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Cops probing suspicious death of man, 62, found dead in Cork house fire are trying to trace woman believed to have info

GARDAI are treating as suspicious the death of Michael O’Sullivan who was found dead following a house fire in Cork.

The Irish Sun understands cops probing the 62-year-old’s death are trying to trace a woman who may have valuable information concerning the fire in a flat in Cork.

Tragic Michael’s body was found in a room in his home in Togher on the Southside of the city at around 7pm on Friday.

Gardai are treating as suspicious the discovery of the man in the smoke filled room where he lay dead by firefighters wearing breathing apparatus.

Neighbours heard cries for help from the flat and they ran to help while also alerting the emergency services.

One brave woman helped a female who was in the property to safety, but the woman did not remain at the scene nor seek help from paramedics.

The heroine who saved her was treated for smoke inhalation by paramedics.

Sources said that materials located at the scene of the tragedy led to Garda suspicions that the fire needed further investigation.

The materials are being forensically examined and the results, along with the results of the post-mortem examination which will be done tomorrow, will determine the course the probe will take.

A number of units of Cork City Fire Brigade and emergency services rushed to the house on Togher Road on the Southside of the city.

The body of Mr O’Sullivan, who lived alone, was discovered in a room in the property after firefighters managed to contain the blaze to one room.

Gardai sealed off the entrance to the block of flats and the services of the State Pathologist were requested and the local Coroner has been notified.

The Garda Technical Unit is also carrying out a full forensic examination of the property, focusing on the room in which the body was found.

The flat suffered considerable smoke damage, which also billowed out into the landing area.

Local City Councillor Fergal Dennehy spoke of the shock in the area.


He said: “I want to offer my deepest condolences to the family of the man who lost his life tragically in the devastating fire that has impacted deeply on our entire community.

“This is a heartbreaking tragedy that will affect many lives.

“I want to commend local neighbours who stepped in to assist a woman in safely exiting the premises. Their bravery and quick action in such a difficult situation are truly commendable”.

Gardai in Togher are appealing for anyone who may know anything about the fire or who may have seen anything suspicious in the vicinity of the house on Togher Road to contact them.

Garda station sign.
Gardai in Cork are appealing for anyone with information to come forward
Garrett White - The Sun

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Девід Бекхем знявся оголеним для популярного бренду (фото)

Девід Бекхем не втомлюється хвилювати уяву своїх шанувальників гарячими знімками. Цього разу спортсмен залишив улюблені грядки та знявся у кампейні BOSS. 49-річна знаменитість постала в нижній білизні, оголивши свій рельєфний прес. Даніель Грідер, генеральний директор HUGO BOSS, сказав: «Запуск колекції BOSS ONE Bodywear знаменує собою ще одну віху та новий розділ у нашому довгостроковому стратегічному […]

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На Балі росіяни викрали українця

На Балі росіяни викрали українця та вкрали у нього криптовалюти на 215 тис. доларів. Про це повідомляє Jakarta Globe з посиланням на поліцію. Сталося це ще 15 грудня у районі Південна Кута, округ Бадунг.Українець Ігор Єрмаков їхав із водієм на BMW, коли на них напали із засідки, заблокувавши спереду та ззаду двома іншими автомобілями. Четверо […]

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4 зміни у харчуванні знижують рівень холестерину

Здорова дієта – одна з найбільших знарядь, які ви можете додати до свого арсеналу захисту від високого рівня холестерину. Неприборканий рівень «поганого» холестерину може означати погані новини для здоров’я серцево-судинної системи, збільшуючи ризик серцевих захворювань та інсультів. Хоча ваша дієта може стати шкідливою основою високого рівня холестерину, розумні дієтичні рішення можуть призвести до прямо протилежного […]

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Одяг і постільне можуть висохнути вдвічі швидше завдяки 1 “секрету”

Щоб взимку сушіння речей стало комфортним, потрібно проявити трохи фантазії та кмітливості. Розповідаємо, як досвідчені господині сушать білизну так, що немає ані запаху, ані підвищеної вологості. З настанням холодної пори року сушка одягу та постільної білизни може стати справжнім викликом навіть для досвідчених господинь. Взимку речі залишаються вологими набагато довше, що створює зайву вологість у […]

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Mystery of burning river that boils victims ALIVE & gives third degree burns in seconds as it heats up to 100C

DEEP in the heart of the Amazon flows a hot water river that can boil animals alive.

The 100C waterway would scold a person who falls in with third degree burns in just seconds – and they’ll be miles from any help.

The Shanay-timpishka, also known as the Boiling River, in the Amazon.
The Shanay-Timpishka is more popularly known as the ‘Boiling River of the Amazon’[/caption]
The Amazon’s Boiling River Kills Anything That Enters
Frogs’ eyes turn white as the water boils them alive
Shanay-timpishka river in the Mayantuyacu region of Peru, reaching temperatures up to 100°C.
The waterway even includes several waterfalls[/caption] Illustration of the Shanay-timpishka, the Boiling River in Peru, with a map showing its location.

Anyone who takes a breath while standing on the edge of the river will feel their nose and lungs burn.

The mysterious river is in the central Mayantuyacu region of Peru in the Andes and the western edge of the Amazon rainforest.

Animals that fall in are cooked alive.

The river is named Shanay-Timpishka in the indigenous language – which means “boiled by the heat of the sun”.

But the sun is not how the water heats up.

Instead, the cold jungle river runs over the top of fault zones where hot underground water flows from deep within the earth.

Andrés Ruzo, an explorer and geothermal scientist, said the hottest water temperature he has ever measured is 210F (100C).

He said: “You stick your hand in, and you will see second or third degree burns in a matter of seconds.

“The first thing to go are the eyes. Eyes, apparently, cook very quickly. They turn this milky-white colour.

“They’re [animals] trying to swim out, but their meat is cooking on the bone because it’s so hot.

“So they’re losing power, losing power, until finally they get to a point where hot water goes into their mouths and they cook from the inside out.”

Ruzo brought the world’s attention to the river in a viral 2016 Ted Talk.

As a Peruvian, he had long heard stories about the river’s existence and set out to prove it and measure it.

He had also heard stories of Spanish conquistadors encountering a river that boiled from below while they were attempting to kill the last Inca emperor.

Ashaninka shaman Maestro Juan Flores playing a flute by a steaming river.
Wikimedia Commons/Sofía Ruzo
An indigenous Peruvian plays the flute by the hot river[/caption]

In 2011 he went on a hike, led by his aunt who claimed to have swam in the river before.

They battled through the jungle and found it, leaving Ruzo amazed to see the legendary river with his own eyes.

“It has forced me to question the line between known and unknown, ancient and modern, scientific and spiritual.

“It is a reminder that there are still great wonders to be discovered.”

The river area is home to the Amazon communities Santuario Huistin and the Mayantuyacu who have long considered it a sacred site.

There are two other boiling waterways in the area, including the Salt River (a salty thermal stream) and the Hot River (a thermal freshwater stream).

Scientists think rain water falls down the earth’s crust and heats up, before being pushed back up to the surface.

The closest volcanic area is some 430 miles away.

Shanay-timpishka River in the Mayantuyacu region of Peru, steaming water flowing over rocks.
Small animals are cooked alive if they fall in[/caption]

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Dunnes Stores fans rushing to buy new cotton blouse for ‘feminine look’ – and it costs just €30

FASHION fans have been sent into a frenzy over the new must-have addition that has landed on the racks at Dunnes Stores – and it’s perfect for spring.

As spring begins to inch closer after the rainy days, many fashion lovers are set to overhaul their wardrobes with new styles and clothes.

Woman wearing a white cotton blouse with a large collar and bow tie.
It’s priced at €30
Woman wearing a white cotton blouse with a large collar and tie.
The blouse is perfect for spring fashion season

The new Savida City Girl Bow Tie Blouse is priced at €30.

It is crafted from soft cotton and some elastane, making it look luxurious and beautiful.

It features a feminine look with an oversized ruffled collar and three bow ties at the front.

The blouse is the perfect wardrobe staple to have as it can be seamlessly matched with any clothes – from smart casual to formal.

Dunnes Stores said it’s perfect to be “worn with your favourite denim jeans”.

For smart casual, the outfit can be completed with jeans, a light jacket, flats or runners and a handbag – perfect for coffee dates with the girls.

For a formal look, you can complete it with black work pants, heels or flats, a cardigan, a long coat and a handbag – making it classy.

It can also be worn during the summer season; style the blouse with a gorgeous pair of denim shorts, sandals, a sunhat and sunglasses – the perfect outfit for Southern Europe.

It’s available in sizes XXS to XXL.

The blouse now can be purchase online and in stores nationwide

However, fashion fans are urged to be swift as it is expected to be a huge hit with its shoppers.


Another must-have wardrobe piece for the spring season is a gorgeous “trend-forward” bomber jacket with a fabulous print.

The Gallery Alexa Leopard Print Padded Jacket is available in stores and online now.

It comes in the colour leopard and sizes 8 to 18.

The retailer said: “This trend-forward bomber jacket from Gallery boasts a padded texture with classic quilted stitching.

“Featuring a collarless design, contrasting trims, and two oversized patch pockets, it pairs effortlessly with a white t-shirt and denim.

“Gallery is available exclusively at Dunnes Stores.”

The jacket can be worn with just about anything – from dresses to jackets and jeans.

Woman modeling a white Peter Pan collar blouse and light wash jeans.
It’s available to purchase in stores and online

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У штаб-квартирі НАТО показали документальний фільм «Операція Курськ». ВІДЕО

У штаб-квартирі НАТО (м.Брюсель, Королівство Бельгія) відбувся показ документального фільму «Операція Курськ». Стрічка створена за ініціативи Головного управління комунікацій Збройних Сил України знімальними групами Медіацентру з використанням відеоматеріалів комунікаційних підрозділів бойових бригад, повідомили у Генеральному штабі. Відкриваючи захід, Військовий представник України при НАТО генерал-майор Сергій Салкуцан зазначив, що з початку повномасштабного російського вторгнення Збройні Сили України неодноразово […]

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