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Ben Napier Dishes on 95-Pound Weight Loss After Doctors Wanted to Put Him on ‘Blood Pressure Medicine’

Ben Napier got real about his weight loss and shared a health update after his shoulder surgery.

Ben, 41, was joined by wife Erin Napier on The Tamron Hall Show on March 13, where he dished about his health journey.

Tamron told Ben that the team is “obsessed” with the fact that the woodworker is 6-foot-6. “I think it’s pretty cool,” Erin, 39, said, which caused the audience to clap.

“I think what’s also cool is you lost 100 pounds,” host Tamron Hall said, to which Ben clarified, “95.”

“Since we last talked, what’s going on?” Tamron, 54, asked Ben.

“Well, they [the doctors] wanted to put me on blood pressure medicine, and then I had shoulder surgery,” Ben said. “It’s amazing when you can’t lift weights how much weight you lose really fast … it’s mostly muscle.”

Tamron then asked Erin how she contributed to Ben’s weight loss and if she made any changes to their life at home to help him on his health journey.

“I just want him to be alive as long as I’m alive,” Erin said about her husband. “And I want him to be there for my girls when they’re adults and so he’s really super self-motivated so this was not a me thing. This was a him thing.”

Her answer touched Tamron’s heart and drew some sweet reactions from the audience.

Erin and Ben are parents to daughters Helen, 7, and Mae, 3, whom they brought with them during their press tour in New York City to promote season 3 of Home Town Takeover.

They talked about how Mae is almost 4. “I don’t have a baby anymore,” Erin reflected.

“They’re here,” she added. “They went to the Central Park Zoo this morning.”

Feature Erin and Ben Napier

This wasn’t the first time Ben opened up about his weight loss in recent years.

In November 2023, he explained that he was motivated from the start to be there for his girls when they grow up.

“We’re all trying to be healthier and trying to live better and trying to live longer,” the HGTV personality told Entertainment Tonight at the time. “I started just [because I knew] I needed to take some weight off. And then we did an interview … and my shirt wouldn’t stay buttoned and I was like, ‘Oh, that’s a bad look. That is a bad thing.’ I was already working [on my weight] and then that jumpstarted it.”

Ben said that he had a “new year, new me” mindset when he kickstarted his health journey.

“I was like, ‘I’m too young.’ At the time I wasn’t even 40,” the dad of two remarked. “So I said, ‘Let me see if we can drop it by losing weight.’”

In the same interview, Erin dished on some of her and her husband’s eating habits.

“I like only eat ‘girl dinner,’ which is basically crackers for two meals a day. I just crave crackers and maybe a little cheese, charcuterie, a little fruit, maybe a crunchy carrot. Ben just basically adopted eating the way I was eating,” she explained. “He has one big meal. He eats a good, healthy, big lunch … Last night for supper he ate some dates. He’s obsessed with dates!”

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