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Never ignore three iPhone pop-ups – you’ll risk £100 bill and even worse mistake could break your phone completely

YOU’LL probably get dozens of notifications on your iPhone every day – but there are some alerts you should pay extra special attention to.

If you ignore them, you risk a slower iPhone, hefty bills, and even permanent damage to your pricey gadget.

iPhone storage showing 98.5 GB of 128 GB used, with recommendations to review downloaded media and large attachments.
Apple / The Sun
Make sure that your free iPhone storage doesn’t drop below 1GB[/caption]

The Sun has pulled together a list of three important alerts that you should never overlook.


First up is the message iPhone Storage Almost Full.

Some of you might never have seen it, but it might be worryingly familiar for others.

It means that you’re running out of space on your iPhone, which is usually because you’ve got too many apps, photos, and/or videos.

That might sound annoying, but not exactly phone-breaking.

The bad news is that if you let your iPhone storage drop too low, it can several impact your phone’s performance.

It can slow right down (even if you’ve got a fancy new device) and even switch off entirely.

Apple says you’ll want to make sure you keep at least a gigabyte of storage space free to avoid these effects.

“For best performance, try to maintain at least 1GB of free space,” Apple explains.

“If your available storage is consistently less than 1GB, your device might slow down as iOS or iPadOS repeatedly makes room for more content.”


If you’ve used an iPhone in a hot country or during the height of summer, you may have seen an iPhone temperature warning screen.

It’ll pop up on your iPhone in the form of an alert with a thermometer icon.

The pop-up will block out your whole screen, and a message will read: “Temperature: iPhone needs to cool down before you can use it.”

This message is an inconvenience because your iPhone can’t be used for anything other than emergency calls.

iPhone overheating message.
Apple / The Sun
This warning means your iPhone is too hot – if you see this regularly, it’s bad news for your battery[/caption]

But it’s very bad for another reason: your battery health.

Excessive heat is one of the biggest dangers to your battery – and can permanently damage it, reducing its lifespan.

Your battery will naturally get worse over time, holding less charge than when it was new.

In fact, you can check this under Maximum Capacity in Settings > Battery > Battery Health.


Here's what you need to know

  • Most gadgets run on lithium-ion batteries
  • Over time, the amount of charge this type of battery can hold gets smaller
  • That means you need to charge your device more often because they hold less charge
  • Batteries have two electrode points – the cathode and the anode
  • To charge a battery, the ions inside the battery are forced from the cathode to the anode
  • When you use a battery, it moves in the reverse direction
  • This process wears away at the structure of the anode, reducing its ability to function correctly
  • But the process also builds up a kind of salt on the cathode when charging
  • As this build-up grows, the battery will accept less charge over time
  • It’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 full charge-cycles will reduce a battery’s maximum capacity by roughly 20%

Picture Credit: Apple / The Sun

iPhone battery health report: normal, 100% maximum capacity, 109 cycle count.
The Sun
You can check up on the health of your iPhone’s battery in the Settings app[/caption]

You’d probably expect to hit around 80% Maximum Capacity after around 500 charging cycles, which usually takes about two years.

But if you let your iPhone get hot very regularly, your battery can degrade faster.

That means if you don’t want to fork out for a new iPhone, you’ll eventually need to buy a battery replacement.

Depending on your model, they’ll usually cost £100 or less – check out our iPhone battery replacement guide here.


Here's how much you'll pay for iPhone battery replacements in the UK and the US..

iPhone 5 Series

  • iPhone 5S: £N/A / $69

iPhone SE Series

  • iPhone SE (1st gen) – £N/A / $69
  • iPhone SE (2nd gen) – £65 / $69
  • iPhone SE (3rd gen) – £65 / $69

iPhone 6 Series

  • iPhone 6 – £N/A / $69
  • iPhone 6s – £N/A / $69
  • iPhone 6s Plus – £N/A / $69

iPhone 7 Series

  • iPhone 7 – £65 / $69
  • iPhone 7 Plus – £65 / $69

iPhone 8 Series

  • iPhone 8 – £65 / $69
  • iPhone 8 Plus – £65 / $69

iPhone X Series

  • iPhone X – £N/A / $89

iPhone XR/XS Series

  • iPhone XR – £85 / $89
  • iPhone XS – £85 / $89
  • iPhone XS Max – £85 / $89

iPhone 11 Series

  • iPhone 11 – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 11 Pro – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max – £85 / $89

iPhone 12 Series

  • iPhone 12 mini – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 12 – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 12 Pro – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max – £85 / $89

iPhone 13 Series

  • iPhone 13 mini – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 13 – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 13 Pro – £85 / $89
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max – £85 / $89

iPhone 14 Series

  • iPhone 14 – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 14 Plus – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 14 Pro – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 14 Pro Max – £95 / $99

iPhone 15 Series

  • iPhone 15 – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 15 Plus – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 15 Pro – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max – £95 / $99

iPhone 16 Series

  • iPhone 16 – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 16 Plus – £95 / $99
  • iPhone 16 Pro – £109 / $119
  • iPhone 16 Pro Max – £109 / $119
The cost of an iPhone battery replacement varies depending on your model – it’s £109 for an iPhone 16 Pro Max

It’s a great way to breathe new life into an iPhone, giving it like-new battery life and better performance too.

But you want to avoid letting your battery get too hot, so you can put off a battery replacement for as long as possible.

So if you see the iPhone’s Temperature pop-up, move the device to a cool place as soon as possible – away from direct sunlight.


The third alert to watch out for is Liquid Detected – ignoring it could permanently break your iPhone.

iPhone screen showing a charging error message: Liquid detected in Lightning connector.
Apple / The Sun
Watch out for this alert – it means there’s liquid in your iPhone or on an accessory[/caption]

There are two different pop-ups that might appear for you.

There are several different alerts that can appear depending on what you’re up to – but they’ll usually indicate that you’ve got water in your charging port, or on the connector for your cable or accessory.

It’ll say something like: “Charging Not Available. Liquid has been detected in the Lightning connector. Disconnect to allow the connector to dry. This may take several hours.”

Apple says you should ignore the warning if it’s an emergency. Otherwise, you’ll risk seriously damaging your iPhone.

Don’t put your iPhone in a bag of rice.


“If you charge your iPhone while the Lightning or USB-C connector is wet, the pins on the connector or cable can corrode and cause permanent damage or stop functioning, causing connectivity issues for your iPhone or accessory,” Apple explained.

“Although you shouldn’t charge your iPhone when it’s wet, you might need to in an emergency.

“If you reconnect your iPhone to the cable or accessory, you have the option in an emergency to override the liquid detection and charge your iPhone.”

The best thing to do is just let your iPhone dry out naturally.

iPhone screen showing liquid detected in USB-C connector.
Apple / The Sun
You can override your iPhone’s liquid warning, but only do that in an emergency[/caption]

Leave it in a warm and dry place – but don’t apply any external heat, like blasting it with a hairdryer.

You shouldn’t put a cotton swab or paper towels in the charging port either.

And to bust a longstanding myth, Apple says: “Don’t put your iPhone in a bag of rice. Doing so could allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.”

Read The Sun’s guide to why you shouldn’t use rice to dry your iPhone.

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‘I had to put sharks out of my mind’ says Dubliner, 61, on gruelling 12-hour infested waters swim as he plots 4th feat

MEET the Irishman who completed a 12-hour swim in shark-infested waters . . .  at night. 

Brilliant Barry Murphy, 61, from Ranelagh in Dublin, completed the international Triple Crown in September when he swam 34km from Catalina Island to Smugglers Cove in Los Angeles.

Man standing by lifeguard tower in shark habitat, pointing to sign.
Barry Murphy, 61, from Dublin, completed the international Triple Crown last year
A man swimming in the ocean with a boat in the background.
The avid swimmer has completed long distance swims across the globe
Illustration of a great white shark's mouth open underwater.
And he has came in to contact with great white sharks on many occasions
Getty Images - Getty

That is on top of  previous overseas endeavours — the 20 Bridges, a gruelling 48km swim around Manhattan Island earlier this year, and the English Channel in 2019.

And while those swims all took place during the daytime, the choppy 12 hours 28min Catalina Island crossing started at night, when the local sharks go into hunting mode.

In August, a month before Barry’s dip, a Great White even rammed a fishing boat off the same Catalina Island.

Barry, who has his eyes set on another shark-infested swim in March – told the Irish Sun: “I got in and just had to put the thoughts of sharks out of my mind.

“But it’s not easy as I knew they actually feast around the other side of the island, so I just had to plough on and hope for the best.

“The reason you swim up to eight hours in darkness is that you get less windy conditions at night.


“I set off in ideal conditions but the weather deteriorated very quickly when what the locals call the ‘Diablo Wind’ came in, resulting in pretty lumpy conditions during most of the swim.

“It was a challenging swim but on the plus side the sea temperature was a toasty 20C.

“As with all these types of swims it’s about getting there, which I did.”
Barry’s name is already in the Guinness World Records book as the oldest Irishman to complete the Original Triple Crown, when he finished the Bristol Channel in August 2023 aged 60 years and 271 days.

It was the second time he did the Bristol slog after organisers bungled his first attempt and said they could not ratify his initial crossing.

He nailed that 42k crossing on August 24 2023 — exactly a month after his first go.

It made Barry, a member of NAC Masters club in Dublin – the oldest man to complete the Original Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming.

The challenge consists of crossing the English Channel between England and France, the North Channel between Ireland and Scotland and, of course, the Wales to England Bristol Channel swim.

He has also completed the Irish Triple Crown, consisting of The Fastnet, The Galway Bay and The North Channel.

He is one of just 13 people to complete the Irish Triple Crown and one of 19 to do The Original Triple Crown. Only five people ever have finished both Triple Crowns.

By completing the Catalina Swim, Barry now has the triple Triple Crown — the Original, International and Irish.

But he is not stopping there.

He aims to land his fourth Triple Crown next month, when he swims False Bay in Cape Town, Robben Island and Cape Point.

Barry said: “I’m flying over in March and plan on doing the three of them in one trip.

“False Bay is the longest at 34km, so that’s the one I’m most concerned about. The others are both just over 10km, so should be OK.


“Of course, there are lots of sharks in South Africa too, so that’s another concern.

“But at least over there they use a shark shield, which emits an electrical frequency that keeps them away.”

Despite swimming all over the world, Barry says his toughest test was here in 2022.

The North Irish Channel – one of the Ocean Sevens series of swimming routes — is notorious for jellyfish, strong currents, changeable weather conditions and low water temperatures.

Barry said he was stung about 20 to 30 times on that one and saw one jellyfish the size of a CAR.

He said: “I encountered a lot of jellyfish – one was the size of a small car, but the adrenaline and cold water helps you swim through the pain.

“You have to fight the urge to quit as you’re seeing people in the support boat wearing coats and hats who look so warm.

“Your body is constantly screaming at you to get out of the sea because the cold water is so uncomfortable. You question your sanity but you just have to keep going.” 

Man and woman on a boat.
Barry revealed he aims to land his fourth Triple Crown next month

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Що робити з орхідеєю, яка відцвіла: обрізати чи залишити

Орхідеї – не надто вибагливі, але вишукані квіти, які квітнуть кілька місяців поспіль. Однак рано чи пізно рослина відцвітає. І одне з найактуальніших питань для любителів цієї ефектної рослини звучить так: чи потрібно обрізати квітконоси після того, як цвітіння закінчилося? Відповідь на це питання залежить від типу орхідеї, яка у вас є, та того, наскільки […]

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Єфім Константиновський і його дівчина показали свої заручини (фото)

Фото з Instagram Константиновського Телеведучий та гуморист Єфим Константиновський, котрий менше року тому офіційно розлучився, готується вдруге вирушити до вівтаря. 33-річна зірка зробив пропозицію руки та серця своїй дівчині Єлизаветі Нечипоренко. Судячи з того, що обручка вже красується на її пальці, вона відповіла «так». Фото спершу опублікувала у своїх Insta-сторіс сама 27-річна Ліза, а згодом […]

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Brittany Mahomes calls out Bills fans for ‘disgusting’ Patrick taunt after Chiefs win AFC Championship

No one messes with her man! Brittany Mahomes ripped Buffalo Bills fans for their “disgusting” taunt of her husband, Patrick, after the Kansas City Chiefs won the AFC Championship game. Watch the full video to learn more about Brittany sticking up for her husband.  Subscribe to our YouTube for the latest on all your favorite...

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‘Run to Tesco for this’ cry shoppers as they go wild for supermarket’s ‘gorgeous’ £14 bodysuit

FASHION fans are racing to Tesco to get their hands on a brand new Skims dupe – and it’s a bargain.

F&F, the supermarket’s in-house fashion brand, recently launched a new collection of bodysuits and bras that bear a striking resemblance to Kim Kardashian’s label.

Burgundy bodysuit with snakeskin hem on display.
Scottish Sun
Fashion fans are loving this new bodysuit in Tesco[/caption]
Burgundy long-sleeve bodysuit on a hanger.
Scottish Sun
The burgundy buy is only £14[/caption]

The only difference? A cool £54.

Skims long-sleeved tops will set you back a whopping £68.

But the supermarket’s version is only £14.

And F&F’s stylists have just released a brand new colour of their popular bodysuits.

The burgundy item is already causing a frenzy with shoppers who have urged other bargain hunters to “run to Tesco”.

Boasting a flattering square neck and made from “buttery soft” material, it’s the perfect addition to your wardrobe.

After spotting it in store, one fashion fan gushed: “”Girls, run to Tesco for this new burgundy bodysuit. Love, love, love.”

A second cried: “I have this in every colour they bring out. I can not find [this one] at all.”

“Tesco bodysuits are my favourite”, wrote a third.

A fourth added: “She’s gorgeous”, accompanied by the heart eye emoji.

“Stop it’s gorg”, echoed someone else.

Meanwhile, a sixth insisted: “Oh my days, I need it.”

And even Love Island stars are hitting the supermarket in search of the copycat items – which are apparently made from the “exact same” buttery soft material.

Siannise Fudge, who appeared on the matchmaking show back in 2020, took to her TikTok page to share a video of herself sharing her new purchases earlier this month.

“Girls, run to Tesco’s F&F, cause they have Skims dupes!” she began.

“I managed to grab quite a few items in my size, which I was so happy about.”

She kicked off her haul with the contour bodysuit, as she said the £14 item was the “same buttery, soft, smoothing material”.

As well as the nude, short-sleeved bodysuit, she picked it up in black, as well as nabbing the long-sleeved body too.

“Honestly, such a good dupe,” Siannise continued.

“I cannot believe how similar to Skims this is.”

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AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am: Rory McIlroy & Scottie Scheffler set for first start of PGA Tour season at $20m event

HOLYWOOD hotshot Rory McIlroy is set to make his first start of the PGA Tour season at this week’s AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am.

The Northern Irishman is part of a stacked field that also sees the return of Scottie Scheffler and Jordan Spieth.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - DECEMBER 17: Scottie Scheffler (L) and Rory McIlroy of the PGA Tour celebrate after winning during The Showdown: McIlroy and Scheffler v DeChambeau and Koepka at Shadow Creek Golf Course on December 17, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images for The Showdown)
Scottie Scheffler and Rory McIlroy will make their first starts of the season at this week’s Signature event
PEBBLE BEACH, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 05: Wyndham Clark of the United States poses with the trophy alongside girlfriend Alicia Bogdanski after winning the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am at Pebble Beach Golf Links on February 05, 2024 in Pebble Beach, California. (Photo by Orlando Ramirez/Getty Images)
Wyndham Clark won the weather hampered tournament in 2024

World number one Scheffler is returning from hand surgery after an accident on Christmas Day.

The FedEx Cup champion had small glass fragments removed from the palm, which postponed his planned season debut at the AMEX Championship.

While Joran Spieth is returning after wrist surgery, the three-time major winner opted to take time out after missing last year’s FedEx Cup Playoffs to get the long-standing issue operated on.

The popular American has plummeted to 77 in the world golf rankings, and will be keen to make his way into the AON next ten in the FedEx Cup rankings for Signature event exemptions.

Down ace McIlroy played the Dubai Desert Classic earlier this month on the DP World tour.

But he’ll be keen to get off to a good start on Thursday at the famous Monterey Peninsula links venue.

Last year’s AT&T was won by Wyndham Clark after weather hampered the tournament.

The final round was abandoned because of bad weather and safety concerns, with 54-hole leader Clark declared the winner.

Shane Lowry is also in the field after a stellar 2024 saw him finish ninth on the FedEx Cup table.

The Offaly ace missed the cut at last week’s Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines, but will fancy his chances at contending on the links courses.

The tournament is held over two courses – Pebble Beach Golf Links and Spyglass Hill Golf Course – the final wound will be contested at Pebble Beach links.

And there’s a whopping $20m purse up for grabs as the event has Signature status.

Japanese icon Hideki Matsuyama, who claimed the first Signature win of the year in January at The Sentry is also in the field.

Celebs and sports stars will compete in the Pro-Am, so it will be fun to watch but there’s plenty at stake for the pros.


Justin Thomas – 14/1

Jordan Spieth – 45/1

Will Zalatoris – 40/1

Keegan Bradley – 45/1

Thomas Detry – 66/1

Matthieu Pavon – 325/1


The purse is $20 million with the winner earning $3.6 million and 700 FedExCup points.

How does the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am format work?

Each amateur will have a single pro for the event. The 80 pros and 80 ams will compete in a best-ball format (using handicaps for the amateurs) over the first two rounds.

The pros will also compete in normal stroke-play for the event proper. The amateur portion will end after 36 holes, and not extend into the weekend (this is the second consecutive year of this format, since the tournament became a signature event).

There is no cut for the pros, and they will play the final two rounds at Pebble Beach.

How to Watch:

All the action is live on Sky Sports Golf from Thursday.

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Patient ‘fit enough to be sent home’ stuck in hospital for 7 YEARS amid ‘discharge crisis’, shock new figures reveal

A PATIENT has been stuck in a hospital bed for seven years despite being medically fit to go home, according to new figures.

NHS Fife admitted the unidentified person had been waiting for 2,576 days – the equivalent of seven years and 21 days in hospital.

A patient's hand rests on a hospital bed, with blurred nurses in the background.
There were patients in NHS Highland and NHS Lothian waiting more than four years[/caption]

Several freedom of information requests by the Scottish Conservatives revealed many patients are waiting years to leave wards, even after being told it is safe to do so.

The shocking figure is well above the average delayed discharge time for the health board, which was around 20 days.

NHS Fife says this particular patient required “highly complex care in a specialist facility”.

A spokesperson told The Courier: “An interim placement would be inappropriate and unreasonable, and not in the individual’s best interests.”

There were patients in NHS Highland and NHS Lothian waiting more than four years.

While NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde -Scotland’s biggest health board – has a patient waiting 1,334 days – three years.

It comes just days after the Scottish Government announced it had scrapped long-held plans for a National Care Service.

Official figures showed that in November alone, patients whose discharge had been delayed spent an additional 60,696 days in hospital.

This is seven per cent higher than the same month in 2023.

Public Health Scotland data found that in November 2024 there were more than 2,000 people whose discharge was delayed, with many of them likely to have been waiting for care arrangements to be made.

The Scottish Tories said the statistics “exposed the true scale of the delayed discharge crisis on the Scottish National Party’s (SNP’s) watch”.

Dr Sandesh Gulhane, the party’s health spokesperson, said extreme delays to discharge should be a “source of shame” to the SNP.

He said: “It is scarcely believable that any patient would be stuck in one of Scotland’s hospitals for over seven years.

“Patients up and down the country are suffering shocking waits of several years despite the then SNP health secretary Shona Robison promising to eradicate delayed discharge almost a decade ago.

“These disgraceful figures should be a source of shame for the successive SNP health secretaries who have followed her.

“They have allowed a permanent crisis to exist in Scotland’s hospitals and frontline social care services.’

What is the NHS discharge crisis?

The problem is there’s not enough support for them in the community, like social care, so they end up stuck in hospital beds.

This causes a backlog, puts extra pressure on hospitals, and is one of the big factors behind the wider NHS crisis.

A Scottish government spokesperson said: “While we cannot comment on individual patients, there are some highly complex cases – including mental health patients or hospital-based complex clinical care patients – where unfortunately it is extremely difficult to find an appropriate care package.

“Long-term hospital inpatient cases of this nature remain rare, and the latest published official statistics shows the median length of delay for NHS Fife was 20 days.

“We have seen a reduction in delayed discharge in many councils in recent months and are working closely with all councils to review performance and escalate where we are not seeing necessary improvements in delayed discharge.”

Jim Crombie, deputy chief executive of NHS Lothian, said: “Very often when a patient is delayed in hospital for a long time, it is because they require a significant and complex, bespoke package of care that is difficult for health and social care partnerships to provide in the community.

“The issue of delayed discharge is a complicated challenge for the NHS, Health and Social Care Partnerships and council colleagues.

“We know that home is the best place for a patient to recover as soon as they are well enough and as a result, we continue to work closely with our four health and social care partners in Lothian to tackle delayed discharges, including increasing community health care capacity, home care and care home availability.”

Empty hospital ward with several beds and medical equipment.
Dr Sandesh Gulhane, the Scottish Tories health spokesperson, said extreme delays to discharge should be a “source of shame”[/caption]

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