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Як алкоголь впливає на сон: нові дослідження розкривають факти

Алкоголь нерідко намагаються застосовувати як засіб проти безсоння — багато хто вірить, що «нічний ковпак» допомагає легше заснути. @pavelkant Утім, попри спокусу розслабитися ввечері за келихом пива чи вина, алкоголь далеко не завжди настільки корисний для сну, як це може здаватися. Насправді вживання спиртного може призвести до загального погіршення якості нічного відпочинку. Якщо випити алкоголь […]

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Як супутники Parcae відстежували радянські кораблі з космосу

США десятиліттями приховували надзвичайно потужний засіб шпигунства — супутникову систему Parcae. Розроблена ще в часи жорсткої холодної війни, вона залишалася невідомою широкому загалу понад 30 років. Ця мережа орбітальних «електронних вух» дозволяла американській розвідці детально відслідковувати радянські судна та оперативно збирати важливу інформацію про військову активність СРСР, фактично забезпечуючи стабільність у період, коли будь-який невдалий […]

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I ordered a cute co-ord from TikTok shop but ended up looking like an Abba wannabe – it was more portaloo than Waterloo

SHE’S going on holiday to Spain so wanted “something exotic” to wear.

But Chloe ended up regretting her choice after modelling her new lime green co-ord from TikTok shop.

Woman modeling a light green co-ord set.
Chloe ordered this green co-ord from TikTok shop ahead of her Spanish holiday
Woman modeling a lime green co-ord set.
But she insisted she looked like a “massive bogey” in the two piece, which was less than flattering

“Ask me why I look like an obese member of ABBA,” she began, hilariously adding that it’s “giving portaloo, not Waterloo”.

She also said that while her mum always told her to wear “green to keep the boys keen”, there “ain’t nobody keen in this one”.

“Sometimes there’s just nothing like a try on haul to humble you,” Chloe sighed.

“I’m like a massive round giant bogey.”

And while some people have asked her recently if she’s “lost weight”, she jokingly slammed their “audacity” for doing so.

“I’m full of gas, practically s**t myself,” she concluded.

“I don’t wanna talk about it anymore.”

“Ok my haul has been a major FLOP so far,” Chloe wrote in the video caption.

People were quick to comment on the clip, with one writing: Portaloo not Waterloo – howling!”

“The ABBA comment took me out,” another said.

“Do a handstand and then you’re a spring onion!” a third joked.

“This is me ordering pieces of thread of SHEIN thinking I’m going to look like a model when in fact I looked like a piece of beef with the string still on it,” someone else sighed.

“Keep it – you never know when you might have an ABBA night!” another pointed out.

“I can’t see that suiting anyone though!” someone else insisted.

“It’s not you that’s the problem!”

However, others said they were actually quite keen on the outfit.

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“I really like the top, it would look really nice with the right bottoms,” one wrote.

“I think it looks lovely, just try a different colour,” another suggested.

“The top looks lovely on you! It’s just the trousers they do nothing for you!!!” a third added.

“I actually love them trousers,” someone else wrote.

“I legit might get them lol!”

“The top could be so nice paired with something else but the trousers are NOT IT,” another said.

“The top with white shorts will look amazing,” someone else said.

As another wrote: “Yeahh the idea was there with this, I can see how it would be cute but they need to change material lol.

“The colour is super cute on ya though.”

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Bishop of Liverpool RESIGNS after being accused of sex assault and harassment amid church abuse scandal

THE ARCHBISHOP of Liverpool has stepped down after allegations of sexual assault and harassment.

The Rt Rev Dr John Perumbalath confirmed today he will be resigning from his role.

Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York.
Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell made the announcement today[/caption]

The Bishop of Liverpool said he had been approached by Channel 4 regarding a story “containing allegations of inappropriate behaviour by me against two different women”.

But Dr Perumbalath  added that his decision was “not a resignation occasioned by fault or by any admission of liability”.

In a statement, he said: “Having sought the permission of His Majesty the King, I have today taken the decision to retire from active ministry in the Church of England.

He added: “I do not wish this story to become a distraction for this incredible diocese and its people, whom it has been an honour and joy to serve.

“This is not a resignation occasioned by fault or by any admission of liability.

“Rather it has become clear that stepping back from my ministry and waiting for the completion of further reviews would mean a long period of uncertainty for the diocese and all those who serve it.”

His resignation comes as the Church of England is facing allegations of over various safeguarding failures.

Last month, Justin Welby quit as Archbishop of Canterbury over the handling of a separate case.

In a statement, Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell said: “I acknowledge the decision made by the Rt Revd Dr John Perumbalath to resign from active ministry in the Church of England.

“I respect his decision and thank him for his ministry.

“My thoughts and prayers continue to be with all those who have been affected by this situation.

“I am committed to ensuring stability during this time of transition and will be putting the necessary arrangements in place to provide episcopal oversight for the Diocese.

“An acting Bishop for the Diocese of Liverpool will be announced in the coming days.”

Bishop of Liverpool the Rt Rev Dr John Perumbalath's statement in full

In a statement, Dr Perumbalath said: “Having sought the permission of His Majesty the King, I have today taken the decision to retire from active ministry in the Church of England.

“Earlier this week I was approached by Channel 4 News who informed me they would be broadcasting a story containing allegations of inappropriate behaviour by me against two different women.

“Since those allegations were made I have consistently maintained that I have not done anything wrong and continue to do so.

Since the claims were made in 2023 they have been investigated and considered by experts from the National Safeguarding Team and had found them unsubstantiated.

“The first allegation was also investigated by the police resulting in no further action.

“Despite this, media reports have treated me as guilty on all charges and treated these allegations as fact.

“Further it has been erroneously reported that prior to my appointment as Bishop of Liverpool I had failed the safeguarding assessment process. This is categorically not true.

“As the Church of England have made clear in their written statements over the past 48 hours responding to these false claims, the National Safeguarding Team found no concerns about my operational safeguarding experience and recommended some development work for me as I took on additional strategic safeguarding responsibilities – which is commonly the case for new diocesan bishops.

“This rush to judgment and my trial by media (be that social or broadcast) has made my position untenable due to the impact it will have on the Diocese of Liverpool and the wider church whilst we await further reviews and next steps.”

Portrait of the Bishop of Liverpool, John Perumbalath.
Not known, clear with picture desk
The Rt Rev Dr John Perumbalath has stepped down[/caption]

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Виявлено 18 тіл, пошук триває: наслідки зіткнення літака з вертольотом у США (відео)

Поліція, яка працює на місці зіткнення пасажирського літака з вертольотом Sikorsky H-60 у Вашингтоні, повідомила про виявлення тіл 18 загиблих. Пошукова операція триває. Про це повідомляє CBS News. На борту літака було 64 людини, з них 60 пасажирів і чотири члени екіпажу. Пошукові роботи триватимуть декілька днів, повідомили у поліції. Це обумовлено тим, що літак впав у […]

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