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Розкрито секрети гарячих Юпітерів

Нове дослідження показало, що Гарячі Юпітери не завжди відштовхують або знищують найближчі планети під час їх міграції. Це дивовижне відкриття змінює наше розуміння того, як формуються та еволюціонують планетарні системи, пропонуючи новий погляд на їх складні структури. Вважалося, що гарячі Юпітери, колись вважалося, що обертаються навколо своїх зірок окремо, або поглинають, або викидають будь-які найближчі […]

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Поліна Логунова розкрила причину розлучення зі Ступкою та як відреагувала донька: “Ми мучилися”

Блогерка і стилістка Поліна Логунова прокоментувала своє рішення розлучитися з актором Дмитром Ступкою. Як відомо, пара розірвала шлюб ще 2022 року. Тоді Ступка казав, що у Логунової нібито з’явився американський залицяльник. Своєю чергою, Логунова лише зараз розкрила власну правду. Виявилося, що колишнє подружжя прийняло тяжке рішення без скандалів. За словами ексобраниці актора, вони просто більше не […]

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У купальниках та в басейні: якою була княгиня Шарлін двадцять років тому (фото)

Княгиня Шарлін відома не лише тим, що є дружиною князя Монако Альбера II та матір’ю двох його дітей. 25 січня княгиня відсвяткувала 47-річчя. До зустрічі з Альбером Шарлін Віттсток була професійною спортсменкою. Вона південноафриканська чемпіонка з плавання брасом та брала участь в Олімпійських іграх. У ті роки майже на всіх фото Шарлін була зображена або […]

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I was an A&E nurse making saucy videos – I thought geo-blocking would stop work finding out, but then I went viral

LEAVING a busy A&E to make saucy videos is not how many people picture their career progression.

However, one woman made this exact move and now rakes in millions of views on adult platforms.

Serenity Cox at the XMAs 2025 awards.
Adult actress Serenity Cox recalled how she went from work as an A&E nurse to creating saucy videos[/caption]
Woman in striped bikini sitting by a pool.
Serenity explained that she and her husband have a ‘really fun sex life’ and are always open to trying new things

The content creator, who goes by Serenity Cox, spoke about her experience on the Holly Randall Unfiltered podcast.

She explained that the unexpected pivot in her professional life came after she wanted to spice things up with husband in the bedroom.

Serenity, who had worked for a nurse for 16 years, was based in a trauma centre in Toronto, Canada, at the time.

She revealed that she has been married her husband for eight years, initially starting out as a monogamous couple.

“We’ve always had a really fun sex life but in the last four years, we decided to go down a new path,” the adult star said.

“Over the years that we’ve known each other, our bedroom roleplay always came back to these hot wife themes.

“A hot wife is usually a female partner of a married couple who is encouraged and supported by her husband to go out and have sexual relations with other people.”

The couple would roleplay these scenarios over the years but it wasn’t until the Covid lockdown that they decided to make it a reality.

Using the comfort of social distancing, Serenity eased her way into meeting up with other sexual partners but sexting on dating apps before having “crazy sex” with her husband.

“That was the first step into evolving our sex life into not just role play but involving other forms,” she said.

“I started talking to more and more guys and eventually my husband [told me]: ‘I’m OK if you want to meet up with one of these people that you’ve been talking to for a bit.'”

So in 2020, they officially became a “hot wife couple” with Serenity going out on dates, which she often filmed, and then enjoying sex sessions with her husband when she returned home.

After after a while of taking these “filthy, exciting videos” the couple met friends who were comfortable taking it to the “next level.”

This involved Serenity’s husband being present as a videographer, filming the interactions.

They posted some of their videos online and they gained a lot of traction, which she said “drove the fire to keep on going.”

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She described the decision to upload the clips to an adult subscription site as “almost a joke.”

When it became really popular, she dubbed the success to good timing.

They started their own channel on the site and despite making some money, the couple still regarded it as just a hobby.

The couple figured out how to geo-block the people in their area to protect their privacy.

However, their videos soon went viral and people within their social circle found out.

Serenity, who was still working as a nurse at the time, recalled having a “brief moment of panic” at the news coming out from a collegue.

Woman in Wonder Woman costume.
The adult actress revealed that she would like to eventually go back to working in the health industry

However, she stood her ground when her work advised her to take down the content.

She even joked about how enthusiastic and excited her workplace lawyer was to have something to look into that didn’t involve medical malpractice.

And while she didn’t lose her job over the content, Serenity eventually left her work as producing adult films proved to make more money.

But she shared her wishes to one day return to working in the medical field.

“I don’t think I’ll have difficulty getting back into it, they’re so desperate for nurses, I don’t think they’ll say no,” she said.

Serenity explained that she would like veer away from emergency rooms if she were to return, focusing instead on an area of personal interest.

“I’m always interested in how I can combine the two branches of my life into sexual health,” she said.

The content creator revealed that she volunteers at a sexual health clinic every week to help educate others on how to protect themselves.

And as for her marriage, she said the unexpected path she has taken with her husband from a monogamous marriage to business partners in the adult entertainment industry has helped them.

“We definitely have a stronger bond, we’re just a lot more open with each other about how we’re feeling,” she concluded.

Woman in lingerie standing by a willow tree.
Serenity explained that working alongside her husband creating adult content has brought them closer together

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Eight in 10 cancer survivors say the illness has given them a new outlook on life

EIGHT in 10 cancer survivors say the illness has given them a new outlook on life – valuing family and time above money and material possessions.

A poll of 500 adults who have had cancer found almost two-thirds (64 per cent) said what they value has changed.

Woman with cancer wearing a pink headscarf sits on a couch by a window.
A new poll has found that nearly two-thirds of cancer survivors say they have a fresh outlook on life[/caption]

Before their diagnosis, making sure their family was comfortable (39 per cent) and earning more money (36 per cent) were major motivators.

Now, their focus has shifted more onto family (80 per cent), their health and wellbeing (62 per cent) and experiencing new things in life (48 per cent).

Dr John Burke, chief medical officer at AXA Health, which has commissioned the research and created a practical guide to help those with life after cancer, said: “Serious illness can have an impact on our outlook.

“It can realign what is and isn’t important in life, so it’s only natural there might be changes.

“Family and friends can go a long way in supporting you through the experience along with the guidance of medical professionals who can support you in navigating life during and after treatment.”

Some of the most popular lifestyle changes people have made are walking more (45 per cent), upping their exercise levels (42 per cent) and focusing on their diet (39 per cent).

A significant number (44 per cent) are increasingly likely to seek help from others to deal with tricky challenges than they were prior to their diagnosis – with only seven per cent less inclined now.

And 80 per cent feel better equipped to deal with the difficulties of life since their experience with cancer.

A huge 77 per cent said it was important to rely on others through their journey, with family (73 per cent), medical professionals (56 per cent) and friends (46 per cent) being the people who they relied on the most.

And partners (56 per cent), friends (32 per cent) and mums (31 per cent) were those most impacted by the cancer diagnosis.

Despite the remarkable resilience shown and their ambition to turn a negative into a positive, 70 per cent of those polled are understandably worried about the possibility of cancer returning, the study by OnePoll revealed.

The best pieces of advice from those who have survived cancer include be positive, live every day to the fullest and enjoy the little things in life.

GB para-athlete and cancer survivor, Amy Conroy, said: “The future can feel daunting, and those anxieties are valid. But try to stay in the now, in the present, and try to find gratitude in the smaller things.

“Be proud of yourself and always speak to yourself with kindness.”

Dr John Burke added: “A cancer diagnosis has a huge impact not only on the person affected, but also their friends, family and loved ones.

“It doesn’t always feel over after receiving the ‘all-clear’ so it’s important to have support navigating a new normal, too. That might be help with managing new worries, getting much needed sleep or setting health goals.

“Taking things easy and focusing on the future are ways to make things feel more manageable after undergoing cancer treatment.

“Providing people with support and guidance to navigate this stage of their cancer journey can make a huge difference, helping them to move forward and focus on the things that matter most.”

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