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Woman, 47, found dead in Waterford house allegedly beaten to death as man, 30s, to be brought before court over murder

A WOMAN whose body was found in a house in Waterford city on Friday morning is understood to have been beaten to death.

A man, aged in his thirties, will appear before a special sitting of Gorey District Court at 8pm tonight charged with the murder of Gillian Curran.

The 47-year-old woman, originally from Tramore, County Waterford, has been named locally and is understood to have been staying in the house on O’Brien Street where her body was found.

It’s understood Gardai were alerted at 10am by a man known to the deceased, who told them she had died accidentally.

However when paramedics and Gardai arrived at the terraced house suspicions were aroused by the injuries evident on the body, which are believed to have been consistent with an assault.

She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Ms Curran is understood to have had addiction problems and in recent years led a life that was a far cry from over 20 years ago when she studied law in UCC.

A 34-year-old man, with whom the dead woman was friendly, was arrested on suspicion of assault causing harm shortly after Gardai and ambulance personnel found Ms Curran’s body. 

He is due to appear before a special sitting of Gorey District Court this evening at 8pm, Sunday, 26th January 2025

While Gardai are not releasing the results of the postmortem for technical and investigative reasons, it’s understood the deceased suffered injuries consistent with a prolonged assault.

Ms Curran did not live at the house, located on O’Brien Street, in the old part of the city.

The arrested man is believed to be a foreign national, who has been living in Waterford for some time.

The man was arrested at the scene after the discovery of the body.

The house was sealed off after 10am and remained closed for members of the Garda Technical Bureau to arrive to carry out a full forensic examination of the scene.

The street is located in a quiet and old part of Waterford city, with some families living there for years but others have moved in and rented in more recent times.


A Garda statement said: “Gardai are investigating the death of a woman in her 40s following an incident in Waterford City on Saturday, January 25th, 2025.

“Shortly after 10am, Gardai and emergency services responded to an incident at a residence on O’Brien Street, Waterford, where the woman was found unresponsive. She was pronounced deceased at the scene a short time later.

“A man in his 30s was subsequently arrested in connection with the incident. He is currently detained at a Garda station in the Eastern Region under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1984, on suspicion of an offence under the Non-Fatal Offenses Against the Person Act.”

It added: “A senior investigating officer has been appointed to lead the investigation and an incident room has been established at Waterford Garda Station.

“A family liaison officer has also been assigned to support the family”.

Gardai are appealing for witnesses to contact them and are seeking any available camera footage, including dashcam recordings, from those who were in the vicinity of O’Brien Street at the time of the incident.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Waterford Garda Station on 051 305322 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.

Garda crime scene tape in front of a Garda patrol car.
Gardai attended the scene yesterday

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Цей засіб за 2 гривні “з’їдає” всі погані запахи у холодильнику

Дізнайтеся, як швидко й ефективно позбутися неприємного запаху в холодильнику: практичні поради, натуральні засоби та секрети свіжості у вашій кухні. У цій статті ми хочемо поділитися корисними порадами, які допоможуть позбутися неприємного запаху в холодильнику. Така проблема може виникнути у кожного, і зазвичай її причиною є зіпсовані продукти, розлиті страви чи напої, або недостатньо щільно […]

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Франція вважає президентські вибори у Білорусі 26 січня «позбавленими будь-якої легітимності»

Франція уважно стежитиме за президентськими виборами, які відбудуться в Білорусі 26 січня, однак на основі вже наявної інформації вважає їх недемократичними та нелегітимними. Про це йдеться в заяві речника МЗС, текстом якої володіє Укрінформ. «На основі всієї наявної в її розпорядженні інформації Франція вважає, що ці вибори не відповідатимуть демократичним стандартам. Безпрецедентний рівень репресій, порушення […]

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Watch hilarious moment Love Island’s Curtis FALLS in the pool as he misses step

LOVE Island’s Curtis Pritchard unintentionally found himself in a hilarious moment as he FELL into the pool.

Dancer and choreographer Curtis, 28, is back on the ITV dating show for its second All Stars edition.

Ekin-Su and Curtis Pritchard on a date.
Love Island’s Curtis Pritchard found himself unintentionally in a hilarious moment
Screenshot of a man diving into a pool while two women watch.
The star slipped into the villa’s pool – after missing a step[/caption]
Curtis from Love Island falling into a pool.
Curtis resurfaced just moments later[/caption]

Saturday’s episode of Unseen Bits saw Curtis unintentionally create a humorous moment.

As joined a group by the pool, the star forgot about a nearby step and promptly slipped in.

His co-stars were left visibly shocked as Curtis resurfaced just moments later.

He said: “What happened there? Forgot there’s a step there. Sorry, darling.”

Meanwhile, Curtis’ time in All Stars so far has seen him “couple up” with a former winner.

2022 champion Ekin-Su entered the villa as a bombshell – at the end of the first day.

Following her arrival, she was given the power to steal one of the boys.

In a candid conversation with Curtis, he shared he’s had three girlfriends, including Maura Higgins, who he dated for nine months after meeting on Love Island.

More recently, Ekin-Su told Curtis “it was nice knowing you” as they clashed during a heated debate.

She wasn’t impressed when wasn’t impressed when Curtis didn’t believe her story about aliens.

Ekin-Su told the dancer about the time she believes she communicated with extraterrestrials.

Curtis quipped: “You chat absolute rubbish.”

But Ekin-Su insisted: “My brother was there… I was on FaceTime to my cousin and the call gets interrupted suddenly, goes purple and these three heads…

“I’m not lying. This isn’t a joke, I’m not hallucinating… three heads came up on my iPhone. Please believe me.”

While Curtis laughed Ekin-Su looked very serious and repeated: “I’m not joking.”

Love Island All Stars 2025 official line-up

Love Island All Stars is back on TV for season 2.

Here we take you through the line-up of all the Islanders who are in the villa so far.


Each series brings with it a string of hot single bombshells making their epic entrance into the villa.

Here’s who has joined the villa so far:

She explained that her strange call came on the same evening many others on social media claimed to have spotted UFOs in the sky.

But Curtis replied: “I believe it will have been some sort of hack or bug.”

Ekin-Su didn’t seem pleased with his response and said: “Nice knowing you Curtis.”

Love Island All Stars continues on ITV and ITVX.

Curtis and Ekin-Su from Love Island All Stars.
The dancer is currently coupled up with Ekin-Su in the ITV dating show[/caption]

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