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Paul Nicholls’ gallops ‘literally underwater’ after ‘biblical’ rain causes chaos just weeks before Cheltenham Festival

TOP trainer Paul Nicholls’ gallops have been left ‘literally underwater’ after ‘biblical’ rain caused chaos at his Ditcheat yard.

His loop and flat gallops have suffered ‘huge damage’ just weeks before Cheltenham Festival.

Flooded race track starting gates.
Only one of his three gallops can be used after ‘biblical’ rain left his yard ‘literally underwater’[/caption]

Nicholls has not been able to assess the full scale of it yet owing to the hazardous conditions.


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And he said further forecast rain is giving him a huge headache, just as the season really hots up.

Fortunately his famous hill gallop is OK to use but the rest of his base is totally out of action.

The Betfair ambassador, speaking on his Ditcheat Diaries series, said: “Honestly, it was biblical rain yesterday and I’ve never in 33 years of being here seen weather like it, the amount of rain.

“Our hill gallop is fine but our loops and flat gallop are literally underwater.

“You’ve never seen water like it.

“But we haven’t been able to assess the full damage yet because we can’t get on there.

“But I’ve never had water on the gallops, let alone what we saw yesterday, we can’t believe it.

“The damage water does is absolutely incredible.

“We’ve been able to school horses as normal on the hill gallop but it’s not good elsewhere.

“This is a huge amount of damage we’ll have to put right during the week.

“It’s not ideal and there’s a lot more rain forecast.”

More to follow.


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Lily Phillips’ followers fear she’s gone too far & needs ‘sectioning’ over disturbing new event to one-up Bonnie Blue

LILY Phillips has sparked concern from followers that she’s gone too far after announcing a disturbing new event.

The 23-year-old has been battling Bonnie Blue in a bid to be named the UK’s top adult creator.

Lily Phillips on a podcast, speaking into a microphone.
Lily Phillips has sparked concern from fans after announcing a disturbing new event
Lily previously slept with 101 men in a day, but the experience left her in tears
Woman asks if Lily Phillips should be sectioned.
And now social media users like Charlotte are concerned the new event is a “cry for help”

But when Bonnie allegedly broke the record for sleeping with the most amount of men in 12 hours, after apparently bedding 1,057, Lily knew she’d have to do something different.

So she came up with a new way to top Bonnie’s “achievement”, as she invited men to join her in an act too graphic to describe at a new event.

However, many social media fans have been left disturbed by the announcement, with some even labelling it a “cry for help”.

Charlotte was one of those people, as she referred to Bonnie and Lily’s battle as “some kind of weird self-harming competition”.

She continued her TikTok video by saying: “I genuinely think she needs to be sectioned because she’s almost threatening self-harm.

“That’s a really abusive thing to do to yourself.”

Charlotte concluded by insisting she wanted “social services or something” to get in touch with Lily and check on her mental wellbeing.

She added in the video caption: “I feel like it’s a very concerning cry for help.

“I mean most girls that get cheated on will just apply for Love Island, not bed 1000s of men?”

And the comments section was almost immediately filled with hundreds of people agreeing with Charlotte.

“It’s just sad at this point, she’s going to end up getting seriously hurt,” one wrote.

“Plus the mental anguish in years to come will absolutely torture her,” another agreed.

“It’s just awful.”

“Girls can we all agree that she is self harming??” a third questioned.

With someone else replying: “It’s definitely self harming, it’s actually so sad.”

“1000% intervention is needed!” another wrote.

Former porn star shares advice for Lily Phillips

LILY Phillips is a name many of us now know, thanks to her controversial plan to bed 1,000 men in 24 hours.

The OnlyFans star is hoping to break the world record with the endeavour – a record currently held by adult film star Lisa Sparks, with 919 men.

But adult film star Jasmin St. Claire – who’s most famous for having sex with 300 men in 24 hours for X-rated 1996 film The World’s Biggest G**g Bang II – has issued a word of warning to the 23-year-old to ensure she’s regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

“I get a lot of OnlyFans girls on my podcast … and the one common story is all of the different STD outbreaks in the business,” Jasmin explained.

“Like, I’ve never heard of half this stuff in my life. I’m like, holy s**t. Can a doctor from India cure that?

“Like, seriously, because these are some weird things.”

“She legit needs help and her ‘team’ should hang their heads with shame, it looks like exploitation of a vulnerable adult to me,” someone else claimed.

“I feel she is internally screaming for help, it’s quite sad really,” another said.

The concerns about Lily’s next event come after she opened up on a podcast recently, discussing how she feels about her body.

“I don’t really care who I s**g,” Lily began.

“So it’s neither here nor there if it’s someone famous.”

“I don’t get it,” Mommy and Daddy Talk host Bradley Martyn asked.

“You don’t feel like your body is special or important?”

“No,” Lily retorted, adding: “I’m giving my body what it wants!”

When Bradley questioned if she thinks of her body as a “temple”, Lily then replied: “A temple that likes visitors!”

Lily previously opened up about how her job choice affects her mental health in the documentary I Slept With 100 Men in One Day, filmed by Josh Pieters.

That’s a really abusive thing to do to yourself

TikToker Charlotte

As Lily reflected on the extreme experience that saw her sleep with 101 men, she began to break down in tears.

“It’s not for the weak girls, if I’m honest – it was hard,” she said.

“I don’t know if I’d recommend it. It’s a different feeling. It’s just one in one out, it feels intense…

“I’ve got a routine of how we’re going to do this and sometimes you disassociate and it’s not like normal sex at all.

“In my head right now, I can think of like five, six guys, 10 guys that I remember and that’s it.

“But it’s just weird, isn’t it? If I didn’t have the videos, I wouldn’t have known I did 100.”

Lily Phillips on a podcast, speaking into a microphone.
Lily’s face said it all when she was asked during a podcast interview if she thought her body was “special” or “important”
Lily Phillips at the Brazzers booth, AVN Adult Entertainment Expo.
Charlotte went as far as suggesting social services needed to stage an intervention to stop Lily’s “self harming”[/caption]
Woman in bathrobe holding sign that says 1000!
Lily and Bonnie Blue have been battling – with Bonnie claiming recently she broke the world record for sleeping with the most men in 12 hours… 1057[/caption]

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Закуска з кабачків, яку подають в ресторанах

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