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First look as Death in Paradise’s DI Mervin Wilson investigates shock stabbing of a game show contestant

DEATH in Paradise fans are in for a thrilling ride this season as dramatic new images show DI Mervin Wilson investigating the shock stabbing of a game show contestant in the upcoming episode.  

The new series, which kicked off last Friday, introduces viewers to DI Mervin Wilson (Don Gilet), who takes over from former DI Neville Parker (Ralf Little), to become lead detective. 

DI Mervin Wilson reviewing fingerprints in Death in Paradise.
Death in Paradise fans are in for a gripping ride this season[/caption]
Man attaching zip line in rainforest.
DI Mervin Wilson investigates a murder on a zip-line in episode 2[/caption]

In first look images from the upcoming episode, Mervin can be seen on top of a platform among trees, investigating a murder on a zip-line, while others show him, Darlene and Noami at the inspector’s shack.

The episode synopsis says: “Mervin and the team have quite the mystery on their hands when a game show contestant is stabbed during filming of the series’s grand finale.

“In a baffling turn of events, the victim is murdered in midair whilst hurtling down a zip line.

“As various members of the TV crew come under suspicion, Mervin surprises his colleagues by signing a contract to prolong his stay on Saint Marie.

“But he and Selwyn butt heads when it becomes clear Mervin has an ulterior motive for extending his visit. And it turns out that Selwyn has secrets of his own…”

Mervin has already made quite the impression on the BBC show, with his rude behaviour and attitude towards Saint Marie. 

We see him in a rush to return to London, with him making it clear that he thinks the UK is better than the Caribbean island. 

He also reveals that he only arrived on the island in order to learn the truth about his birth mother, having tracked her down to Saint Marie, but then finds out she had died.

This season of the show is the first to star Gilet, but other returning stars include Shantol Jackson, Ginny Holder, Don Warrington and Elizabeth Bourgine.

Fan-favourite JP Hooper is also set to return during the season’s run.

New characters also feature in the new season, such as Jonny Feldon, who is played by Simon Lennon, and other guest stars including David Avery, Adam James, Bhavna Limbachia, Sofia Oxenham and Joy Richardson.

Speaking to Radio Times magazine recently, Gilet discussed being the show’s first Black lead, saying: “I think to see a black lead in the most popular show on the BBC is a wonderful thing.”

Episode 2 is set to air on BBC One on Friday February 7.

Still image from *Death in Paradise* showing DI Mervin Wilson and Selwyn Patterson.
Mervin has already made quite the impression on the BBC show[/caption]
Cast photo from Death in Paradise Christmas special, featuring a police vehicle and a Christmas tree.
This is the 14th series of the show[/caption]

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Much-loved car auction site that once sold 200 vehicles a week closes after 30 years of business

THE HAMMER’S come down on a successful used car auction house after more than 30 years in business.

Arrow Motor Auctions, located in Redditch, Worcestershire, first opened in 1994.

Arrow Motor Auctions building.
Redditch-based car auction house Arrow Motor Auctions has shut its doors permanently after more than 30 years in business
Arrow Motor Auctions closing down.
They sold their final car on January 22 before shutting up shop for good on January 31

But it closed its doors for good last week in a move that has surprised locals and those in the motor trade.

According to Car Dealer Magazine, Arrow Motor Auctions made its last sale on January 22, while the site remained open until its final day on Friday, January 31, for administrative purposes.

In that period, their final deals were completed and the last of their unsold cars were collected.

Now, the business has completely ceased trading.

Arrow Motor Auctions said: “After over 30 years of continuous trading, Arrow Motor Auctions will close its doors on January 31, 2025.

“The offices will remain open until January 31, 2025, to allow customers and clients to conclude all sales and transactions and to collect any unsold vehicles from the site.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank both our customers and clients for their loyal support over the last three decades.”

Furthermore, a message on their website simply reads: “Arrow Motor Auctions is now closed for business.

“We would like to thank all of our past customers for their support.”

The auction house sold up to 200 vehicles each week from main agents, retail part exchanges, trade and private entries.

For more than three decades, their primary aim was to provide local vehicle re-marketing for trade and private clients.

Their client base included main agent dealerships, vehicle retailers, motor traders, local councils, finance companies, liquidators, insolvency practitioners, bailiff companies and private entrants.

They offered a wide selection of cars and other vehicles, with new stock arriving daily.

At this time, it is unclear whether the closure is permanent or whether the business will reopen at another site.

Arrow Motor Auctions wasn’t the only car-related business to close on Friday.

Highly-renowned car dealership Allen Ford in Rugby, Warwickshire, also permanently closed its sales and service operations on January 31.

The announcement has sparked confusion, as it remains unclear whether this closure is linked to Ford’s wider plans to axe 50 dealerships across the UK by 2025.

Elsewhere, Britain’s slowest-selling used cars in 2024 have been revealed – with one Hyundai model often taking over 100 days to get snapped up on dealership forecourts.

Newly released data from Auto Trader found that both BMW and Lexus are slow burners on the second-hand car market.

The wooden spoon award was scooped by the Hyundai Ioniq 6, which took an average of 125 days to sell last year.

The luxury Lexus RX comes in second place, taking 114 days to be picked up by a buyer.

In January so far, the slowest-selling car is the Honda CR-V, which takes 62 days to sell.

However, the used car market thrived in 2025, with second-hand motors selling at the fastest pace since records began in 2019.

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За які дії пасажира можуть покарати водія

В Україні водії можуть отримати штраф за порушення, які їх допустили пасажири. Зокрема йдеться про правила використання ременів безпеки. Якщо пасажир не пристебнутий, водій несе за це відповідальність і може бути оштрафований на 510 гривень. Про це пише Аvtosota. Згідно з правилами дорожнього руху, водій зобов’язаний не лише сам пристібатися, а й стежити за тим, […]

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Як запекти філе, щоб було соковитим та ніжним

  Куряче філе досить пісне, а після приготування може бути сухим та давким. Але якщо його приготувати за цим рецептом та запекти саме у фользі, то ви отримаєте ніжне, м’яке, соковите та ароматне м’ясо. Подробиці Для приготування візьміть два філе, приготуйте маринад: змішайте 2 ст.л. сметани та 2 ст.л. соєвого соусу, сіль можна не додавати, […]

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5 продуктів, які захищають головний мозок від вікової деградації

  З віком когнітивні функції мозку слабшають, що підвищує ризик його деградації і асоційованих хвороб – Альцгеймера, Паркінсона і т.д. вживання таких продуктів, як шоколад, кава, різнокольорові фрукти і овочі допомагає захистити головний мозок від подібного руйнування. Шоколад, какао. Какао-боби містять сполуки флавоноли, які діють як антиоксиданти і допомагають зберегти стовбурові клітини мозку, що виробляють […]

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У Дженніфер Лопес і Ченнінга Татума роман?

Дженніфер Лопес попросила друзів скласти шорт-лист голлівудських холостяків. І вже відомо, хто з них у фокусі уваги зірки. 55-річна актриса впевнена, що їй міг би скласти чудову партію Ченнінг Татум, який нещодавно розлучився зі своєю нареченою, Зої Кравіц. Про це виданню Radar Online розповіло джерело з оточення зірки. До речі, інсайдер не виключає, що такий […]

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Щось дуже особливе: в Осло археологи виявили королівський будинок залізного віку (фото)

Фото: Arkikon / Museum of Cultural History / Norwegian News Agency | Археологи виявили неймовірний довгий будинок поблизу Осло, великої скандинавської столиці в Норвегії   Археологи виявили довгий будинок залізного віку, який може переписати історію регіону. Знахідка, яка датується 200-ми роками н. е., могла бути резиденцією правителя, який правив за 700 років до правління Гаральда […]

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