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Ireland’s Fittest Family coach Donncha O’Callaghan ‘gutted’ as family miss quarter-final spot after tough challenge

RTE Ireland’s Fittest Family coach Donncha O’Callaghan was left “gutted” after his family missed out on a spot in the quarter-final.

Coaches Sonia O’Sullivan, Donncha, Anna Geary and Davy Fitzgerald were back for another episode of the popular fitness show.

The Cooney family and Anna Geary from Ireland's Fittest Family.
Four more families competed for the last two spots in the quarter-final[/caption]
Screenshot of a man and woman talking outdoors.
Donncha was left ‘gutted’[/caption]
The Ferns family and Davy Fitzgerald from Ireland's Fittest Family.
Davy’s Fern family won the eliminator

Ireland’s Fittest Family returned to the beautiful Rathbeggan Lakes in County Meath to film this year’s Heats.

And the four judges have been in close competition with each other to bring their families through to the quarter-finals.

In tonight’s episode, Donncha’s McGuire family from Wicklow, Davy’s Ferns family from Clare, Anna’s Cooney family from Cork, and Sonia’s Dempsey family from Cork took on The Lake for the final heat.

Each family battled it out for two places in the next round of the competition at The Bog.

Each family first took on the Fittest Family classic with a twist – The 2025 Raft Rage: The Rivals.

This was a race to get each family member to the other side of the bog bath by pulling the raft back and fort, with only two family members allowed on the raft at a time.

Sonia’s Dempsey family came out on top, while Anna’s Cooney’s finished last.

The next test was The Drop Zone, which saw one family member high above the lake on a seat, meaning they were frozen from the action until they drop into the water.

To get them into the water, the rest of the family had to fill a tank up to the orange line using different sized buckets.

When the water hit the orange line the person on the drop zone seat was plunged into the water and could then help the other family members fill the tank to the red line.

Once it hit the red line, the person who was on the drop zone seat had to swim to a rope and climb to the top of it before ringing the bell.

After all four families completed the challenge, there scores from both races were added up and Donncha’s McGuire’s were eliminated from the competiton.

And after coming out on top, Anna’s Cooney family from Cork were straight through to the quarter-final.


Speaking to Anna afterwards, Donncha admitted he’s “gutted”.

The final spot in the quarter-final was decided by tonight’s eliminator challenge titled High & Dry.

The Dempsey’s and the Ferns’ took on a fierce water obstacle before doing a 300m sprint with a 30kg weight.

They then waded their way through a bog bath and attempted to jump over a four foot wall before making it to the top of the ramp.

After a vigorous trial, the Ferns family were the first to the top of the ramp to claim their victory in the end, leaving Davy over the moon with the final result of the day.

The quarter-final will take place in Hell & Back in Kilruddery, Co Wicklow next week.

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