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I’m a flight attendant of 10 years – there’s one class of passenger that is the MOST annoying… and it’s not economy

A FLIGHT attendant of 10 years has revealed which class of passengers is the most annoying and difficult to deal with.

Paula Gahan shared the inside scoop about flyers and said economy passengers weren’t the worst.

Woman in blue shirt in front of Singapore skyline at night.
Paula Gahan
Paula Gahan revealed which cabin can be the worst to deal with on a plane[/caption]
Woman with curly hair at an airport looking at a departures board.
The flight attendant of 10 years shared economy flyers were not the most difficult[/caption]

Gahan – who is based in London – has had her fair share of customer interactions while working on international flights.

The flight attendant shared some of her thoughts on the different types of flyers she has encountered, per The Telegraph.

Gahan shared which class can be the worst to deal with while up in the air.

The decade-long cabin crew member said premium economy passengers are “stuck in a bit of a quandary”.

She said: “Most passengers are delightful, so it’s hard to pick one class that is more difficult, but if I had to pick one, it would be premium economy.”

Gahan shared the differences between flyers in each of the four cabins.

She said the smaller number of people in first class meant it was less likely for cabin crew to encounter difficult flyers.

Gahan then described business class passengers as “used to it” as they fly in that cabin often.

The attendant also explained that economy flyers were mostly easy to deal with as they often have a laid back attitude to the service and their experience.

She said: “Economy flyers are pretty easy-going about the service.”

Gahan explained what could make premium economy flyers different to the rest.

She said: “But premium-economy passengers are stuck in a bit of a quandary: they can’t quite afford business but feel they are a little too good for economy.

“Wedged between two worlds, glimpsing life beyond the business-class curtain, they’re in a state of turmoil.

The flight attendant revealed what these premium economy flyers could do that made travelling with them more demanding.

What are the classes of air travel and what makes them different?

Economy class

  • This class is the cheapest option for flyers.
  • Limited services are offered to passengers in this cabin and they sit in standard seats.

Premium economy class

  • This is a step up from economy.
  • Passengers are often given wider and more comfortable seats with better leg room.
  • Meal options are more varied than in the lower cabin.

Business class

  • This cabin offers much more comfortable seating and sometimes reclining seats that can turn into a bed.
  • Passengers here are given more privacy, better food, and more hands on service.

First class

  • This is the most premium class of flying with tickets often setting people back tens of thousands of pounds.
  • Passengers are offered chef-like dining, expensive drinks, and more attentive care.
  • Fully reclining seats and even private seats can be expected.
  • Some airlines make Wi-Fi and showers available for these passengers.

She added: “These people tend to complain the most, demand everything they can get, and have their fingers glued to the call bell.”

Gahan has not been the first member of cabin crew to complain about this class of flyers.

Another flight attendant previously told The Sun that premium economy is where the “worst passengers are often found”.

They said: “Not many people realise it, but the premium economy section is the place where you’re most likely to find argumentative passengers.”

“I think it’s because the people who sit there are the ones who expect the most, and it’s usually stuff we just can’t provide.”

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Children among 12 people rushed to hospital after ‘terrible blaze’ at Tyrone house as man rescued from roof arrested

SOME 12 people were to hospital following a horror house fire in Co Tyrone overnight.

Eight PSNI officers were treated for smoke inhalation, two children – aged 7 and 10 – are in a stable condition and two woman are understood to be critical following the blaze.

Emergency crews received a call about the horror fire in Dungannon at around 8.30pm on Monday night.

The PSNI confirmed that officers led five people, including two children, safely from the home on Cunninghams Lane.

Four people trapped in the home were rescued by fire officers on ladders from neighbouring properties, with a fifth person found on the roof and brought to safety.

District Commander, Superintendent Peter Stevenson said: “Our colleagues from Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service contacted us just after 8.30pm to advise that they were turning out to a report of a house fire with children trapped. 

“Officers immediately made their way to the scene, arriving prior to Fire Service colleagues.

“The property was seen to be well alight, and as such, knowing that the residents were still inside, officers obtained ladders from neighbouring properties and used them to rescue four people.

“A fifth person was found on the roof, and brought to safety.

“Fire Service extinguished the blaze, which has caused extensive damage.”

Four people were brought to hospital, two women aged 37 and 70 both remain in a critical condition.

Two children, aged 7 and 10, are said to be in a stable condition.

The man discovered on the roof, 21, has since been arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life.

He is currently in police custody.

Eight PSNI officers were also brought to hospital for smoke inhalation but have since been released.


Superintendent Stevenson continued: “Eight local policing officers were taken to hospital for treatment for the effects of smoke inhalation. Thankfully, all were released in the early hours of the morning. 

“While I am extremely proud of their actions, my thoughts, and those of all of us in the Police Service, are with those who remain in hospital today.

“We want to thank the residents of Cunninghams Lane for their assistance with this terrible incident, which was undoubtedly traumatic for all involved. 

“The community will continue to see the presence of the emergency services in the area throughout today, as we proceed with our investigation into the cause of this fire. 

“We would appeal to anyone with information to contact us on 101, quoting reference number 1668 of 03/02/25. We would be particularly keen to hear from anyone who may have relevant CCTV, doorbell or other footage.”

The PSNI has confirmed that the road has now reopened following an overnight closure.

Police Service of Northern Ireland emblem on a brick wall.
Eight PSNI officers were also brought to hospital for smoke inhalation
PA:Press Association

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Різноманітність рослин під загрозою через зменшення кількості опадів та посухи

Прогнозування та пом’якшення наслідків зміни клімату при збереженні біорізноманіття є головним пріоритетом як для науковців, так і для політиків. Оскільки зміна клімату посилюється, що призводить до більш частих і сильних посух, розуміння впливу на рослинні екосистеми стає все більш важливим. Однією з головних проблем є прогнозування змін у багатстві видів через зміни в режимі опадів. […]

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Улюблене печиво дитинства

0 Дівчата, це печиво одразу тане в роті, гарне і просте, легке! Ділюсь рецептом печива без масла, стане вашим улюбленим! Інгредієнти: 2 яйця 125 г цукру 80 мл олії 1 ст. л. ваніліну дрібка солі 100 мл молока 400 г борошна 7 г розпушувача вода для змащування цукор для посипання Приготування: Змішую яйця з цукром, […]

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За ціною iPhone: названо найдешевші китайські електромобілі

У Китаї існує цілий сегмент дешевих мініатюрних електрокарів   У Китаї утворився цілий клас малопотужних ультрабюджетних електрокарів. Ціна таких авто подекуди становить 600-800 доларів. Не секрет, що найдешевші електромобілі у світі виготовляють у Китаї. Місцеві автовиробники пропонують чимало бюджетних моделей вартістю менш, ніж 10 000 доларів. А деякі з них коштують до 2000 доларів, тобто […]

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5 причин, чому ви прокидаєтеся вранці з головним болем

Головні болі вранці можуть мати багато різних причин: мігрень, синдром апное уві сні, скрип зубами, алкоголь, а також серйозні хвороби. Головні болі зазвичай викликаються певним тригером, і жоден з них не слід недооцінювати. Найчастіше причиною головного болю стає занадто мала кількість рідини, споживана протягом дня, або недосип. Але іноді у неприємного стану важкої голови вранці […]

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Люди повинні відновити зв’язок із природою, щоб зберегти біорізноманіття

Людство стоїть перед вирішальним моментом у своїх відносинах із природою. Новий глобальний звіт попереджає, що біорізноманіття скорочується тривожними темпами, і необхідно негайно вжити заходів для подолання кризи. Вчені підкреслюють, що відновлення зв’язку з природою може спричинити значні зміни. Звіт про трансформаційні зміни висвітлює кроки, необхідні для зміни суспільних цінностей і поведінки для більш стійкого світу. Відновлення зв’язку […]

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Bianca Censori models sheer nude dress years before Grammys red carpet with Kanye West in unearthed pics

UNEARTHED photos of Bianca Censori show the model writing in sheer fabric seven years before her shocking nude display at the Grammys. 

In photographs taken during an early fashion business venture, Australian Bianca, 30, was seen in a cream bra and thong as she writhed under sheer fabric. 

Photo of Bianca Censori in lingerie.
Bianca modelled in a sheer body stocking for a shoot
Woman in pink sheer fabric.
The model was seen writing in cloth for the photos
Sources claim Kanye and Bianca were told to leave - but others insist they left of their own accord
Bianca caused a stir by appearing completely naked on the red carpet apart from a slip of sheer fabric

Posing in front of a window, the star’s silhouette held the frame as she raised her arms and posed while knelt on the floor. 

The pictures, taken in 2018, were for a line launch for brand Raga Malak, which Bianca launched with business partner Gadir Rajab. 

As well as modelling for the business, Bianca was the company’s creative director – however she left to pursue her master’s degree in architecture at Melbourne University. 

She later worked as a design consultant in Melbourne with companies Kelektic and DP Toscano Architects, before ditching it to move to the States for Kanye in 2020. 

The rapper reportedly slid into her DMs to offer her a job, and she is currently the ‘official architect of Yeezy’, the Heartless singer’s clothing brand. 

But she is more famed for her relationship with Ye, which started in 2021, with Bianca being seen in increasing states of undress. 

This included facing sanctions in Venice, Italy last year after they engaged in NSFW behavior on a boat.  

Some critics argued that Bianca’s outfits have constituted public indecency, and called for authorities to take action.

Nevertheless, the outfits continued, with a night out in Tokyo, Japan showing Bianca wearing just metallic panelling across her chest and hips.

It has been claimed that Kanye has ‘rules’ for his wife to follow in public, including not talking to anyone, and being in charge of her wardrobe. 

Ye’s exes Kim Kardashian and Julia Fox have both previously stated that he would control what they wore and ‘raided their wardrobe’ while they dated. 

But her biggest shocking look came on Sunday night when she arrived on the red carpet with husband Kanye West in a brown fur coat. 

After Kanye whispered something in her ear, she dropped the coat and posed for photographs completely naked, save a tiny, completely sheer, nude-coloured slip. 

According to a lip-reader, Kanye instructed her to “make a scene now” and told her: “Drop it behind you and then turn, I got you.” 

She appeared to respond: “Let’s do this” before following his instructions. 

Bianca later wore a sheer black thong bodysuit for a Grammys afterparty he threw to showcase his new music, and was seen singing into a microphone. 

Photo of Bianca Censori at the Grammy Awards in a sheer dress.  (Image contains nudity.)
Bianca’s look caused a stir on the red carpet
Woman kneeling, wrapped in pink fabric.
The unearthed photos came during her time at label Raga Malak
Kanye West and Bianca Censori kissing.
X / ye
Kanye later shared more photographs on X[/caption]
Photo of Bianca Censori kneeling.
Bianca launched the brand before going on to study her masters degree
Kanye West and Bianca Censori at a Grammy after-party.
Bianca later wore a completely sheer bodysuit for the afterparty, where Ye was seen fondling her[/caption]

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Big Brother star ENGAGED after boyfriend got down on one knee on romantic countryside walk

BIG Brother star Sarah Griffiths has announced she’s ENGAGED after her boyfriend got down on one knee during a romantic countryside walk.

Sarah, 27, shared the happy news on Instagram, posting photos of herself and her fiance Aled Morris celebrating with champagne and showing off her stunning ring.

A woman showing off her engagement ring.
Instagram/Sarah Griffiths
Big Brother star Sarah Griffiths has announced she’s ENGAGED[/caption]

The account manager, who was evicted from the Big Brother house just four days before the November final, fuelled speculation of the proposal on Sunday with a TikTok video.

In the video, she explained that Aled had planned a series of activities for their three year anniversary, including a dog walk, which she suspected was the perfect setting for a proposal.

She said: “I think I might be getting engaged today, no joke.

“It’s our three-year anniversary and Aled has booked loads of stuff, and he never does this.

“The first thing we’re doing is going for a walk, and that might be the ideal time, so hence I’m getting ready for a dog walk.

“I got stick-on nails and put them on last night, just in case for photos. Dog-walking glam in case it happens, fingers crossed!”

Sarah’s premonition proved correct, as she later posted a TikTok video capturing the moment Aled proposed during their dog walk.

The video also showed Sarah sharing the news with loved ones and visiting the house they are building together, which she referred to as their “marital home”.

The engagement announcement was met with a wave of congratulations from her Big Brother co-stars.

Series winner Ali Bromley, wrote, “Congrats Sarah,” while Lily Benson gushed, “BLOODY NORA CONGRATS.”

Rosie Williams, who is in a relationship with fellow housemate Nathan King, commented, “BEST. NEWS. EVER!! So happy for you gorgeous.”

Emma Morgan said “Well, well well this is WONDERFUL news!! I can’t believe Aled is going to make an honest woman of you!! No, I actually can’t. I love you dearly and I’m beyond happy to see you so in love and excited for the future. Here we go nowwwww.”

Speaking before her Big Brother entry last year, she said: “I am posh totty hottie, grew up on a chicken farm, and I think being an egg would be quite a nice life, because you’re either getting smashed or getting laid.”

Sarah added that she saw the show as a way to cut loose one last time before settling down.

She explained: “I’ve got a wonderful partner and we’re going to settle down and have kids.

‘One more crazy thing’

“But I just want to do one more crazy thing before I settle down.

“I want one more experience to be like ‘wow’.”

On what she’ll bring into the famous compound, Sarah said: “I think I’ll bring good vibes, I can bring up the mood and bring people together.


“I’m never one to shy away from asking people’s opinions even if it’s controversial.

“I think I’d be a good chair for good conversations, and instigate some good entertainment for us all.”

And asked about what she’s looking forward to, she admitted: “A bit of a rest, to be honest.

“I’m looking forward to not having a phone. Chilling out.

Making strong bonds

“I know from having worked on cruise ships that when you’re with people in an enclosed environment you make the strongest bonds.

“I’m really looking forward to meeting people I would never normally meet living in the country.

I am posh totty hottie, grew up on a chicken farm, and I think being an egg would be quite a nice life, because you’re either getting smashed or getting laid


“And learning from other people, and them learning from me. And taking some life lessons away with me.”

Worst case scenario

Winning the show isn’t important to Sarah.

She explained: “If I’m not to win, the worst case scenario is that I still have an amazing life.

“I would much rather completely be myself and be voted out the first week than pretend to be something I’m not.”

And pressed on what might lead to her receiving nominations, Sarah conceded it would probably be for “being too loud, being annoying and being messy”.

A man proposing to a woman outdoors.
TikTok/Sarah Griffiths
Her boyfriend got down on one knee during a romantic countryside walk[/caption]
Woman showing off engagement ring while holding a glass of champagne.
Instagram/Sarah Griffiths
She celebrated with champagne, showing off her stunning ring[/caption]
Sarah, a contestant on Big Brother, wearing a black jumpsuit and name tag.
Sarah was evicted just four days before the final[/caption]

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I refused to switch on the light in the kitchen as the ceiling was peeling off, but £110 made a huge difference

A THRIFTY DIY lover has revealed how she gave her kitchen an epic makeover spending just a little over £100.

According to recent data by HiF Kitchens, the average cost of a mid-range kitchen transformation the UK is around £20,000-£30,000 – but Eilidh Macleod recently proved there’s no need to fork out the eye-watering sum.

Kitchen with tropical-themed wall decor and appliances.
One woman revealed her kitchen looked ‘so bad’ she refused to switch the big light on[/caption]
Kitchen with bee-patterned wallpaper, white cabinets, and appliances.
The epic makeover, which didn’t include flooring, cost her just £110[/caption]

Chuffed with the jaw-dropping results, Eilidh took to Facebook to show the grubby kitchen before the glow-up – and after.

The money-smart DIY enthusiast said that before giving the room the makeover, she ”wouldn’t turn on the big light” as the condition of the kitchen ”was so bad”.

Prior to the epic transformation – which set her back a mere £110 – the white paint on the ceiling was peeling off in huge chunks and the pastel yellow walls also featured a jungle-themed print by the cabinets.

This, she proudly showed off on the popular DIY On A Budget Official page, was replaced with an on-trend bee wallpaper which she had found for just £13.

The intricate wallpaper, which turned out to be a major hit amongst fellow members of the group, fit perfectly with the original grey tiling and minimalist aesthetic.

Another cheap yet effective change was the spruced-up kitchen worktop – instead of spending hundreds on a new one, Eilidh simply covered the surface with a self-adhesive vinyl wrap.

These self-adhesive vinyl wrap films are ideal for covering a whole host of surfaces in the home and workplace, whether that’s furniture updates, arts and crafts, and even TV or film sets. 

Not only is this peel-and-stick solution super simple to apply, it’s also easy to wipe clean thanks to the durable and heat resistant material.

Sharing the gorgeous results in a post, the thrifty woman said she had used DC fix in Granite which set her back just £25.

The kitchen worktop complimented the existing cupboards by the walls which she had transformed with a lick of Ronseal Cupboard Paint.

Spending just £50 on the feature, the DIY lover added that one pot of the £50 paint was enough to cover two cupboards, which now looked as good as new.

The remaining money went towards Wicks Silk Emulsion (share Urban Nights) which cost her a tenner, as well as £12 for the stunning Aztec-print rug in the middle.

Eilidh wrote in the post: ”My kitchen was so bad I wouldn’t turn on the big light. Total £110. New flooring will be budget too.”

10 DIY hacks for under £1 each

These simple and affordable DIY hacks can help you get creative while saving money

Homemade Air Freshener:

Mix baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Place it in a small jar with a perforated lid to keep your home smelling fresh.

Upcycled Tin Can Planters:

Clean and paint empty tin cans to use as stylish planters for herbs or small plants.

Custom Phone Stand:

Use a sturdy piece of cardboard or an old plastic credit card to create a custom phone stand. Decorate it with washi tape or paint.

DIY Lip Scrub:

Combine sugar and a bit of honey or coconut oil to make a natural lip scrub. Store in a small container.

Personalised Bookmarks:

Use old greeting cards or decorative paper to create unique bookmarks. Punch a hole at the top and add a ribbon for a finishing touch.

Decorative Mason Jars:

Paint or decoupage old mason jars to use as decorative vases, storage containers, or candle holders.

Easy Cable Organiser:

Use empty toilet paper rolls to organize cables and cords. Decorate the rolls with colorful paper or tape.

Magnetic Spice Jars:

Attach small magnets to the lids of small jars and stick them to a metal board or fridge for easy-access spice storage.

Handmade Coasters:

Cut out squares from old corkboard or felt and decorate them with paint or fabric to create custom coasters.

Natural All-Purpose Cleaner:

Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent. Use it to clean surfaces around your home.

‘What a difference’

Amazed by the makeover – which has taken the page by storm with over 700 likes in less than 24 hours – dozens flooded to comments to praise the woman.

One said: ”Gorgeous. Well done.”

”Loving the wallpaper, what a difference, well done,” a second chimed in.

A third added: ”Not my taste but looks so much better!”

”What a lovely cosy kitchen it is, well done!!” someone else commented.

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