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A Few Words from VOX ATL’s Founder – Rachel Alterman Wallack

As you know – VOX ATL is ever-evolving, and today, we write to share some exciting and important words from Rachel Alterman Wallack, founder of VOX ATL and current Mission Director:

Dear VOX ATL family, 

I’ve had the privilege of learning and leading with y’all for more than 30 years, and I’ve loved every bit of it! From our roots as a youth-led, uncensored publisher to growing our holistic youth development model, this work has been truly transformational for so many, including me! To expand some of the important work born at VOX that extends beyond our mission, I have decided to step down from my role on staff at the end of June. 

Through the training and coaching I have done alongside many of you with organizations across the state and around the country, I’ve seen a critical need for more organizations and institutions to have support in effectively centering youth voices. So, I am excited to expand this training and TA work to help realize a world where every youth-impacting organization values and benefits from meaningful youth voice. I’ll have more to share later this year, and look forward to including your voice in that endeavor!  

Though this expanded work will be distinct from VOX ATL, Charaun and I see plenty of opportunities to collaborate! We know there’s an important intersection of VOX’s publishing youth voices and the broader needs of the youth-serving community!

My support for VOX ATL, for Charaun as our Executive Director, and for our talented team, extends far beyond any role on staff I have held. I am excited for VOX ATL’s future, especially in a world that truly needs reliable media that centers teens’ uncensored stories! I’m also excited to co-craft fantastic ways to partner, to continue to amplify youth voices with a shared vision of a world where all youth are heard, believed, and valued. 

We all know the phrase “Once A VOXer Always a VOXer,” and that’s a commitment I plan to keep. It’s more than a catch phrase: We’re a community! And I hope to see you soon, championing VOX ATL and the many ways we can amplify youth voices together. 

With big VOXy Love,



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