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Renee Zellweger Admits She ‘Wasn’t Healthy’ Before Acting Hiatus: ‘I Needed to Stop’

She’s had an enviable career, but in 2010, after more than a decade on Holly wood’s A-list, Oscar-winner Renée Zellweger needed a break. “I was sick of the sound of my own voice,” she exclusively tells Closer. “When I was working, I was like, ‘Oh, my gosh, listen to you. Are you sad again, Renée?...

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Скарлетт Йоганссон зізналася, які поради дає 10-річній дочці з приводу стосунків

  Популярна голлівудська акторка Скарлетт Йоганссон зізналася, що почала говорити з дочкою на тему особистого життя. 40-річна зірка «Месників» розповіла у шоу Today with Jenna and Friends, що нещодавно ознайомила 10-річну Роуз із поняттям «гостінг» (різке припинення стосунків без попередження та пояснення причин). Під час однієї із розмов дівчинка розсекретила зірковій мамі, що перестала спілкуватися […]

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Чи можна їсти смажену шкірку риби: плюси та мінуси, про які мало хто говорить

Чи може вона бути небезпечною? Смажена шкірка риби — це делікатес, який можна зустріти в різних кухнях світу. Але виникає питання: чи можна взагалі їсти смажену шкірку риби, інформує Ukr.Media. Шкірка риби: корисна чи шкідлива Шкірка риби містить багато корисних речовин, таких як омега-3 жирні кислоти, вітаміни A і D, та колаген. Вони сприяють зміцненню […]

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Кухарі розкрили основні “хитрощі”, як смачно приготувати кускус

  Кускус можна сміливо віднести до вишуканих гарнірів, поява яких на столі не може не тішити домочадців. На перший погляд здається, що з цією стравою жодних складнощів виникнути не може, адже її просто потрібно запарити водою. Однак при правильному підході кускус виходить по-справжньому апетитним. Правильний вид кускуса При покупці продукту завжди звертайте увагу на його […]

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Шольц висловився про пропозицію Трампа переселити палестинців із Сектора Гази

  0 Політик назвав цю ініціативу “неприйнятною”. Канцлер Німеччини Олаф Шольц розкритикував пропозицію президента США Дональда Трампа щодо переселення палестинців із Сектора Гази до Йорданії та Єгипту. Шольц наголосив на підтримці рішення про створення двох держав, що передбачає мирне співіснування ізраїльтян і палестинців. За його словами, Палестинська адміністрація має взяти на себе відповідальність за Сектор […]

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Noel Clarke fails in bid to have Guardian’s defence thrown out in £10million libel court action

ACTOR Noel Clarke yesterday failed in a bid to have The Guardian’s defence thrown out in a £10million libel court action.

The Doctor Who star and newspaper will now go to trial on March 3 over its claims he sexually harassed 20 women.

Noel Clarke leaving a preliminary hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice.
Noel Clarke has failed in a bid to have The Guardian’s defence thrown out in a £10million libel court action
Noel Clarke at the dunhill Pre-BAFTA dinner.
Stories in 2021 and 2022 accused Clarke of groping, bullying and sending sexually explicit images between 2004 and 2019 to women he met through work[/caption]

Stories in 2021 and 2022 accused Clarke, who was also in crime drama Kidulthood, of groping, bullying and sending sexually explicit images between 2004 and 2019 to women he met through work.

His barrister, Philip Williams, told the High Court that Clarke could not have sent one alleged “d*** pic” in May 2015 because he had not by then met his accuser.

Clarke, 49 — suspended by Bafta after the stories were published — accuses Guardian News & Media of perverting justice by deleting and fabricating evidence.

Mr Williams said journalists’ message threads were modified to try to “swindle” Clarke.

Referring to Clarke, who was in court, he said of the claims: “The police were so disinterested they didn’t even speak to my client.”

Gavin Millar, KC, for GNM — which is defending Clarke’s action on the grounds of truth and public interest — said its reporting was based on interviews with 22 people.

He said the deleted threads were “routine and banal conversations” between three journalists about “minor tweaks” to stories.

Mrs Justice Steyn rejected the plea to strike out the Guardian’s defence, reserving her reasons for a written judgment.

Noel Clarke arriving at the High Court.
Paul Edwards
Clarke and The Guardian will now go to trial on March 3 over its claims he sexually harassed 20 women[/caption]

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‘I was fit to kill’ – RTE star Donal Skehan recalls travel nightmare and shares top tips for travelling with young kids

RTE chef Donal Skehan has shared his genius hack for keeping young kids happy while traveling on holiday. 

The celebrity chef and his wife Sofia have two kids together, Noah, six, and four-year-old Oliver.

Donal Skehan with his family and baguettes.
Donal Skehan has given his best travel advice for travelling with young kids
Arthur Gourounlian and Donal Skehan making peace signs.
Donal was recently away on a trip with his long time pal Arthur Gourounlian

Donal and his family frequently enjoy exotic holidays and often times the RTE star has to travel for work.

And he has offered his advice to parents with young kids on how he keeps his young lads quiet on long plane rides.

Speaking to RSVP, he said: “Entertainment comes first. I bought these toiletry bags that people hang on the back of their bathroom door, but I fill them with activities, toys, snacks and books. It’s perfect for a long-haul flight and it’s important to set them up with as much as you can, or else you will be up and down every five minutes.

“We brought the boys to Marrakech, somewhere that families don’t really go, but it’s important to be brave and let them have new experiences. You have to let them explore as much as you want to explore and don’t project any fears you might have on them.”

He explained that it is he and his wife’s dream to travel as much of the world with their kids as they can – and the family frequently visits Southeast Asia.

He said: “We would love them to experience it, and at a younger age, if possible. Those experiences are so formative.

“We always encourage them to try new foods and travelling overseas is a lovely way to experience new cultures.”

The dad-of-two also revealed that India is on his bucket list of countries to visit and would like to go there in the “next 10 years”.

Donal also joked about his biggest travel nightmare, which occurred just as he was leaving a hotel.

He explained: “I once managed to get a laptop into a safe, but I wasn’t able to get it back out. I had a total breakdown. It happened at the moment I was leaving the hotel, so there wasn’t time to deal with it.

“I was fit to kill someone at the time, luckily I can laugh about it now. Stressful and panicked moments happen on every trip.”

Recently Donal enjoyed a low budget trip to Madeira with his long-time pal Arthur Gourounlian.

The pair embarked on the trip as part of RTE series High Road, Low Road.


The hit travel show pairs top celebrities and sends them off to popular holiday destinations.

Although both celebrities are headed to the same location, they have very different experiences.

Each star is presented with an envelope: in one, is everything they need for a five-star holiday; inside the other, it’s the holiday from hell.

It’s the luck of the draw who gets what.

Arthur enjoyed a luxurious five-star hotel in the heart of Funchal, the island’s main city.

He was put up in a suite that boasted panoramic views of the ocean and was priced at €784 per night.

On the low road, Donal took a bus to his more humble three-star €83 a night hotel room that had a twin bed and en-suite and kitchen.

Walking in to his accommodation, Donal remarked: “It’s not terrible… at least it’s clean.”

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