viewers reckon Montel will now be next out.

Only this week, viewers were fearing Catherine was going to quit Love Island All Stars after she burst into tears and admitted: “I just want someone to hold my hand.”

Four contestants standing on a patio by a pool.
Fans are not happy with the new couplings

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Love Island in fakery row as fans convinced Ronnie and Harriett NEVER split and have secret gameplan

LOVE Island is in a new fakery row as fans are convinced that Ronnie and Harriett NEVER split.

Viewers reckon that Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint have got a secret gameplan, with the pair having set their sights on winning £50,000.

Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint from ITV2 Love Island All Stars.
In tonight’s episode, Harriett and Ronnie had a chat about potentially rekindling things
Ronnie Vint from ITV2's Love Island All Stars.
Ronnie said that Harriett has ‘always been the one’ and expressed how much he wants to make her his girlfriend in the future
A man and woman sitting on a couch, talking.
The former couple had a chat on the terrace

Fans think the couple “never split up” and have entered the All Stars villa with the sole purpose of rekindling their romance on television so they can win the show and take home the prize money.

The popular pair shot to fame last summer when they starred in the summer series of the hit reality-dating show.

Winning each other’s hearts, and the hearts of the nation, Harriett and Ronnie left the villa together but they split just weeks later after he was accused of cheating.

And now that the former couple are back in each other’s lives after both signing up for Love Island: All Stars, fans think something fishy is going on.

In tonight’s episode, the former couple chatted about possibly rekindling their romance.

Ronnie said that Harriett has “always been the one” and expressed how much he wants to make her his girlfriend in the future.

Later, Harriett was in the Beach Hut and spoke about how she wanted to see if he had changed.

They were then seen chatting in the garden later on in the episode, with Ronnie expressing to Harriett that he wanted to couple up with her and share some kisses and cuddles in bed.


“Ronnie and Harriett are playing this so well, they clearly never split up. #LoveIsland,” penned one person.

Another added: “Tbh ronnie and Harriet just came to scam us of 50k tbh #LoveIsland.”

“I’m not buying Ronnie’s sudden realisation of love for Harriet. They either planned this or he’s seen a potential win with Harriet,” penned a third.

A fourth said: “harriet and Ronnie have just come to scam you guys.”

While a fifth penned: “harriett and ronnie are the biggest scammers actually this is so bad.”

This comes after we revealed that Ronnie secretly snogged Harriett BEFORE they both entered the All Stars villa.

Who are the 2025 Love Island All Stars couples so far?

Throughout the series the couples will chop and change as each recoupling happens

A source said: “Ronnie was desperate to win Harriett back just weeks ago after they shared a secret snog at a celeb-packed party.


“He has always felt there was unfinished business between them and he became fixated on finally making her his girlfriend.

“Despite their break-up, they never fully cut each other off and were texting daily in the lead-up to Christmas.

“He boasted to pals about how smitten he was so it’s no wonder he’s now seemingly got a one-track mind on getting back with Harriett now she’s made her villa entrance.” 

Man sitting on a couch, speaking.
Ronnie Vint and Harriett Blackmore shot to fame last summer
Harriett Blackmore and Ronnie Vint on ITV2 Love Island All Stars.
The couple split soon after leaving the villa the first time around

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Six ways to cut down your kids’ screen time without any arguments – and parents will need to change their attitude too

MANY parents don’t even know where to begin when it comes to getting their kids to spend less time staring at a screen.

Whether it’s social media, online games or TV – it all adds up and can be very addictive.

Toddler playing a mobile game on a smartphone.
It’s not uncommon for kids to have their own screen from a young age[/caption]
Close-up of a teenager's hands holding a smartphone.
A parenting pro has shared how you can limit their screen time with no fuss[/caption]

That’s why Dr Nihara Krause, a consultant clinical psychologist and founder of stem4, has commented on the issue parents face.

“Inevitably, too much engagement on screens may lead to parents worrying about what their child or young person might be exposed to,” she told MyLondon.

“There may be difficulty in gauging how screen time might be affecting children and young people, a lack of balance in terms of other activities, and a general feeling of not being in control.”

She spoke to o three mums and a dad, with kids between 12 and 17 years old and has shared some of their best tips for cutting down screen time without causing an argument.


One parent opted for the ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’ approach, and ended up gaining a much deeper understanding of their kids’ online world.

The parent explained: “I felt like if I couldn’t beat them, I would join them, and once I really understood what the draw was, I could then help them to learn to spend their time wisely.”


According to the parenting pro, some parents managed to cut screen time with screen time controls, but noted that they involved their child when setting them and reviewed them often.


Instead of expecting your kids to go cold turkey, the parenting pro revealed that one parents “felt they had to compete with limiting screen time by offering something extra and exciting.”

This took a bit of arrangement to begin with but “they felt it contributed to enhanced communication and fun family activities.”


Discussions about screen time should involve your kids, Dr Krause explained.

“Set up collaboratively, based on the age of the child or young person or their vulnerabilities, structured use schedules. Monitor, negotiate and collaborate,” she said.


Some parents found success with charging phones downstairs at night.

“This isn’t just about helping them relax before sleep, it’s also preventing that ‘must check my phone’ feeling as soon as they wake up,” she noted.


Your own reaction is important when it comes to this topic, the pro notesd.

She suggested altering your own reaction to help get “perspective” and decide what does and doesn’t matter in the long run.

Liat Hughes Joshi, author of ‘How To Unplug Your Child’ is out February 13.


THE screens of our phones, TVs and computers improve our lives in many ways, but there can be too much of a good thing. Science now shows Britain's technology obsession is damaging our health.

Most of the harm is because screen time is sedentary, meaning we barely move our bodies when we are watching or scrolling.

Spending too long sat still eventually leads to weight gain and obesity, which are the driving millions of Brits into health problems including type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, cancer and dementia.

Here are half a dozen studies that show screen time can damage our health at any age:

  • Children who spend too much time watching iPads and TVs at higher risk of mental health problems
  • Tots learn fewer words if they are glued to a screen
  • Kids at risk of type 2 diabetes if they watch too much TV
  • Couch potatoes double their risk of dying young
  • Five hours per day on social media trebles adults’ depression risk
  • Smartphone addiction keeps a third of us awake at night

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Чим небезпечна тривала робота двигуна на холостих обертах: водії мають знати

Сучасні автомобілі не призначені для тривалої роботи на холостому ходу, чому багато виробників не рекомендують довго прогрівати мотор перед поїздкою. Проблема криється в конструктивних особливостях сучасних двигунів внутрішнього згоряння (ДВЗ), які не завжди отримують достатню кількість мастила на низьких обертах. Сучасні двигуни вирізняються складною системою циркуляції масла. На холостому ходу мастило недостатньо ефективно надходить у […]

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Давній спосіб приготування котлет з майонезом у фарші

Курячі котлети з майонезом на сковороді можна приготувати нашвидкуруч. Такі котлети завжди виходять м’якими, а завдяки майонезу вони не будуть сухими. Ділимося покроковим рецептом! Ніжні курячі котлети із майонезом: перевірений покроковий рецепт Сьогодні ми пропонуємо вам приготувати надзвичайно прості та дуже смачні курячі котлети з майонезом та готовим фаршем. Звичайно, ви можете взяти не фарш, […]

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