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Простий та дешевий метод, щоб орхідея завжди цвіла: секрет експертів

  Власники орхідей часто стикаються з проблемою, коли рослини перестають цвісти та виглядають слабкими, інформує Ukr.Media. Причини можуть бути різними: від загнивання коренів до недостатнього освітлення. Також важливо знати, яка підживка необхідна рослині. Садівники поділилися порадою, як стимулювати цвітіння орхідей і зміцнити їх загалом. Виявляється, для цього потрібні лише лимон і вода. Найкраща підживка орхідеї Експерти […]

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Минулого сезону я залишилась без огірків, бо зробила ці 4 помилки – сусід-агроном “розжував”, що до чого

Вирощування огірків здається простим завданням, але навіть досвідчені садівники можуть робити помилки, які впливають на якість та кількість врожаю. Розповідаємо про найпоширеніші з них. Почнемо з прищипування верхівок. Прищипування верхівок, як відомо, може збільшити кількість врожаю, але якщо ви робите це руками, на місці “зрізу” (фактично зламу) може з’явитися пошкодження, яке загоюється довго і може […]

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Timotheé Chalamet pokes fun at himself on ‘SNL’ with Kylie Jenner’s secretive support

As per usual, Timotheé Chalamet’s “Saturday Night Live” appearance was a smash success! Despite the controversy of his Jimmy Carter joke, people went wild for his Bob Dylan covers, poking fun at his losing streak at award shows, and Kylie Jenner’s sneaky appearance. Watch the full video to learn more about Timotheé giving people another...

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ESB confirm 228k Irish homes without power DAYS after Storm Eowyn won’t get compensation

THOUSANDS of hard hit households won’t be eligible for compensation despite being without power for a week. 

Historic Storm Eowyn brought gale force winds of 180kph and caused widespread power outages and business closures last week.

Workers clearing a fallen tree after a storm.
Workers clearing a fallen tree on Grove Park Drive in Dublin after Storm Eowyn
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ESB Networks crews restoring electricity lines after Storm Éowyn.
If you are without power for over 24 hours, you can be entitled to compensation in some situations – but storms are not one of them
Micbael O'Sullivan

A total of 768,000 ESB customers lost supply on Friday as Storm Eowyn ripped through the country – and thousands remain without power today.

ESB teams have been working tirelessly to restor supplies for households and business.

Crews have restored electricity in 438,000 premises as of yesterday afternoon.

But they are still desperately racing to restore power to 250,000 customers but the company has confirmed to the Irish Sun no compensation payments will be given.

A spokesperson told us: “In exceptional cases such as storms or extensive disruption to electricity supplies, we cannot offer this.”

In some situations, it is possible to claim compensation for electricity outages.

Under the ESB guide titled “Our 12 Service Guarantees To You” the company outlined their restoration guarantee.

The ESB said: “Even with the best will in the world, faults will
sometimes occur in our electricity network and you may be without supply.

“If this happens, please let us know immediately. We’ll do everything possible to restore your supply quickly.”

The company said their aim is to restore supply in under four hours in 95 per cent of cases.

But if you are without power for 24 hours after notifying them of your outage, you can claim compensation.

You can claim €65 if you are a domestic customer or €130 if you are a business.

And you can then claim an extra €35 for every extra 12 hours that you are without power.

In order to claim your payment under this guarantee, you should contact them within one month of the supply failure.

And if you lose power supply but notice that your neighbours still have power, the team recommends that you check your fuses and trip switch.

If these are ok, it may be the Main ESB fuse that has failed.

You should contact the ESB immediately.

The document states that they will call to you free of charge within three hours if you call them between 8.30am and 11pm.

Calls after 11pm are guaranteed to receive a call out before 11.30am the following morning.

If the ESB fails to meet these guarantees, they will pay you €35.

And the company has an extra guarantee for paying you.

The document said: “ESB Networks aims to provide you with an ever improving standard of service, and our Customer Service Guarantees are specifically designed to ensure this.”

The ESB guarantees to send you a cheque within 10 working days.

But if they fail to do this, they will pay you an additional €35.

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I’m English football’s ultimate journeyman… Cilla Black once walked in on me naked in the dressing room

IT takes a lot to surprise a footballer who’s turned out for 24 different clubs across ten tiers of the English football pyramid.

But for veteran striker Leroy Lita, there is one day he’ll never forget.

Soccer player Leroy Lita celebrates a goal.
Getty Images - Getty
Leroy Lita has revealed Cilla Black once walked in on him naked in the changing room[/caption]
Cilla Black and John Madejski at a Viva Forever after-party.
Getty Images - Getty
Cilla Black was a close friend of then-Reading owner John Madejski[/caption]

Lita kicked off his career on the books of Chelsea’s academy and has turned out for the likes of Reading, Middlesbrough and Swansea, as well as a swathe of non-league teams.

Now at seventh tier Barwell, aged 40, Lita has opened up on some of his most hilarious stories from his decades-long playing career.

And topping the list? Cilla Black giving him the surprise, surprise of his life by walking in on him naked.

Lita told The Times: “My first experience [at Reading] was walking in with the chairman and Cilla Black.

“He walked past me like he didn’t know who I was, and he had just paid £1million out of his own pocket for me.

“It wasn’t out of the club budget. He didn’t even know what I looked like and my agent had to tell him.

“I was just shocked that he was with Cilla Black. I used to watch Blind Date and Surprise Surprise, and was like, ‘That’s her, isn’t it?!’

“She used to always come to our games and come into the changing room.


“I remember playing Arsenal away, getting changed, I was naked. She was just there with a big smile.”

Talk about a Blind Date…

Leroy Lita of England celebrating a goal.
Leroy Lita was on the books of Chelsea as a youth star and even played for England’s Under-21s[/caption]

Cilla’s regular appearances at Reading come as no surprise, with then-owner John Madejski calling the former pop star and TV personality his “soulmate” after they enjoyed a long friendship.

The Blind Date host died in 2015 aged 72.

Lita – who scored six times in nine games for England‘s Under-21s – has racked up nearly 600 career games, scoring close to 200 goals in that spell.

However, his last stint in the English Football League came way back in the 2015-16 season, at League Two Yeovil.

Since then, Lita has enjoyed stints in Greece and Thailand, before returning home to embark on a journeyman non-league career.

Before joining Barwell last year, the striker turned out for Margate, Salisbury, Chelmsford City, Nuneaton Borough, Hednesford Town, Ilkestone Town and Coalville Town.

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