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Готуємо вітамінний салат — більше, ніж просто з буряків та моркви

Користь буряків та моркви всім добре відома. Збагатити салат з цих коренеплодів вітамінами можна набагато більше. Для цього потрібно додати ще кілька інгредієнтів. А яких саме, читайте далі рецепт. Інгредієнти Для приготування салату потрібні наступні: буряк — 100-150 г; морква — 100 г; яблуко — 80-100 г; грецькі горіхи; лимонний сік — 1-2 ст.л.; оливкова […]

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Після 40 років жінки стають більш схильними до пухлин у грудях

Мамолог: найчастіше після 40 років жінки виявляють у грудях фіброліпоми. В інтерв’ю лікаря-маммолога прозвучало попередження про те, що у віці після 40 років жінки стають більш схильними до появи у грудях пухлин. За словами медика, таку особливість жіночого організму обумовлюють зміни, які відбуваються в ньому через менопаузу, що наближається. «Хвороби молочних залоз з’являються у жінок […]

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Inside the ‘most expensive’ gypsy wedding ever at posh Dorchester with 350 guests, three dresses and rumoured £250k bill

A TRAVELLER bride who tied the knot at London’s iconic 5-star Dorchester is said to have hosted the “most expensive” gypsy wedding ever. 

Louise Durant, 21, said ‘I do’ to Billy Maguire, 22, at a winter wonderland-inspired nuptials in December and is rumoured to have racked up a bill worth £250,000 that her parents gladly paid for.

Bride in a white wedding dress posing next to a decorated Christmas tree.
Beautiful bride Louise Durant is said to have hosted the “most expensive” gypsy wedding of all time[/caption]
Bride and groom kissing at their wedding reception.
The 21-year-old’s nuptials took place at 5-star Mayfair hotel The Dorchester, which was a favoured venue of the late Queen Elizabeth II[/caption]
The Dorchester Hotel in London, with a taxi in front.
The evening ceremony was in the posh hotel’s ballroom and ran until 1am[/caption]

The young couple hosted 350 guests at the luxurious Mayfair hotel, where room hire can start at £10,000. 

Louise, whose family is from the Traveller community, said her wedding was “more than a dream come true” in an interview with MailOnline

She had 12 bridesmaids, three wedding dresses and embarked on a three and a half week honeymoon to Barbados, Orlando and New York after the big day. 

“It was beyond my wildest imaginations,” she said. 

“The day started amazingly and just got better and better. 

“It was perfect.”

Louise’s parents saved for two years to put on the lavish celebration, but couldn’t confirm how much exactly it set them back.

They admitted it cost well over £100,000 and reportedly didn’t baulk when figures around £250,000 were mentioned.

It was funded by Louise’s family’s holiday and lettings business, where the young couple from Yorkshire both work.

They had been together for four years before tying the knot on December 14 last year. 

Their Christian ceremony took place at St John’s Church in Hyde Park, with guests being ferried there by four ex-London double decker buses.

Afterwards, the hundreds of attendees were taken to The Dorchester on Park Lane, which was a favourite place of the late Queen Elizabeth II. 

They had a lavish three course meal of mushroom soup, a Christmas dinner and sticky toffee pudding for dessert. 

The evening ceremony was in the posh hotel’s ballroom and ran until 1am. 

Pictures from the day show disco balls, elaborate table designs, extravagant flower arrangements, Christmas crackers and huge, white fondant cake. 


Louise had three dresses for her big day. 

The main one was a grand designed by Eleni Bridal Couture of North London and featured a corset-style bodice embroidered with lace detailing.

Later in the night, Louise slipped into a silver sparkling mini dress with stiletto heels and a white fur shawl. 

She also wore a tutu-esque dress for one portion of the night. 

Louise looked stunning in a crystal-encrusted tiara, a voluminous up-do, dainty jewellery and flawless bridal make-up. 

Her bridesmaids matched her in all-white dresses of their own from Michaela Couture, complete with fur jackets draped over their shoulders. 


Louise shared snippets from her big day on TikTok, sparking viewers to liken her nuptials to a royal wedding. 

One even reckons the young couple “knocks spots off the Royals”. 

“There will never be any wedding as lovely as yours,” one penned. 

“Best of luck to you both.”

“Now that’s what I call being in heaven on earth,” another gasped. 

“Many congratulations.”

“Oh wow, this is like a Hollywood film,” a third said. 

Others thought her clips looked like something out of a “fairytale” and gushed over how “beautiful” Louise looked. 

Guests from the big day chimed in that it was “the best wedding ever” and reminisced on the “stunning” day. 

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Thousands set to benefit from €450 A WEEK social welfare boost as new roll out coming next month

A NEW social welfare payment is set to be available next month – and it pays up to €450 weekly.

The Pay-Related Jobseeker’s Benefit will be rolled out from March 31, providing a huge boost for thousands of people.

It will be available for those who become fully unemployed on or after March 31 and have enough pay-related social insurance contributions, also known as PRSI.

As part of the requirements for the social welfare payment, you must satisfy three main PRSI contribution conditions to avail of it.

The first condition is that you must have paid at least 104 PRSI insurable employment contributions at Class A, H or P.

The second condition is that you have paid at least 4 PRSI insurable employment contributions at Class A or H in the 10 weeks before applying.

The third condition is that you must have paid at least 26 PRSI insurable employment contributions at Class A or H in the 52 weeks before your first day of unemployment.

If you were receiving another benefit payment at the time of your job loss, such as Maternity Benefit or Illness Benefit, there will be other requirements.

More information on these arrangements will be available on the Government website soon.

There will be three different rates available, depending on your work history:

A top rate of a maximum of €450, or 60 per cent of your prior income, for people who have made at least five years of PRSI contributions.

The €450 rate will be paid for the first three months.

A second rate of a maximum of €375, or 55 per cent of your prior income – this will be paid for the following three months.

For the final three months, a third rate of a maximum of €300, or 50 per cent of your prior income.

For those who have between 2 and 5 years of paid contributions, the rate will be set at 50 per cent of previous earnings – this will be paid up to a maximum of €300 per week for six months.

The minimum rate of payment will be €125.


To this date, the details on how to apply have not yet been released, but it is expected to come out in the coming weeks.

You can apply for the current Jobseeker’s Benefit program if you are unemployed.


Social Welfare date change:

Due to the St Brigid’s Day Bank Holiday weekend, bank and post offices will be closed on Monday, February 3. This means that all social welfare payments are due to be paid on Monday was sent on Friday and Saturday before the closure.

Energy credits:

Announced in the Budget 2025, all domestic electricity customers would receive second instalment of €250 in credit towards their bills this month.


The banking company has announced that it will allow credit card customers to pay off their balance in instalments, meaning they can opt for repayments over three, six, nine and 12 months at a lower rate than their standard annual percentage rate.


The company has announced that the price of Guinness, Harp, Smithwicks and Hophouse 13 will increase from February 3 – the price of a pint is expected to increase to over €6 across the country.

You will continue to receive Jobseeker’s Benefit until your entitlement expires or you find new employment if you are currently receiving it when the new Jobseeker’s Pay-Related Benefit begins.

You may get Jobseeker’s Payment if:

  • You are over 18 years of age
  • You are capable of work
  • You are looking for work
  • For Jobseeker’s Benefit, you have enough PRSI contributions
  • For Jobseeker’s Allowance, you satisfy a means test

You will be asked for information about:

  • Your details such as yourself, your address, any children and your relationship status
  • About your employment history and training or education
  • About how long you have lived in Ireland, your residences in other countries, and, depending on your circumstances, details about your right to reside in the country
  • About any income, savings or investments you or your partner may have

This can be applied through the MyWelfare website, but you do require a verified MyGovID.

Euro banknotes and coins of various denominations.
The new social welfare payment will be available from March 31
Getty Images - Getty

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