It’s no secret that Battlefield 2042 was one of the worst games to be released back in 2021. The game, made by DICE, really disappointed long time BF fans by changing crucial aspects of the game during launch and the developers provided weak support even after the initial release of the game.

While the game has been an absolute disaster, a new event in the game might be the secret formula to bring the title back to relevancy. Of course, we are talking about the new 8.6.0 update that is introducing the war machine event. Let’s delve deeper into this.
Battlefield 2042‘s new event might actually revive the game
Battlefield 2042 was a nightmare when it was first launched. The first person shooter game is the twelfth main installment in the Battlefield series and lacked everything that was expected from a BF game. On its initial release the title was full of game breaking bugs, poor server stability and broken animations and physics which made the game literally unplayable.
While these are problems that can be fixed in later updates, DICE even failed to do that. The game had one of the worst post-launch support in all of gaming history. The developers took months to fix basic bugs and instead of improving the overall game, DICE just added elements that were missing from the game, but were present in old installments.
The new update that is going to roll out on March 18 is probably going to be the sliver of hope that fans of the series did not even expect, because the whole-fan base is more focused on the release of the upcoming Battlefield game. This new War Machine event might be the light at the end of the tunnel that brings BF 2042 back to relevancy.
The event features more gamemodes than the usual multiplayer with the addition of robots. According to the game’s lore, a rogue AI will be sending hordes of robots towards the players who have to survive these mechanical waves and complete the objectives. There is also a new battle pass that comes with three free specialist skins and two free weapon skins.
The War Machine event comes with a deal you can’t deny

The best aspect of this new event is that the game is available for just $4.79 for the entirety of this event and the event will end on March 20. This might be DICE’s best opportunity to turn things around. The drastic price drop from $60 makes it an attractive deal for players who have previously avoided the game due to its troubled launch.
If players are satisfied enough with the price tag and the gameplay, it might push DICE to provide updates that actually improve the game and make the game relevant again. We are still not sure whether the War Machine event will be revival of Battlefield 2042 or it will just be a temporary boost, but one thing we are sure of is that as of now it is one of the best deals that you can find on Steam right now.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire