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Lily Phillips says she’s taking HIV protection drug ahead of next sex stunt as worried fans claim she looks ‘nervous’

LILY Phillips has revealed she is taking HIV protection drug PrEP ahead of her next sex challenge.

But viewers have claimed the model, 23, who has banked over £2million thanks to OnlyFans, looks ‘seriously damaged’ and ‘nervous’.

Woman in black pajamas discussing HIV prevention.
Lily Phillips has admitted to taking HIV protection drug PrEP ahead of her next sex challenge
Woman in pink bikini taking a selfie.
The 23-year-old went into detail on the precautions she puts in place before horrifying sex stunts[/caption]
Woman in a blue and white floral bikini winking at the camera.
But people slammed her as ‘vile’ and were shocked by her ‘dangerous’ claims[/caption]
Woman in black bikini leaning against a stone wall.
After sleeping with 101 men in just one day, she then set herself an even bigger target[/caption]

Not only this, but as she detailed her upcoming stunt, which is too graphic to detail in The Sun, viewers slammed her as ‘vile’ and shared their ‘fears’ for her mental health.

As she spoke to The News Movement, Lily, who previously admitted she “doesn’t know what self respect is”, explained that she is taking PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, a medication used to reduce the risk of HIV) ahead of her next challenge.

Despite this, she, like Bonnie Blue, acknowledged that STIs are “something that could happen”.

The 23-year-old, who has become one of the most controversial women in the UK, claimed: “I’m on PrEP so I really cannot contract HIV.

“Stuff can go wrong, that’s just life, that’s just what comes along with having sex and things like that.

“I guess it’s just a con of being in our industry.”

The controversial OnlyFans star, who has been slammed as “bizarre” by another model, then shared the precautions she takes prior to her horrifying sex stunts

The influencer, who recently broke down on a documentary by filmmaker Joshua Pieters, said: “I make sure everyone is tested.

“But if someone obviously tests the week before and then has sex in between that… it’s something that could happen and it’s something I can’t really stop.

“That’s just the nature of our job.”

But the adult content creator, who shot to overnight fame after she bedded 101 males in 24 hours, has been slammed as ‘vile’ and ‘disgusting’ for her claims.

Horrified social media users flocked to the comments to share their thoughts on Lily, who previously opened up on receiving death threats and faces a potential ban from Airbnb after she used a rental for a sexual stunt without informing the homeowner. 

I’m not a Christian but this girl needs to find Jesus

TikTok user

One person said: “She seems nervous idk. Is the competition with Bonnie Blue that serious now?”

Another added: “That is sick and dangerous.” 

What is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is a subscription content service based in London.

As of 2023, it is thought to have more than 220million registered users and over three million content creators.

Sex workers charge monthly fees for access to pictures, videos and more.

While popular for porn, the site isn’t exclusively designed with that in mind – anyone who wants to build up a fan base and charge them for it can set one up.

Celebs like Katie Price and Kerry Katona are popular personalities on the platform.

“Whether you’re uploading tutorials, tips, behind-the-scenes footage or just endless selfies, a lot of your followers would be willing to pay for them,” the company states.

For every subscription that’s sold to a viewer, performers get 80 per cent of the cash while OnlyFans gets the rest.

It isn’t limited to adult content, as it has become popular with physical fitness experts and musicians.

A third commented: “This is so disturbing. I fear for her mental health.”

Whilst someone else chimed in: “I’m not a Christian but this girl needs to find Jesus.”

And not only did one user remark: “She looks so uncomfortable,” but another chimed in: “These girls are seriously damaged to do this.” 

Obsessed with sex

But this isn’t the first – and we’re sure it won’t be the last time – that Lily has left viewers gobsmacked.

Recently, Lily left people stunned when she begged women to “send husbands and boyfriends” to help her bed 1,000 blokes.

And the Brit sex worker – who didn’t have a boyfriend until she was 17, and lost her virginity just before her 18th birthday – explained that she is “obsessed with sex”.

I always knew from a young age that I loved sex, there’s something about it that I’m obsessed with

Lily Phillips

And it was only when studying at Sheffield University, where she couldn’t attend a single lecture due to the Coronavirus pandemic, that she embraced one-night stands and launched her OnlyFans feed.

Lily, who officially joined OnlyFans in 2020, when she was just 19, admitted: “I’ve always been really sexual, just obsessed with sex in comparison to my friends.

Everything you need to know about PrEP

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a medication combo to prevent HIV, which can develop into AIDS.

PrEP is for individuals at high risk of contracting HIV, such as drug users who share needles, promiscuous individuals and people with HIV-positive partners.

PrEP consists of two HIV medications – tenofovir and emtricitabine – and is sold as Truvada.

PrEP can reduce the risk of HIV from sex by over 90% and from injection drug use by over 70%.

It is more effective if used with condoms and not sharing needles.

When it comes to side effects, some may experience nausea, but it often improves over time.

It is approved by the NHS in the UK. In Scotland, it’s available to all; in other parts of the UK, it’s being trialled among high-risk groups.

“I always knew from a young age that I loved sex, there’s something about it that I’m obsessed with, and I always had an inkling that I would go into the adult industry.

“I really enjoyed sex and felt super confident to take things further.”

Cashing in

The self-proclaimed “bubbly and articulate” girl, who posts everything from sneaky peeks to full-blown porn on her hugely lucrative OnlyFans account, earns over six figures a month and employs eight staff – all women.

She earns over six figures a month and employs eight staff – all women[/caption]
Woman in a black swimsuit sitting on a stone bench.
Lily admitted that she is ‘obsessed with sex’[/caption]

But when she first started posting on the platform, she had no idea it would turn out to be so profitable.

She shared: “I definitely went into it thinking it would be a little bit on the side. I didn’t even expect to do it for longer than a few months. 

“I’m making good money from it, I love it, why would I stop?

“I think people forget that this is a job and I love my job, but then I also am just a person.”

Former porn star shares advice for Lily Phillips

LILY Phillips is a name many of us now know, thanks to her controversial plan to bed 1,000 men in 24 hours.

The OnlyFans star is hoping to break the world record with the endeavour – a record currently held by adult film star Lisa Sparks, with 919 men.

But adult film star Jasmin St. Claire – who’s most famous for having sex with 300 men in 24 hours for X-rated 1996 film The World’s Biggest G**g Bang II – has issued a word of warning to the 23-year-old to ensure she’s regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

“I get a lot of OnlyFans girls on my podcast … and the one common story is all of the different STD outbreaks in the business,” Jasmin explained.

“Like, I’ve never heard of half this stuff in my life. I’m like, holy s**t. Can a doctor from India cure that?

“Like, seriously, because these are some weird things.”

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Moment violent thug is caught by cop and dog in dramatic chase through river after he beat & ‘tormented’ girlfriend

THIS is the moment a violent abuser was caught by police and a dog following a dramatic chase through a river.

Luke Seffens was wanted by cops over a twisted abuse campaign against his partner.

Arrest of a suspect in a river.
Luke Seffens was arrested following a chase through a river with cops and a police dog[/caption]
Mugshot of Luke Seffens.
The abuser has now been jailed for just under five years[/caption]

The 34-year-old smashed a mug over his girlfriend’s head and threatened to stab and strangle her.

Footage shows police dog Elsa tracking down Seffens to a wooded area near Tunbridge Wells, Kent.

Officers could be seen leaping over fallen trees and wading through a river during the pursuit.

One could be heard yelling “Hey you – stay where you are!” as the net closes in on Seffens.

He then instructs Elsa to “hold him” as the topless thug is tackled to the ground.

After he was handcuffed, Seffens begs the officer: “Don’t let it bite me, please”.

He has now been jailed for four years and nine months after he admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm, false imprisonment, controlling or coercive behaviour, escape from lawful custody and criminal damage.

The court was told Seffens beat his girlfriend in a horror attack and threatened to knife her.

Between September and December 2023, he controlled the woman and made her take photos to prove where she was.

Seffens, who also followed her to her workplace, was arrested before being released on the condition he did not contact his partner.

But he continued to breach that order – causing police to swoop on the thug in the centre of Tunbridge Wells ready to arrest him again.

But Seffens ran away from officers – leading to the hunt through the river.

How you can get help

Women's Aid has this advice for victims and their families:

  • Always keep your phone nearby.
  • Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
  • If you are in danger, call 999.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, reporting abuse without speaking down the phone, instead dialing “55”.
  • Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare.
  • If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to go to a lower-risk area of the house – for example, where there is a way out and access to a telephone.
  • Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space.

If you are a ­victim of domestic abuse, SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support ­service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis –

Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available weekdays from 8am-6pm and weekends 10am-6pm.

You can also call the freephone 24-hour ­National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

Detective Constable Max Jordan said: “Seffens abused, isolated and tormented his victim during the vast majority of their relationship.

“He used fear, violence and intimidation to exert control over almost every aspect of her life and his actions have caused immeasurable fear and distress.

“The victim has shown incredible courage and strength to give evidence and I hope this sentence will afford them the time and space needed to help break away from Seffen’s control and allow her to move on with her life.

“We continue to urge all victims of domestic abuse to come forward, confident in the knowledge they will receive the best possible service.

“Remember, you are not to blame for what is happening and you can report it to us or contact several support organisations who can and will help you.”

Police dog in a river.
Kent Police/TNG
Police dog Elsa helped track the thug down[/caption]
Arrest of a suspect in a river.
Seffens was topless with ripped clothing when he was arrested[/caption]
Police arresting a suspect in a river with a police dog.
Elsa accompanied the criminal through the river to a waiting police van[/caption]

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