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Олег Винник пригадав про “таємну” дружину у футболці з несподіваним написом

Скандальний співак Олег Винник, який неодноразово стикався з хвилями хейту через те, що «зник» з української сцени на тлі повномасштабної війни, знову про себе нагадав. Після скасування концерту в Польщі він вирішив привернути увагу юзерів згадкою про свою «таємну» дружину Таюне. Про це повідомляє РБК-Україна (проект Styler) з посиланням на відео, яким Винник поділився в […]

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Дефіцит заліза: які продукти корисні при нестачі важливого елемента

Причини дефіциту заліза варіюються від неправильного харчування до наявності різних захворювань. Недолік цього елемента може привести до постійної втоми і залізодефіцитної анемії. Фахівці Клівлендської клініки (Cleveland Clinic) розповіли, які продукти можуть бути корисні при дефіциті заліза. Це: кіноа; шпинат; червоне м’ясо; устриця; гарбузове насіння; квасоля і сочевиця; деякі сухофрукти. До основних симптомів дефіциту заліза відносяться: […]

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76-річна жінка потрапила до лікарні з діабетом, а дізналася, що вагітна

Якщо вагітність жінки завершиться успішно, вона може стати найстарішою матір’ю в історії. В США стало вірусним відео, де 76-річна жінка з Атланти дізналася, що вагітна. Пенсіонерка заявила, що має намір народжувати і залишити дитину. Про це пише видання М На вірусному відео лікар повідомляє жінці, що вона вагітна на 12-му тижні. Вагітна пенсіонерка отримує цю […]

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I’m a vet nurse and here’s four breeds I’d never recommend for first time owners – they’re stubborn and super snappy

A VET nurse has revealed the four popular dog breeds she would never recommend for first time owners. 

Jade, a Registered Veterinary Nurse from the UK who has three dogs and three tortoises, explained that whilst Cocker Spaniels can be calm, they can also be snappy too.

Vet nurse discussing dog breeds not recommended for first-time owners.
A vet nurse has shared the four dog breeds she would never recommend to first time owners
Vet nurse lists four dog breeds not recommended for first-time owners: Belgian Malinois, Shiba Inu, Chow Chow, and Cocker Spaniel.
But pet owners were left totally divided by her claims, with many eagerly flocking to the comments to share their thoughts
Fluffy red Chow Chow dog walking on grass.
Jade wouldn’t recommend Chow Chows due to their stubbornness[/caption]
Happy Cocker Spaniel sitting in the grass.
She also claimed that Cocker Spaniels can be snappy[/caption]

Not only this, but she also shared why Chow Chows are not suitable for those new to owning pets.

Keen to share her thoughts, Jade took to social media to confess her feelings on four common breeds, leaving many totally stunned. 

So if you’re thinking of getting a furry friend and aren’t sure which pooch is right for you, then you’ve come to the right place and will need to take notes.

In a short clip shared online, Jade penned: “Four dog breeds I do not recommend for first time owners, from a Vet Nurse.” 

First things first, the animal pro claimed that Cocker Spaniels are not suitable for first time owners, as she said: “My parents have two cockers who are polar opposites! One is calm as a cucumber and the other mad as a box of frogs but both can be a little snappy.”

She also explained why she wouldn’t recommend the Chow Chow breed, as she added: “Chows are fantastic! I own one myself… however I feel they are better suited to experienced owners because of their stubbornness.

“They are a wonderful breed but in the wrong hands often end up in rescues or worse being euthanised.”

As well as this, Jade also shared that the Belgian Malinois and Shiba Inu are not suitable for first time owners.

When it comes to the Shiba Inu breed, she acknowledged: “They are a wonderful breed but similar to Chows, they can be quite stubborn and aloof so I think they are always best pets for experienced dog owners.”

Jade was keen to stress that “with the correct training and environment”, such breeds “can be fantastic dogs”.

And the animal lover was also eager to add that her thoughts are simply her “own opinion” and are “not that of the entire veterinary profession”. 

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it was shared just one week ago, but has quickly racked up a jaw-dropping 584,600 views.

Dog Owner Guide: All You Need To Know

Owning and keeping a dog happy and healthy is not only a long-term financial, but a lifetime commitment.

Nine facts you should know ahead of time:

Big divide

But social media users were left totally divided by Jade’s claims, and many eagerly flocked to the comments to share their thoughts. 

One person said: “Finally someone NOT recommending spaniels for first time dog owners. I don’t know why they are so marketed as a family dog, they are hard work and need a lot of time!”

As a first time owner of a Belgian Malinois I 100% agree. Listen to the warnings

TikTok user

Another added: “Definitely agree with this list, add Frenchie and husky to it as well.” 

A third commented: “As a first time owner of a Belgian Malinois I 100% agree. Listen to the warnings. This dog has aged me and he’s only 10 months.”

However, at the same time, many disagreed, as one pet owner wrote:
“I got a cocker as a first time owner, I now have three cockers. Definitely a great breed to have as a first time owner.” 

The five best and worst dogs for apartments

Top 5 dog breeds for apartment living

  1. French bulldogs
  2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
  3. Shih Tzus
  4. Greyhounds
  5. Pugs

Breeds that may struggle in apartments

  1. Border Collie
  2. Siberian Husky
  3. Australian Shepherd
  4. Beagle
  5. Jack Russell Terrier

Source: Angelo Sorbello, CEO of Pet Sprint

A second chimed in: “My first dog is a Shiba Inu called Romi. She has been the best dog ever.”

Whilst someone else penned: “Chow Chow if anything are the best dogs for first time owners! Love to know why you think this.” 

Not only this, but one user asked Jade: “Would you recommend a Husky?”

To which she responded: “I wouldn’t recommend a Husky for a first time dog owner unless you do thorough research and believe you can offer everything a husky requires.” 

And when it comes to Beagles, Jade also wrote in the comments: “Haha Beagles love to eat EVERYTHING!”

Belgian Malinois sitting in grass, looking at camera.
Jade wouldn’t recommend the Belgian Malinois to first time owners[/caption]
Shiba Inu dog lying on a bed.
Whilst Jade believes Shiba Inus are “stubborn and aloof”[/caption]

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